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A special high-speed storage mechanism. The TeamConnect application server has its own user interface caching mechanism to store the screen designs and other user interface data accessed by the application. You can clear the TeamConnect user interface Cache by either re-starting the application server or by clicking Clear Cache in the User Interface Settings screen of the System Settings on the Admin tab.

Browsers have their own memory caching mechanisms that can be cleared by closing the browser.


A special search results display type available in for search views only in the Appointment object definition. It displays scheduled appointments in a day planner layout.

Cascading Security

The transferring of parent projects' record-level security, automatically in a waterfall fashion, to their related records. This is done on the Security tab of only custom object definitions.


Lookup items that allow you to organize custom fields into blocks or sections on the screen for the end-user interface. By adding or deleting categories in a record, the end users display or hide respectively the associated blocks of details in that record. Categories also help users to organize their records by certain types, for example, employee contact records vs. non-employee contact records, domestic vs. international accounts, and so on.

You must specify categories when defining the following:

Category Rights

See Category Security.

Category Security

The Rights to the object's categories and their custom fields. This is the second level of security, after the object level. All rights assigned at this level take effect only if the access to the object itself is granted.

Category-level rights add more granularity to the object-level rights. A user might have access to the object, but you can still control access to the organization-specific information stored in the custom fields and displayed in custom blocks.

Check In/Out

A way to manage files that are uploaded to the TeamConnect Documents area so that only one person at a time can edit them. If a file is checked out by a user, then no other users can edit the file. When the user is finished editing, he or she then checks in the file, making it available to other users.


Hierarchical relations where one (parent) item can have multiple (child) items, whereas each child item can have only one parent. Typically, parent-child relations can be established between Custom Objects in their object definitions. For example, one Claim can have multiple Features, one Feature can have multiple Sub-features, and so on.

The term "parent" can be also used with reference to the custom object that has Embedded Objects defined for it.

Categories can also have parent-child relations.


A value that you select for a qualifier in a Rule. For example, a condition could be an assignee role, a phase, a number of days from when the Record was opened or closed, and so on. See also Attribute and Qualifier.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to create record for individuals, organizations or separate entities within a organization (such as departments) that deal with their organization. Contacts can be organized into various Contact Groups (Address Books).

Contact Group (Address Book)

A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to organize their Contact records together. Users can create groups of contacts with whom they frequently interact, so that their phone numbers are readily accessible when needed. The members of contact groups who are also Users can be added as attendees to appointments.

Contact Groups are called Address Books in the end-user interface.

Custom Action

An action performed by a rule in TeamConnect that is defined in a JavaScript or Java class file. Custom Actions can do a wide range of functions - anything that is possible with Java or Javascript.

Custom Fields

More custom fields that can be created for various objects. These fields allow you to meet the individual needs of your organization. Custom fields differ in each client installation of TeamConnect. When you create a custom field, you specify the label that appears in the user interface and what type of value the field holds (text, number, check box, and so on). You can create custom fields for type of object, system or custom.

Typically, you organize custom fields into Custom Blocks so that you can specify which groups of users can view them.

Custom Object

Business Objects created for your organization. They do not come with the factory default TeamConnect, but are created by a TeamConnect Solution Developer using the object definition area of TeamConnect. Custom Objects can have names used within your industry for files, such as matters, claims, litigation, or policies.

The individual instances of Custom Objects are sometimes referred to as Projects within this documentation.

In TeamConnect 1.6.x, Custom Objects were referred to as "Applications." For more details on custom objects, see Creating Custom Pages.

Custom View

See Object View.

Custom vs. System

In TeamConnect, various components are referred to as either system or custom. System means that the component is a default component of TeamConnect. Custom means that it is created for your organization. For example, objects, Blocks, fields can be system or custom.

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