The General page of CSM Settings allows configuration of settings that affect all Billing Codes, all Offices, and all Timekeepers. Select Edit to define or change the settings described below.
For Code Settings, you can select:
- Whether to automatically authorize new Billing Codes (including Task Codes, Expense Codes, Activity Codes, Non-US Tax Codes).
- Indicates whether new TeamConnect global billing codes (Task Codes, Expense Codes, Activity Codes, and Non-US Tax Codes) will be automatically authorized. By default, this check box is selected.
- To disable automatic authorization, clear the automatically authorize new codes check box. Afterward, you can manually authorize codes individually from the CSM Settings Task Codes page, Expense Codes page, Activity Codes page, or Non-US Tax Codes page.
For Firm Settings, you can select:
- Whether to automatically create TeamConnect contact records with the latest Collaborati firm information.
- Indicates whether a office's TeamConnect contact record will be automatically created from the Collaborati office account upon CSM sync. By default, this check box is selected.
- Whether to automatically update TeamConnect contact records with the latest Collaborati firm information.
- Indicates whether a office's TeamConnect contact record will be automatically updated with changes in the Collaborati office account upon CSM sync. By default, this check box is selected.
- Whether to automatically authorize timekeepers for all other offices.
- Indicates whether Firm Timkeepers are automically authorized for all of the parent Firm's Office Firms in CSM Settings. By default, this check box is selected.
- To disable automatic Firm Timekeeper activation, clear the Automatically activate offices after authorization check box. Afterwards, you can manually activate Firm Timekeepers.
For Office Settings, you can select:
- Whether to automatically update TeamConnect contact records with the latest Collaborati office information.
- Indicates whether an office's TeamConnect contact record will be automatically updated with changes in the Collaborati office account. By default, this check box is selected.
- Whether to Do not update the office currency field on the mapped contact record.
- Indicates whether the contact records should be updated with latest Collaborati office information except the billing currency will not be updated on the contact record. By default this check box is unselected.
Note: The above setting is going to display if Automatically update contact records with the latest Collaborati office information is selected; if not the above setting will not be displayed.
- Indicates whether offices are activated after authorization in CSM Settings. By default, this check box is selected.
- To disable automatic office activation, clear the automatically activate offices after authorization check box. Afterwards, you can manually activate offices.
Whether to automation activate offices after authorization
- Whether to send all adjustment comments to office.
- Whether to, upon the next sync, retry GUID assignment for records which failed previously.
- Whether to encrpyt a firm office's account and routing number.
- Account and Routing Numbers Encrypted (Yes/No) - if Yes, the accounting fields will be visible in the UI but encrypted in the database. This is a custom field.
- If a Client wants to decrypt these values for a customization or integration, they should use "TCStringEncrypter.decrypt(String)" from the TeamConnect API. To determine if an Office's Account and Routing Numbers are encrypted, use the "accountInfoEncrypted" field from the Office object.
- Account and Routing Numbers Encrypted (Yes/No) - if Yes, the accounting fields will be visible in the UI but encrypted in the database. This is a custom field.
For Timekeeper Settings, you can select:
- For the list of standard Timekeeper classifications, you will define if that Timekeeper classification's charges on invoices will be authorized and if you will maintain individual contact records in the system for all Timekeepers of a particular classification. Each Timekeeper in Collaborati will be associated with one of these categories.
- Authorize Invoice Charges—For each Timekeeper category, indicates whether timekeeper charges on invoices will be authorized.
- You can prevent automatic authorization of timekeepers of specific categories by clearing the Authorize Invoice Charges check box for the timekeeper category. The following should apply:
- You will not allow any offices to submit charges for certain timekeeper categories.
- Maintain Contact Records—Indicates whether individual TeamConnect contact records will be maintained for timekeepers of a particular category. By default, individual contact records are maintained for the Partner, Paralegal, and Associate categories only (or this check box is selected for the Partner, Paralegal, and Associate categories).
- You can indicate that you do not want to create and maintain individual contact records for timekeepers in any classification category by clearing the corresponding Timekeepers are to be maintained in TeamConnect as individual contact records check box.
- For example, if you allow charges for timekeepers in the classification "Other timekeeper" (for timekeepers who do not fit under the existing timekeeper classifications), however you do not want to create and maintain a contact card for each of them. In this case, all of the timekeepers in this classification will be automatically mapped to the "Other" timekeeper contact card (per office record).
- Authorize Invoice Charges—For each Timekeeper category, indicates whether timekeeper charges on invoices will be authorized.
- Also under the Timekeepers section, set up global configuration for timekeepers, including:
- Automatically create new contact records with Collaborati timekeeper information—This setting will automatically authorize and approve the timekeeper in TeamConnect as well as create a new contact record for the Collaborati Office timekeeper. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Automatically update contact records with latest Collaborati timekeeper information—Indicates whether TeamConnect contact records will be automatically updated with the latest Collaborati Timekeeper account information.
These apply only to Timekeepers maintained as individual contacts. If you choose not to maintain some timekeeper categories as individual contacts, TeamConnect will use the default contact listed in the office contact card, which will not be updated with name or other information changes. - Timekeeper IDs are saved in contact records under—Use this field only if the Automatically create new contact records with Collaborati timekeeper information check box is selected. The selected drop-down list option indicates which contact field (Employee ID, State Driver's License, or Social Security Number) maps to the Collaborati Timekeeper ID field. If this check box is selected, the existing Collaborati Timekeeper ID value will auto-populate the selected contact record field.
- Ignore Timekeepers on Invoice Expense Line Items—Indicates whether offices will be able to associate timekeepers with invoice expense line items. By default, this check box is cleared, meaning Timekeepers can be associated with invoice expense line items.
If the check box is selected, any timekeeper information that offices may associate with invoice expense line items won't be passed to TeamConnect, resulting in timekeeper information being empty in expense line items in invoices that come from Collaborati.
- The matching algorithm in the New Timekeeper Authorization Wizard will use timekeepers' name, phone number, email address, and company (Office Profile Name) values for matching against your existing contacts.
- For clients who already have some timekeepers that need mapping with offices' timekeepers information from Collaborati, it is recommended to leave Automatically create new contact records with Collaborati timekeeper information cleared, map the timekeepers, and then come back and select this option so that your offices' newly added timekeepers will be automatically added. Please see Authorizing or Unauthorizing Timekeepers for help with this process.
The following table displays the default settings for the Timekeeper Category table on the CSM Settings, General page.
Timekeeper Category Table Settings (General Page)
Timekeeper Category |
Authorize Invoice Charges (X-enabled) |
Maintain Contact Records (X-enabled) |
Partner |
X |
X |
Paralegal |
X |
X |
Associate |
X |
X |
Of Counsel |
X |
Legal Assistant |
X |
Secretary or Clerk |
X |
Summer Intern |
X |
Non-Legal Professional |
X |
Other Timekeeper |
X |
For Appeals Invoicing, you can select:
- Under the Appeals Invoicing section, Allow appeals invoicing—Indicates whether offices are allowed to appeal invoices. By default, this check-box is not selected. When this check-box is selected, Appeals Invoices will be enabled for all offices. Appeals Invoices can be disabled on a per-office basis in the office record.
- Click Save.
For LEDES Settings, you can select:
CSM 4.0 Update 3+ provides the ability to access and retain original LEDES files submitted by offices.
These files are unable to be edited by either the client or the office, and thus meet compliance regulations regarding the non-repudiation of LEDES invoices.
Setting Up LEDES Retention
- Contact Mitratech Support ( to set up LEDES retention.
Note: Offices are not able to change this function.
- Once enabled on the office side, navigate to the Settings of the CSM tab in TeamConnect.
- Select the check-box at the bottom of the General tab labeled Archive LEDES Documents.
- Save your settings to complete setup.
Viewing LEDES Records
After a successful upload and sync of a LEDES file, TeamConnect will automatically create a folder for that office in the Documents section of your instance. This folder will be exclusively for that office and will include all LEDES files before and after retention is enabled.
Note: Attachments to the LEDES file will not be retained in this folder.
Users are able to locate invoices within the folder by the Date Modified tab, which serves to display the upload time and date of the invoice. Any invoices uploaded with the same file name will automatically append -1, -2, -3, etc. to the end of the name to preserve unique names for all invoices. If users attempt to add an item manually in the LEDES document category, or change an existing item to that category, they will generate an error stating "This file cannot be categorized as a LEDES Document, only files directly sent from Collaborati may choose this category. Please choose another category."
Note: Users are not able to manually upload files to the LEDES archive or change the category of uploaded files to "LEDES Documents."