How do I Track Involved Parties Working on a Matter?
Firms an Vendors should be added as involved parties to a matter. The Assignees/Involved tab on a matter lists all contacts, firms, vendors, and involved parties that are working on, or are associated with, the matter.
What is an Involved Party?
Involved parties are participants in a matter, external to your organization, and are not TeamConnect users. They have roles such as court, witness, plaintiff, outside counsel, or opposing party. Although Involved Parties are not TeamConnect users, they still require a Company contact card to be saved in the system. See this page for further detail on adding a Firm's contact information to your system.
Why should I add Firms/Vendors to a Matter?
Companies can use the Involved Parties on a matter for tracking and reporting purposes. You might ask yourself How do I track who's working on this case? or How can I see the number of cases Firm X worked on? - This information is tracked through the matter's Involved Parties. Likewise, when involved parties are managed correctly, all of the contact information for your matter is kept in one place.
Additionally, adding a Firm or Vendor as an Involved Party is a prerequisite for setting up budgets and posting invoices against a matter.
To add a a firm or vendor to a matter follow these instructions: How do I ensure my Firms/Vendors can see Matters in Collaborati?