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TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2.4 Release Notes

This set of release notes details the improvements, resolved issues, and known issues for TeamConnect Business Intelligence version 6.2.4.

Upgrade Instructions

For more information on upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrading to TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2.4.

Integration and Installation 

For more information on integration and installation, refer to TeamConnect Integration Guide 6.2.4.

Release Notes

Enhancement and Improvements

Enhancement: Ability to Turn ON/OFF system fields
Impact: To make eCube build faster and reduce the space usage, system fields that are rarely used in reporting are removed from the default eCube. A new functionality to "Turn ON/OFF system fields" allows services either to remove or re-add system fields without re-coding the de-normalized view.
Tracking code: TC-31806
Additional details: For more information, refer to Turn ON/OFF system fields.

Enhancement: Dynamic Buckets plugin - ability to group data on a calculated (aggregate) value
Impact: The Dynamic Buckets add-on supports aggregating a column, bar, and line chart’s results into buckets. This enables you to dynamically or manually segment the result population into groups while still retaining the filtering functionality.
Tracking code: TC-32011
Additional details: For more information, refer to TCBI - Dynamic Buckets.

Enhancement: Disable "Drill to Anywhere" setting for report viewers
Impact:  By default, “drill to anywhere” feature is disabled for the report viewers to prevent access to sensitive information. However, report designers and owners still have the ability to enable drill to anywhere setting for report viewers if required.
Tracking code: TC-32691
Additional details: This setting is disabled by default and will need to be enabled/disabled by a Services or Hosting team member. Custom Hierarchies will also require support from Services and Hosting. Instructions for using this feature and guidance on methods to manage security on dashboards can be found in the Tutorial for Report Designers.

Improvement: Build in Report Manager add-on for report scheduling
Impact: The Report Manager add-on provides extensive reporting functionality for the user to produce customized reports and schedule the reports with advanced options.
Tracking code: TC-33167
Additional details: For more information, refer to TCBI - Report Manager.

Improvement: New fields for starter ecube 
Impact: SI$_CONTACT_LEFT_RELATION / CONT_LEFT_CONTACT_ID$$ and SI$_CONTACT_RIGHT_RELATION / CONT_RIGHT_CONTACT_ID$$ are the new fields added to the starter ecube to make report creation easier in TeamConnect (in both Enterprise and Essentials).
Tracking code: TC-33113

Improvement: Expose security toggle to front end for Support
Impact: A new label "TCBI Security" displays the information related to TCBI security toggle to the users.
Tracking code: TC-32658
Additional details: Navigate to Admin > Admin Settings > Reporting > TCBI Information in TeamConnect to check the information related to TCBI Security.

Improvement: Script to hide the primary key  
Impact: Users can create the hyperlink on the entity level tables and hide the primary key by using the below script.
Tracking code: TC-32010
Additional details: The following is the script to hide primary key:


widget.on('ready', function(se, ev) { prism.createDrillDown(widget, "Contact Name", "Contact Primary Key", "CONT", "_self",""); } );


  • Contact Name, Contact Primary key and TC url in the above mentioned script are taken as examples. Users need to replace them with the exact field names which they are using to create the report.
  • Script to hide and hyperlink the primary key does not work with pivot table.

Improvement: Validate that null and N/A values are included and returned in results
Impact: Null values and N/A values are displayed in all widgets by default and are represented as mentioned below in various widgets:

  • Cartesian Charts: In Cartesian charts, null values are displayed as gaps in your data.
  • Pie Charts: TCBI displays null values in Pie charts in the “Others” slice.
  • Scatter Charts: Null values are not displayed.
  • Treemap: Null values are included in the “Others” box.
  • Scatter Map: Null values appear as a dot on the map.
  • Polar Charts: In place of null values, an empty pole is displayed.
  • Area Maps: null values are included in the map, however, no visual representation is displayed.

Note: Null filter does not work if the entire column is empty.

Tracking code: TC-31924

Improvement: Improved application behavior when running reports with cartesian products
Impact: New settings(M2M configuration parameters) are introduced to TCBI v6.2.4 and above versions that can handle M2M relationships which improves query performance. 
Tracking code: TC-31922
Additional details: For more information, refer to Better Handling of Cartesian Products

Fixed Bugs

Issue: The Export to Excel function for pivot tables is currently not working. Use Export to CSV instead.
Tracking code: TC-31923

Issue: Error on Project view build when Custom object unique_code start with number
Tracking code:TC-33395

Issue: Contact table is missing Alias Column
Tracking code: TC-33389

Issue: Deleting A Sisense User Using The REST API Hangs Sisense For 10-15 Minutes
Tracking code: TC-32656

Issue: Ghost Widget - Report sync failed due to multiple widgets having same unique ID in the dashboard
Tracking code: TC-26542

Issue: TeamConnect session may timeout while working in the Reports tab.
Tracking code: TC-21444

Issue: Label display missing for higher values on the bar/column chart.
Tracking code: TC-33796

Issue: Support the "_self" target for click-through scripts.
Tracking code: TC-22077

Known Issues

The following issue exists in TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2.4:

Issue: Scheduled report ignores the time zone setup, and sends based on server time zone. 
Impact: User has the ability to configure the scheduler by defining the specific time zones to share the reports. Scheduler ignores the time zone defined and sends the report based on the server time zone.
Tracking Code: TC-33847

Issue: Legal - Uncheck Remove from reporting for Involved party object
Impact: Remove from Reporting (Business Intelligence) option must be unchecked for Involved party object and this object should be included in eCube by default for Legal.
Tracking code: TC-33780

Issue: When multiple pivot tables are added to single dashboard and pivot tables consist of 5 or more columns, the resizing of the columns may not persist on the screen or when a scheduled report is sent by email.
Additional Information: If this issue is identified, a patch is available to fix it. For more assistance, please get in touch with customer support.
Tracking Code: TC-45624

Issue: In TC 6.2.4, the embedded portal panes are not displaying the hyperlink on pivot tables.
Tracking Code: TC-46784

Known Issues from Previous Versions 

The following known issues existed in TeamConnect Business Intelligence 6.2.2 and 6.2.1:

Issue: Inconsistent behavior in click-thru on Chrome and Firefox
Impact:  There are two issues:
1. The click-thru link in a report will take you to the object - a matter, invoice, contact, etc - but when you click the back button, it will not take you back to the report. In Chrome, you must click the back button twice before it takes you back to the report. In Firefox, it never goes back to the report. You have to go to the Reports tab to get back to your report.
2. If a widget is set up with a click-thru link(s) and you edit one of those scripts, it is not getting saved on Firefox and Chrome. The workaround is to edit the script and refresh the browser without clicking the Apply button.
Tracking code: TC-32573

Issue: TCBI plugins installer fails to complete when the Sisense administrative password contains ‘+’ and ‘&’ characters
Impact: A Sisense administrative password cannot contain either a ‘+’ or ‘&’ included or the installer will fail. In this scenario, the administrative password needs to be changed with those characters removed and the installer run again.
Tracking code: TC-32663

Issue: Due to caching, the "You might be interested in" fields may show older information from the ElasticCube although the actual object has been renamed. removed, or translated from the ElasticCube .
Tracking code: TC-28568

Issue: TeamConnect Business Intelligence does not support table names exceeding 149 characters, with non-alphanumeric characters are considered 4 characters. Table names are concatenated when they are multi-level so the table name may be smaller than 149, but the concatenation will drive it to a larger size.
Tracking code: TC-27773

Issue: TeamConnect incorrectly times out when a report designer is working on widgets and reports.
Tracking code: TC-23291

Issue: If a user restores a dashboard that has not been shared and then creates a new widget under the dashboard, the reporting structure does not display correctly.
Tracking code: TC-27113

Issue: The values for Ratio Function and Total Average for matters is not correct due to a limitation in Sisense.  The ratio is calculated by counting the number of closed matters divided by the number of opened. Sisense counts the number of opened and closed separately but it won't use the result of that calculation for another calculation. Thus, ratio is not doable using the standard, out of-the-box function. The average function behaves inconsistently, in most cases; it includes non-0 values but in certain cases, it excludes non-0 values. For example, if the input are "0,0,2,4,0,0", in most cases the average is (2+4)/6 = 1; however, sometimes the average is (2+4)/2 = 3
Workaround: The formula for calculating averages of all matters that includes null values is AVG([ID],if(isnull([Total Cost]),0,[Total Cost]))
Tracking code: TC-30376, Sisense 111406, TC-31925

Issue: Project relation is not reportable at this time. If enabled, the related objects will not have security applied, and it will not join to the actual object in the eCube. TeamConnect Business Intelligence can only display the related project number, project name and relation type regardless of the user's security.
Tracking code: TC-29792

Issue: Dynamically changing a report title with the results of a filter is not possible. For example, if you want the title of a report to dynamically insert an "As of" date, this title change is not possible.
Tracking code: TC-28829

The following known issues existed in TeamConnect 6.1.0:

Issue: An Elasticube schema sync fails if a Custom object is created in TeamConnect with Unique Code starting with numeric value.
Tracking code: TC-24611

Issue: When a user changes the ElastiCube in the Report Integration tool and clicks Update Report Integration, the system returns an error stating that one or more fields were left blank. If this happens, verify that the integration is shared with the same Sisense administrator you have listed in the file (part of the Reporting Tool).
Tracking code: TC-18188, TC-18576

Issue: Upon initial setup of the report integration, a client ID and environment is entered. TeamConnect uses this information to create a unique identifier for users on the report server and the information must not be changed after it is saved in the Report Integration Tool.
In the Report Integration tool, you must re-type any secured fields such as Password or SharedSecret when you are updating an integration.
Each TeamConnect user with an automatically created Sisense account must have a unique email address per Sisense server. This means that an on-premise client with a single Sisense server cannot have a TEST ElastiCube  and a PROD ElastiCube with users with the same email. The second time an email account is used, the user will not be created automatically on the Sisense server.
Tracking code: TC-16847

Issue: Renaming a group with the special characters '#' and '& and then renaming it back to the original name does not delete the group in Sisense with the special characters.
Workaround: Sisense admin can remove the additional group.
Tracking code: TC-19343

Issue: When editing a script for a widget, clicking the Apply button on the Edit Script window does not save the changes made to script. Workaround: After saving the script on the Edit Script window, refresh the page. 
Tracking code: TC-15263, Sisense Issue #55178

Issue: If a user is logged into Sisense as an admin, the user must log out or TeamConnect uses that session. The user would receive a "service not found" error or the dashboard shell appears but the data does not load. 
Tracking code: TC-21628

Issue: Users who have been granted the right to Perform other Actions in System Rights are granted Designer reporting rights.
Tracking code: TC-21483, TC-21483

Issue: After the cube name or cube set name has been changed, existing users data security is not applied to the new cube or cube set.
Workaround: Add the users to the data security for the cube manually.
Tracking code: TC-26500


Issue: Only a field that has unique values can be used to identify the proper record on a click through link.
Workaround: When creating a click-through link via scripting on a report, do not have the link appear on values that are non-unique.
Tracking code: TC-25545

Issue: Incorrect links are created on pivot reports because Primary key is added as Value rather than Row during report creation. Because Primary key is a numeric, it is totaled in the report instead of having a separate row.
Workaround: Manually move the Total Contact Primary Key to the "Rows" section to display the column as Contact Primary Key.
Tracking code: TC-25546

Issue: Clicking Edit Script after navigating to Advanced Configuration makes the reporting page freeze.
Workaround: Instead of Advanced Configuration, click the Edit Widget icon and then click Edit Script.
Tracking Code: TC-25544

Issue: The Reports tab landing page does not display when using Microsoft Windows 7 with Internet Explorer Version 11.0.9600.
Workaround: Open Microsoft Windows Settings >  Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced  and select Check Override automatic cookie handling and Check Always allow session cookies.
Tracking code: TC-15105

Issue: If a user opens the Reports tab in TeamConnect in a Google Chrome browser and then opens the Reports tab a new session on the same instance in Microsoft Internet Explorer, if the user tries to access the Reports tab again in Chrome, the login screen appears but returns an Error 404.
Tracking code: TC-14337

Issue: While attempting to open the Reporting tab, certain browser security extensions may cause TeamConnect Business Intelligence to loop, preventing it from loading properly.
Workaround: Disable the extension.
Tracking code: TC-17855

Issue: When a user clicks the Reports tab after viewing a report from the Report List, TeamConnect will display the legacy reports tab with a list of TeamConnect Business Intelligence reports.
Workaround: Click Reports tab again to open the TeamConnect Business Intelligence reporting interface.
Tracking code: TC-19403

Issue: Legacy button disappears from landing page when a dashboard is deleted.
Workaround: Refresh the page or click the Reports tab again.
Tracking code: TC-18802

Issue: When a user tries to share a dashboard with the admin and enters the admin's email into the text box, no option of invitation or auto-suggested list to include the admin appears. 
Workaround: After typing the admin's email address, press <Enter> and the dashboard will be shared with the admin.
Tracking code: TC-17894

Issue: The report name does not display on a report embedded in a portal pane. 
Workaround: Name the portal pane with the name of the report that you want to display in the portal pane.
Tracking code: TC-18482

Issue: The Reports tab does not work with Safari.
Workaround: Use another browser.
Tracking code: TC-21743

Issue: When a widget's type is changed from pivot to table, multiple duplicate entries are displayed in table.
Tips: To resolve duplicate entries, any contact related reports need to be created as pivot tables. In general, try not to create a report with aggregation for pivot type reports; these reports will sum your Identifiers.
Tracking code: TC-25543

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