The Wizards module provides many timesaving features for Suite users. Document creation is combined with database updates, and complex or tedious tasks can be accomplished with a minimum of effort. Each wizard provides step-by-step instruction for performing the specified task.
Wizard Categories
Categories are a method of grouping wizards based on their function. As new wizards are added to Suite, categories will keep them organized.
Only a user with Reports Administrator or System Administrator access rights can assign a wizard to a category with the exception of Favorites. To add a wizard to your list of favorites, select the item and click Add to Favorites.
Available Wizards
Copy Matter Wizard – Allows you to create up to 1,000 new matter records at one time using an existing matter as a template. This wizard can be run from the Wizards module or the Matters module.
Global Assign/Reassign/Unassign Wizard – Provide a timesaving method for the global assignment of a player to one or more matters, the global reassignment of matters from one player to new players, and the global unassignment of a player from one or more matters. These potentially complex tasks are accomplished with a minimum of effort.
Timekeeper File Import – Allows you to import a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file with records for people that are considered timekeepers for invoicing.
Matter Restricted Wizard – Allows you to give matter permissions to users that don't belong to the matter logical group.
The following topics will help get you started using the Wizards module: