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Using a Record in View Mode

To open a record, click on the link that shows the record name. Most records have a toolbar, title bar, and access information.

Using the Record Toolbar

All record screens typically have a separate toolbar with a set of buttons that allow you to edit, modify, copy, and delete the selected record.

Tool Bar

The Record Page Toolbar Buttons table explains the functionality of each button. There are, however, a few key points that you should know about all of these buttons:

  • The buttons that you see are controlled by the rights you have to the selected record type.

For example, if you do not see the Delete button in an Appointment record, this means that you do not have the right to delete Appointment records in general or in this specific record.

  • The current state of a record may prevent you from seeing some buttons.

For example, you do not see the Delete button in an Expense record that was posted to an Account. Or you are unable to edit a record if it, or its parent project, is pending approval and the approval rule prevents anyone from modifying the record.

  • Regardless of your access rights to the record, you always see the Printable View button on the toolbar.
  • If you have the rights to create new records, you always have the Create a Copy button available in all records, except projects. In projects, access to this button is controlled by your administrator.
  • Embedded projects have two separate buttons, OK and Cancel.

Record Page Toolbar Buttons

Button text


Save & Close
Save & View
Save & New

Saves the current record and may take additional action after the save. For more details, see Saving an Edited Record.

Note: Administrators can customize the default selection for this button as well as the cancel button, as described in Setting up the User Interface.

Cancel & Close
Cancel & View

Cancel—Cancels and returns to the previous page if you are creating a new record or creating a new Contact record on a search page.
Cancel & Close—In edit mode, cancels all record changes and returns the user to the previous screen.
Cancel & View—In edit mode, cancels the record changes and returns the user to view mode.

Create a Copy

Click this button to create a copy of the currently open record. See Copying a Record.


Click this button to bring up a window that provides a document URL link that you can copy, and then paste into an email message or other document.

For more information, see Sharing Documents using Email.

Printable View

Opens a print preview of the current page. See Printing Records.

Add Bookmark

Sets the record as a Bookmark for easy access on your button toolbar.


Removes the currently open record from the database. See Deleting Records.


Opens a record in edit mode so that you can make changes. See Editing a Record.


Saves the open project or the changes you made to it. This button is available only in embedded project records.

Important: You must also save the parent project to save the changes made to the embedded project.

Using the Title Bar

In each record page, its title bar displays the following information:

  • Record type and its icon, followed by a hyphen.
  • Name of the record (depending on the records type, it may the record's subject or description).
  • A "Back to" link. For example, if you are viewing a Contact record, there will be a link, Back to Contacts, in the title bar.
    If you click the Back to link, the record page is replaced by a page that displays records from the most recently used list for this object type.

Access Information

Each record displays access information, usually on its General page. This information tells you who created the record and who most recently changed the record. The information is read-only.
Access Information.png

Trouble Shooting Scenarios

  1. I cannot see the Delete button on a record. Why?

  • Access Rights: You do not have permission to delete the specific record type. Contact your administrator to verify your access rights.
  • Record State: The record is in a state that prevents deletion, such as being posted to an account or linked to a parent project pending approval.
  1. The Edit button is missing or grayed out. What should I do?
  • Access Rights: You may not have permission to modify this type of record.
  • Approval Rules: The record or its parent project might be pending approval, and the approval rule restricts modifications.
  1. I am unable to save changes to an embedded project. What’s wrong?

After saving changes to the embedded project using the OK button, ensure you also save the parent project. If the parent project is not saved, changes to the embedded project will not be preserved.

  1. The Printable View button is missing. How can I print a record?

This is unlikely, as the Printable View button is always visible regardless of your access rights. Ensure you are on the correct record page.

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