DHS-Authorized Alternative Procedure: How to Process a Remote Examination of Documents on Rev. 10/21/2019
Qualified employers can opt to take advantage of the new DHS-Authorized Alternative Procedure for document examination beginning 08/01/2023. Please refer to the I-9 Central website and our DHS Alternative Procedure FAQ and Remote Document Inspection Guide for more information:
- USCIS I-9 Central: Remote Examination of Documents (Optional Alternative Procedure to Physical Document Examination)
- DHS Alternative Procedure for Document Examination FAQ
- Remote Document Inspection Guide (For New Form I-9, Edition 08/01/2023)
*Only employers who participate in E-Verify and are in good standing with E-Verify are qualified and they may only use the DHS Alternative Procedure on records that are subject to E-Verify. If you will not be submitting an E-Verify case for this Form I-9 record you CANNOT use the DHS Alternative Procedure.
To process a remote examination of documents in Section 2 of the Form I-9 dated 10/21/2019.
Note: After October 31, 2023 employers must only use the new Form I-9, Edition 08/01/2023. The new Form I-9 was made available in the Tracker application on October 18th, 2023. The Remote Document Inspection feature must be enabled and used to take advantage of the DHS-Authorized Alternative Procedure on the new Form I-9, Edition 08/01/2023.
- Have the employee provide copies (front and back, if the documentation is two-sided) of their identity and work authorization document(s). Examine the copies to ensure that they reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the employee.
- Conduct a live video interactive meeting with the employee. During the meeting have the employee present the same document(s) that they provided in Step 1. Ensure that the documents presented reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the employee.
- Record the employee’s identify and work authorization document(s) in Section 2 of their Form I-9.
- In the Additional Information field enter Alternative Procedure.
Retain a clear and legible copy of the document(s) provided by the employee. You must retain a copy of both the front and back of the documentation if is two-sided. Please note that at this time the application will only prompt you to upload a copy of the front/back of the document if you are completing Section 2 with a List A document that is subject to E-Verify Photo Match. For all other documents, your company’s attachment settings will determine whether or not the application prompts you to upload an image. If the application prompts you to upload an image, and if the document is two-sided and if you need to upload a copy of the back of the document then click on the +Upload More Documents link and follow the remaining steps to upload additional documents.
If the application does not prompt you to upload an image then you can expand the Administrative Options menu, click on the View or Upload Attachments link and follow the remaining steps. Repeat to process to upload all documentation needed to support the alternative procedure requirements.
- Complete/sign Section 2 of the Form I-9.
Reminder: Only employers who participate in E-Verify and are in good standing with E-Verify are qualified and they may only use the DHS Alternative Procedure on records that are subject to E-Verify. If you will not be submitting an E-Verify case for this Form I-9 record you CANNOT use the DHS Alternative Procedure.
Information on how to enable and use the Remote Document Inspection feature so that you may take advantage of the DHS Alternative Procedure for Form I-9, rev. 08/01/2023, please review our Remote Document Inspection Guide.