E-billing Roles
From this page, you can do the following:
- Identify e-billing Roles—For projects or matters, select the associated involved role or contact- centric object/record role to automatically authorize for CSM electronic billing.
- Allow E-billing for Closed Matters—You can enable a setting that allows Collaborati invoices to be associated with closed TeamConnect matters.
E-billing Roles Page
Identify e-billing Roles
Determine which custom object Involved Roles and/or Contact-Centric Object Roles are to be used as e-billing roles. For example, if you select the role "Outside Firm" for a custom object "Litigation", then all authorized offices who have Active Involved status in matters with this role would be authorized to bill on those matters, and the authorized office's e-billing contact will be able to view the list of matter names (in Collaborati) and IDs assigned to their firm before submitting invoices.
For more information, see Defining Global Billing Code, Office, and Timekeeper Settings and Authorizing Offices.
Note: If a office is involved in multiple matters and in some matters his role is not authorized for e- billing then those matters would not be exposed as authorized for e-billing.
Note: Only matters in which the office (contact) with the authorized e-billing Role has an Active, Involved status can be authorized for that office for e-billing. If a matter is currently authorized in Collaborati and then the Involved office's status becomes Inactive, that matter will be removed from the authorized matters list in Collaborati
To identify e-billing roles
- From CSM Settings, click the e-billing Roles link from the left pane. The e-billing Roles page opens.
- Click Edit.
- Under Object type, select either Involved or Contact-Centric.
- Choose Involved to define a office that is an involved "role" in this matter.
- Choose Contact-Centric to define a office with a predefined role already established. Contact-Centric matters are custom objects.
- Under Object, select the desired object from the drop-down list. Options include objects that are used in the invoice process, such as projects (matters).
- Under Role, select the role associated with the Object that you authorize as an e-billing role.
- Click Add.
- Complete steps 3-6 for each new e-billing role you would like to add.
- Click a save option.
Afterward, if a office is involved in your project (specified under the Object column) with the selected role, then the office is authorized to use CSM for electronic billing against this project.
Allow E-billing for Closed Matters
From the e-Billing Roles page, you can configure a setting that allows Collaborati invoices to be associated with closed TeamConnect matters. You must set a maximum number of days, after the matter closing date, within which invoices can be received.
To allow invoices for closed matters
- From CSM Settings, click the e-Billing Roles link from the left pane. The e-billing Roles page opens.
- From the E-Billing for Closed Matters section, select the Allow invoices for closed matters check box.
- Enter the Maximum number of days allowed for billing after the matter closing date. For example, if you enter 90 then matters will be authorized for e-billing within 90 days after the matter closing date.
- Click a save option.