User Groups and Security Groups
What are User Groups
In TeamConnect Essentials, everything your users see on their screens must be grated to them. Adding users to the correct security groups gives them access to the areas of the application that most directly apply to their professional roles and responsibilities.
The table on this page defines each of the security groups that are available in TeamConnect Essentials.
The terms User Group and Security Group are interchangeable.
Security Group Suggestions
The table below provides an outline of the respective security groups users should be added to. so they're able to access relevant areas of the TeamConnect application.
See this page for instructions on creating new users
Note: All user Roles are listed as "Normal" users. Clients cannot assign themselves as a Super User.
System Administrator
What do they do for the legal department | Security Groups they should be assigned to |
This person will be the system administrator in addition to being able to perform the activities of the other roles in TeamConnect. This entails making record level security edits (editing specific security of matters to lock it down further). This person also has delete rights to matters and other objects. Users with System Admin rights can manually create invoices. |
Standard Legal User
What do they do for the legal department | Security Groups they should be assigned to |
This person might be a paralegal or attorney in your company. Most users will fall into this category. This person has basic rights in TeamConnect and they are responsible for matter creation and matter management. Note: This role cannot add/edit invoices, cost centers, AFAs, but they may see them. They can add and edit budgets. |
eBilling User
What do they do for the legal department | Security Groups they should be assigned to |
This person might be a billing analyst or billing coordinator in your company. In addition to being a standard user, this role is responsible for setting up firms and vendors to electronically bill, approving TKs and TK rates, and interfacing with firms on ebilling audit rules. This role will also be tasked with overall invoice management, ensuring that the right cost centers AFAs are recorded on matters and attending to expired or failed invoices. Users with CSM Management can create invoices manually. |
Report Designer
What do they do for the legal department | Security Groups they should be assigned to |
This person might be a general counsel or a billing coordinator in your company. They do everything a standard legal user would do and they also provide ad hoc reports to the team. |
Finance User
What do they do for the legal department | Security Groups they should be assigned to |
This person might work in Accounts Payable or Finance in your company who occasionally access invoices for auditing purposes. They should have the ability to log in and search, locate, view, print, and save invoices that have been sent to the AP system. |
Example of Finance User:
Example of Limited Access Finance User: