Offices and Office Settings
You can access Firm Office settings for each Office by clicking on the Office's link under Office Name on the Offices page of the CSM Settings area. The Offices page contains links to all Office records that are mapped with Collaborati Firm Offices. The settings described in the next sections are optional.
The following Office information is filled out by the Office Firm and sent to TeamConnect CSM from Collaborati. The Office is then mapped to a contact record, which can be maintained manually or updated with the Office information automatically. The Office Firm status is either active or inactive once they’ve been authorized and mapped to CSM. This section includes: General Office Information, Access Information (who created the Firm Office and who has modified it), Office Details, Mailing Address Details, and Account Information (It provides banking details like account country, account number, routing number information, and account holder's name).
If Budget Collaboration and Sharing is turned on in the CSM Settings/Budgets tab then TeamConnect Budgeting Templates or Custom Budget Account structure provides the option to share the budgets through CSM to Collaborati. It also has the option to allow the Office Firms in Collaborati to edit and submit budgets.
The Budget tab on the Office record shows all the budget requests related to that Office Firm.
Office Billing Codes and Tax Codes
By default, all your external Task Codes, Expense Codes (defined on the Invoice Line Item object definition), Activity Codes (if any used) will be assigned for all Offices based on the current CSM Settings level Billing Codes pages (Task Codes, Expense Codes, Activity Codes). Similarly, Non-US Tax Codes will be applied to all Offices based on the CSM Settings level Non-US Tax Codes page settings. For more information, see Authorizing Billing and Tax Codes Globally. You can also customize the authorized Billing Codes and Non-US Tax Codes lists per Office.
To set Office billing codes and tax codes
- (optional) For Task Codes:
From a Office account, click Task Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Task Codes for this Office, click Apply Default. For more information, see Authorizing Task Codes Globally.
Authorize/unauthorize a code by selecting the corresponding check box. - (optional) For Expense Codes:
From a Office account, click Expense Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Expense Codes for this Office, click Apply Default. For more information, see Authorizing Expense Codes Globally.
Authorize a code by selecting its box or unauthorize a code by clearing its box. - (optional) For Activity Codes:
From a Office account, click Activity Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Activity Codes for this Office, click Apply Default. For more information see Authorizing Activity Codes Globally.
Authorize a code by selecting its box or unauthorize a code by clearing its box. - (optional) For Non-US Tax Codes:
From a Office account, click Non-US Tax Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Non-US Tax Codes for this Office, click Apply Default. For more information see Authorizing Non-US Tax Codes Globally.
Authorize a code by selecting its box or unauthorize a code by clearing its box. - To save changes, click Save, or to cancel changes, click Cancel.
Tip: If you click the Apply Default button from any of the Office's billing code authorization pages (Task Codes, Expense Codes, Activity Codes) or Non-US Tax Codes page and then want to revert to the previously authorized billing codes list, click Cancel. After you click Apply Default and click Save, you will not be able to revert to the previously authorized billing codes unless you recorded the information and manually set authorizations for the Office's billing code pages.
Tip: For Non-US Tax Codes, you may find it useful to give access to minimal Non-US Tax Codes from CSM Settings and apply those authorization settings across all Offices. Then for individual Office accounts, you can edit Non-US Tax Codes authorization (for example, authorizing only the Non-US Tax Codes that are relevant to your Office countries). For more information, see Authorizing Non-US Tax Codes Globally.
On the Office record, there is a search view of the authorized Timekeepers for that Office. It includes their Name, Category, specified Timekeeper ID, and Contact record. The timekeeper name, category and TK ID are sent from Collaborati. The search also shows the last time the Timekeeper records were updated. Name links to their Timekeeper record and Contact links to their contact card. Home Office links to the Office designated as home office in Collaborati.
Office Timekeeper Settings
On Office Timekeeper Settings page clients will able to setup the Timekeeper General Settings, DEI Data, Authorization and Submission settings.
Note: To enable the Timekeeper Settings for a timekeeper, clients need to stop CSM Sync with Collaborati.
For more information on Timekeeper settings refer to link.
Setting Office Rates
From a Office record's Rates page, you can set default rates for a Office's timekeepers in the Office Rates section.
Use the Default Rates page of CSM Settings to view or edit the default rates for all Offices. For more information, see Getting Started, Setting Default Rates, and Setting Timekeeper Rates.
Note: If rate sharing is enabled, Office rates appear under the client profile in Collaborati. You find out if rate sharing is enabled on the Default Rates page of the CSM Settings. The Rate Sharing field will display On or Off. If it displays Off and you wish to activate rate sharing, contact Mitratech Support.
