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Search Results Settings

The following page outlines settings for how search results and parameters can be configured for your team.

Configuring Search Results

To configure search results:

  1. Select the Admin tab.
  2. Click Admin Settings under the tab bar.
  3. Click Search Results link in the left pane.
  4. Edit the fields based on descriptions in the Admin Settings - Search Results Page Fields Descriptions table.
  5. Click Update.

Search Results Settings Field Descriptions

The following table describes the options that appear on the Admin Setting - Search Results page.


Field Names and Descriptions (*=required)

Default Value

Search Settings Enable Custom Search—Select this checkbox to put a New Search link on each record type's list page. Clicking New Search brings up a set of search criteria and result fields that can be customized by the end user. Selected
Enable Interactive Grids - when enabled, Interactive Grids offer a new, modernized search view that includes new ways to interact with your data. More information is available here. Selected
Disable Global Search—Select this checkbox to remove the Global Search drop-down list and text input box from all pages. Cleared

Search Parameters

Default option in Global Search—To specify a default Global Search type, select an option from this drop-down list. The options include system objects and custom objects


*Minimum characters in Global Search— Type the minimum number of characters required for Global searching across All (records) or All Projects in the Minimum characters in Global Search field. 
Important: The minimum value is 1; however, values less than 3 may lead to large search result sets and slow response times.
*Records per result page—Type the number of records to display per page of search results. The default is 10. 10
*Card columns in contact card view— (Only for contacts search views where the Results Display Type is set to Card) For contacts search results, type the number of columns to display. The default is 3.
Contact the solution developer for more information about contacts search view configuration.
*Maximum Search results--Type the number of records to retrieve when users perform a search (Global or from a search view defined for an object type) in the Maximum Search results field.

To increase system performance when TeamConnect contains many records, you can lower  the number of search results that display.
*Maximum Search time (seconds)—Type the search timeout threshold. The default and minimum value is 10. If you are using the built-in reporting feature, you may wish to use a larger value. 10
* Maximum document size (MB) for search—Type the maximum document size for
content to be included in search and index. For documents larger than designated size, the metadata is indexed but not the content of the document. 
Number of times to retry should indexing fail - indicates the number of times that Elasticsearch will try to index a record before skipping it an moving to the next one. 10
Other Settings Show Number of Secure Results in Global Search Results—Do one of the following:
  • To display the number of Global Search results that the current user has rights to view, select the Show Number of Secure Results in Global Search Results checkbox.
  • To display the total number of Global Search results including records that the user does not have rights to view, clear the Show Number of Secure Results in Global Search Results checkbox.

Disallow Global Search on Related Records—Do one of the following:

  • To prevent Global Search results from searching related records, select the Disallow Global Search on Related Records checkbox.
  • To allow Global Search results from searching related records, clear the Disallow Global Search on Related Records checkbox.
Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result—Do one of the following:
  • To automatically populate a Contact field when the related Contact Search Module returns one record result, select the Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result checkbox.
  • To display a link to a record if a search returns one record result, clear the Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result checkbox.
Automatically populate Project field if search returns one result—Do one of the following:
  • To automatically populate a Project field when the related Project Search Module returns one record result, select the Automatically populate Project field if search returns one result checkbox.
  • To display a link to a record if a search returns one record result, clear the Automatically populate Project field if search returns one result checkbox.

Enable search across all projects for Project field—Do one of the following:

  • To make searches across all custom objects (projects) available to users, select the Enable search across all projects for Project field checkbox.
  • To restrict searches to a custom object type, clear the Enable search across all projects for Project field checkbox.

Custom Search will Respect Custom Field Rights—Do one of the following:

  • To prevent users who do not have rights to a custom field from searching on that field, select the Custom Search will Respect Custom Field Rights checkbox.
  • To allow users who do not have rights to a custom field to search on that field, clear the Custom Search will Respect Custom Field Rights checkbox. 
  • Selected for new new TeamConnect implementations
  • Cleared for upgraded TeamConnect implementations
Focus Exact Matches in Search Results - when enabled will show an exact match for the search team entered by disregarding any characters considered white space such as the hyphen. Cleared
Highlight Matched Result Fragments in Results (Modification requires application restart for changes to take place. Dropping the object index and reindexing is required when enabling, and recommended when disabling) - when enabled, Global Search results will show the highlighted field where the search hit on a record. If a search hits on a field not displayed as part of the search view, Global Search will display that field "on the fly" so the User can see where their search hit. Selected
Maximum Number of Highlight Hit Fields to Display - A search result could have many fields highlighted that match the search. This setting controls the number of fields displayed with each result.  4
Enable the Creation of a Custom UUID for Global Search Indexing (Recommended for On-Premise Clients Only) - The UUID is necessary for multi-tenant Elasticsearch clusters in order to differentiate between Clients. This setting allows Clients to define a custom UUID that is shorter than the standard. This allows a Client to index about 3 times more objects before receiving "Request too large". This error occurs when the request string gets too large and the size of the standard UUID was contributing to that issue.

Once the box is checked, you will be prompted to enter a custom UUID format. The shorter the better. On prem clients can use environment like "UAT", "DEV", "PROD". Hosted Clients might use something like "NAMEUAT", "NAMEDEV", "NAMEPROD".
Global Search Notifications Receive an Email for Elasticsearch Indexing Error - add an email or list of emails for people who should be notified in case of an indexing failure Empty

Records Not Displayed

In addition to the search criteria that the user specifies on the search screen, other criteria also determine which records are retrieved and displayed. The following records are not displayed:

  • Records that do not match invisible qualifiers that may be defined in the search view.
  • Records that are filtered out by the system because of where the user is accessing the search screen. For example, when a user searches for child projects from within a parent project, only the projects of the appropriate child object are displayed. Similar filtering applies for other types of related records.
  • Records to which the current user lacks access due to the security settings on the record's Security tab. In certain cases, these records can be retrieved but cannot be accessed from a search screen because the hyperlink to the record is replaced with the word "secured."
  • Records that are not retrieved before the Maximum number of search results is reached, which discontinues any further searching.
  • Records that are not retrieved before the Maximum search time is reached, which discontinues any further searching.

Separate Maximum Search Result

NOTE: This field is introduced in TCE 7.1 version.

Introduced a new field called "Max Search Time for Report" when the user wants a separate setting in Admin > Admin Settings > Reporting tab > “Max Search Time for Report”, to control the timeout for report execution so that it does not interfere and cause problems with custom search.

Below are the steps to follow:

  1. Login to TeamConnect.
  2. Navigate to Admin>>Admin Settings>>Reporting.
  3. The field "Maximum Search Time For Report (Seconds)" is displayed.

  1. Set the timeout value for more than or equal to 10s with valid syntax (E.g.: 25s).
  2. Click Update.
  3. The timeout value will be set successfully.

NOTE: This is only triggered when the user generates a report that takes longer than the test time, in which case an error is thrown. For example, if the user has set a time limit of 25 seconds, the report will throw an error if the test takes longer than 25 seconds.

  1. If the user set the timeout for less than 10s (E.g.: 7s, -11s) and Click Update button, an error message, "Error: Maximum Search Time for report cannot be less than 10.” will be displayed in a red banner.

  1. If the user sets the timeout as blank/decimal number (34.23)/alphabetic character (abcd) and clicks the update button, an error message “Error: There was a problem saving the field Search Max Time Report. Please make sure the entered value is valid and follows any syntax requirements.” will be displayed in a red banner.