CSM Office Account - Rates Page
To set Office rates
- From the Office record, click the Rates link from the left pane. The Rates page opens, listing the default rates for this Office that have been set.
Either a Timekeeper Category drop-down list or Task Code drop-down list will display, depending on the current option selected on the CSM Settings Default Rates page, Apply Timekeeper Rates drop-down list (Task Code or Timekeeper Category). - To set rates for the current Office's timekeepers:
- From the Office Rates section click Edit.
- For each rate to add, do the following:
Select the Task Code or Timekeeper Category from the available drop-down list.
The Task Codes options are Line Item task codes set up in the Line Item object definition in TeamConnect. The Timekeeper Categories options are standard LEDES timekeeper categories (see Setting Default Rates). - Type the authorized rate for tasks or categories with this code in the Rate field.
- (optional) In the From and To date fields, you can specify a date range for when these task rates will be valid. If specified, validation would default to this rate only within the specified time period.
- Click Add.
You can leave the From and To date fields empty if the rate should apply indefinitely.
- Click a save option. The Office's new rates are defined.
Note: The CSM Settings Default Rates table is view-only but you can click a link to open the CSM Settings area. You can navigate to the CSM Settings Default Rates page and edit it.
Applying Office Requested Rates
Rate requests are requests with proposed hourly rates that Offices submit through Collaborati. After you receive these requests, you can approve them, with or without proposing another rate, or reject them. You can also include comments to the Office.
Note: Offices can only send rates if rate collaboration is enabled. You find out if rate collaboration is enabled on the Default Rates page of the CSM Settings. The Rate Collaboration field will display On or Off. If it displays Off and you wish to activate rate collaboration, contact Mitratech Support.
If you approve a Timekeeper Rate or Invoice Task Rate, the rate displays on the Rates page of the timekeeper's contact record. If you approve a Office Rate, the rate displays on the Rates page of the Office record. If the time period of an existing rate of the same type overlaps with the rates in the request, the original rate updates without the conflicting dates.
Note: If rate requests display an approval status when your system receives them, contact the system administrator to activate the rate request approval rule.
To view the rates requests from a Office
Note: For the most up-to-date rate requests, sync CSM with Collaborati. For more information about synchronization, see Starting or Stopping CSM Synchronization with Collaborati.
- From the Office record, click the Rate Requests link in the left pane.
- Click the link for a rate request.
- From the Rate page for the request, you can see the fields in the Rate Requests Page table.
- Select a save option to save your comments.
Rate Requests Page
Field |
Description |
Request Name |
A descriptive name the Office gave the request. |
Office |
The Office who submitted the request. |
Requested Date |
The date the Office submitted the request. |
Requested By |
The name of the user who submitted the request. |
Approval Status |
One of the following values:
No. of Timekeepers |
The number of timekeepers rates associated with this request. |
No. of Tasks |
The number of task rates associated with this request. |
View |
A pull-down field for selecting the type of rates you want to view. See the description of the Type field for explanations of each. |
Accepted |
A status that displays whether or not individual rates have been accepted as part of the request. The request can still be approved, even if a rate is not accepted. |
Timekeeper |
The name of the timekeeper, if it applies, associated with the rate. |
TK Code |
The task code, if it applies, associated with the rate. |
Type |
The type of rate:
Currency |
The currency type of the rate. |
Current |
The current hourly rate if one exists for the timekeeper, code, and date range. This field also displays if the rate item is invalid. |
Proposed |
The proposed rate the Office submitted. |
Approved |
The rate amount that you approve. This amount can be the Proposed rate or a new rate that you enter. |
Change |
The percentage difference between the Current rate and the Approved rate. |
Start Date |
The start date of the time period for the rate. |
End Date |
The end date of the time period for the rate. |
Office Notes |
Notes the Office included for this rate. |
Notes |
Notes you can enter for this rate. |
Office Comments |
Comments the Office included for this request. |
Comments |
Comments you can enter for this request. |
To approve a rate request
Note: You can also approve rate requests from the My Approvals page. If you approve rate requests from My Approvals, you must still complete steps 1-7 to accept the rate items.
- From the Rate Requests page, click the link for a rate request.
- Click the Edit button.
- To edit a rate, under the Approved column, enter a new number for the rate.
- Under the Accepted column for Rate Items, place a check-mark in the check-box of each rate you want to approve.
If you decide not to accept a rate, you can still approve the rate request. The request will indicate which rates you do not approve. - (Optional) Under the Notes column, enter reasons you made a change or did not accept a rate.
- (Optional) In the Comments field for the request, enter additional notes.
- From the save drop-down, select Save & View.
- Click the Approve button.
- Click the Confirm Approval button on the popup.
To reject a rate request
- From the Rate Requests page, click the link for a rate request.
- Click the Reject button.
- Click the Confirm Rejection button on the popup.
Sharing Documents with a Collaborati Office
You can upload documents, such as billing guidelines, to share with a Collaborati Office's administrators. There are two ways to share documents with Collaborati Offices:
- You can share documents globally (with all Collaborati Offices)
or - You can share documents with a specific Collaborati Office
This page describes sharing documents with a specific Collaborati Office. For more information about sharing documents globally (with all Collaborati Offices), see Sharing Documents.
The following shared document file formats are supported:
- .DOC
- .GIF
- .PNG
- .RTF
- .TXT and other files that are text format
- .XLS
- .XML
Shared documents are transferred to Collaborati at synchronization time. After documents are initially transferred to Collaborati, only new or updated documents are transferred to Collaborati. When you delete a shared document, at the next synchronization with Collaborati, the document will be removed from Collaborati.
Note: You cannot upload executable files (.EXE format) or zip files (.ZIP, .JAR formats). Executable files and zip files will not be transferred to Collaborati.
Note: You can upload, update, or delete shared documents regardless of whether synchronization between CSM and Collaborati is running.
Collaborati Office Administrators will receive an email notification at midnight of the day when documents are transferred from CSM Settings to Collaborati. Only Collaborati Office Administrators will have access to shared documents in Collaborati.
To share documents with a Collaborati Office
- From CSM Settings, click the Offices link from the left pane. From the resulting Offices list, click the Office Name link of the Office to share documents with. From the Office record, click the Document Sharing link from the left pane. The Collaborati Document Sharing page opens.
- Click the Upload icon. Navigate to the file to upload and click Open.
Although you upload each document separately, multiple documents can be uploaded. The maximum total documents file size is 5MB. - By default, only the documents shared from the Office Account Collaborati Document Sharing page will be transferred to the Collaborati Office. To add the documents shared from the global Document Sharing page to those files transferred to the Collaborati Office select the Also share documents attached to the CSM Settings record with this Office check box.
To update shared documents for a Collaborati Office
- From CSM Settings, click the Offices link from the left pane. From the resulting Offices list, click the Office Name link of the Office to share documents with. From the Office record, click the Document Sharing link from the left pane. The Collaborati Document Sharing page opens.
- Click the Check Out icon.
- Click the Check In icon and navigate to the file to upload and click Open.
When the next synchronization between CSM and Collaborati occurs, the updated file(s) will be transferred to Collaborati and replace the previous file version(s).
To delete shared documents for a Collaborati Office
- From CSM Settings, click the Offices link from the left pane. From the resulting Offices list, click the Office Name link of the Office to share documents with. From the Office record, click the Document Sharing link from the left pane. The Collaborati Document Sharing page opens.
- Check the document(s) to delete. Click the Delete icon.
When the next synchronization between CSM and Collaborati occurs, the deleted file(s) will be removed from Collaborati.
Note: The following operations are not allowed from the Collaborati Document Sharing page: creating subfolders, creating shortcuts, and creating hyperlinks. Subfolders, shortcuts, and hyperlinks will not be transferred to Collaborati.
Managing Office Information
Office records contain general information about the Office, such as contact information, company Tax ID, and Office status.
CSM Office - General Page
Modifying a Office Contact
Use the Contact field to change the name of the contact associated with this Office. Use the Appeals Invoicing check-box to enable or disable Appeals Invoices on a per-Office basis.
To modify a Office contact
- If necessary, click the CSM tab.
- In the left pane, click the General link.
The Office's General page opens. - Click Edit.
- In the Contact field, search for and select a new contact.
- Select the Appeals Invoicing check-box to enable Appeals Invoicing for the Office. Deselect the Appeals Invoicing check-box to disable Appeals Invoicing for the Office.
- Select a save option.
Once your Offices are selected, they must be activated before submitting invoices to your company.
Activating or Deactivating a Office Manually
You can activate or deactivate Offices manually. Only active Offices can submit invoices to your company. To activate Offices automatically during the Office authorization process, see Defining Global Billing Code, Office, and Timekeeper Settings.
To activate a Office
- Click the CSM tab.
- Click the CSM Settings sub-link.
- In the left pane, click the Office link.
The Offices page opens. - Search for the Office you wish to activate.
- Click on the Office record to open it.
- In the General page of the Office record, click the Activate button.
- The record status changes to active.
- Select a save option
To deactivate a Office
- Click the CSM tab.
- Click the CSM Settings sub-link.
- In the left pane, click the Office link.
The Offices page opens. - Search for the Office you wish to deactivate.
- Click on the Office record to open it.
- In the General page of the Office record, click the Deactivate button.
- Select a save option.