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Document Settings

The Document Settings for TeamConnect Administrators allows for document version control, WebDav file management, and maintenance of Network File Systems for document management (including document management systems). The following page outlines these settings as well as the available configurations for each.

To configure the following document settings, navigate to Admin > Admin Settings > Documents:

  • Enable document version control—Enable management of files uploaded to TeamConnect. For example, when one user checks out a file, other users can view that file but cannot upload changes to that file.
  • Enable WebDAV—Allows users to manage TeamConnect Documents area files using Internet Explorer.
  • Maximum size of uploaded file (megabytes) - Defines the maximum document size that can be uploaded to TeamConnect. The default is 1050 MB and the minimum value allowed is 1 MB. Make sure the value entered exceeds the size of the document you upload into TeamConnect via the Office suite add-in.

    Note: The recommended maximum size of a document is 1500 MB. The absolute maximum size of a document is 2000 MB.


A conceptual overview of the settings follows. If you prefer to skip to the procedure for configuring the settings, see Managing Documents below.

Document Version Control

  • Enabling Document Version Control provides document version management in TeamConnect. When a document has been updated, a user can check out the existing document, and check in the latest document, resulting in an additional document version.
  • If you enable Document Version Control, users who need rights to view different document versions will also need the Document Read rights and Document Version Read rights. Users who need rights to revert to previous document versions will also need the Document Update rights and Document Version Revert rights. For more information, see the Documents section of the appendix, Rights for End-users.
  • Important: When Document Version Control is enabled, the TeamConnect database stores all versions of all documents, requiring additional storage space.
  • For detail on document versioning and how versions interact with search results, please see Global Search and Version Control.

Network File Systems for Documents (WebDAV)

The WebDAV feature allows users to perform the following from Internet Explorer:

  • Upload local files to TeamConnect
  • Download TeamConnect files locally
  • Copy files to other TeamConnect folders
  • Move files to other TeamConnect folders

Important: The TeamConnect WebDAV feature is certified for Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7.
Important: If you use the WebDAV feature, you must put a valid URL in the Login URL field of Email Settings. See the Admin Settings, Email Page Field Descriptions table for details.

If the Enable WebDAV setting is enabled, TeamConnect Documents pages will display a Open In Explorer link in the upper right. Clicking this hyperlink opens the current TeamConnect Documents folder in Internet Explorer. You can also refer to 3rd party documentation for using Internet Explorer 6 as a WebDAV client.

The following overview includes prerequisites and steps to use WebDAV for Documents folders:

  1. Enable WebDAV from TeamConnect Admin Settings.
  2. Send users instructions for setting up Internet Explorer to automatically link to TeamConnect Documents folders. In addition, you must provide the following URLs to users:

    User's Documents folder URL:

For example,
    TeamConnect Root Documents folder URL:

For example,

After WebDAV is enabled from TeamConnect and configured from Internet Explorer, a screen like the following becomes available:

Points to Remember

  • Internet Explorer only supports WebDAV URLs that are less than 100 characters long. See the following Microsoft Knowledge Base note for more information:
  • TeamConnect includes a WebDAV level 2 server capability.
  • TeamConnect supports the WebDAV functionality specified in RFC 2518.
  • The WebDAV server uses the same authentication set up for the user in TeamConnect. If single sign-on is not set up, the server requests a username and password; this is the username and password of the TeamConnect user.
  • TeamConnect will automatically check out and check in a file when it receives a put (copy) request if the file is not locked by the user or checked out to another user.
  • Checking out a file in TeamConnect will not lock the file in Internet Explorer.
  • Microsoft refers to WebDAV as "Web Folders".

Managing Documents

Use the Admin Settings, Documents page to perform the following tasks:

  • Enable document versioning
  • Enable WebDAV
  • Set the maximum size of documents that can be added to TeamConnect

To set up Documents

  1. Select the Admin tab.
  2. Click Admin Settings under the tab bar.
  3. Click the Documents link in the left pane.
  4. Edit the fields based on descriptions in the Admin Settings - Documents Page field table.
  5. Click Update.

Managing Documents

Use the Admin Settings, Documents page to perform the following tasks:

  • Enable document versioning
  • Enable WebDAV
  • Set the maximum size of documents that can be added to TeamConnect

To set up Documents

  1. Select the Admin tab.
  2. Click Admin Settings under the tab bar.
  3. Click the Documents link in the left pane.
  4. Edit the fields based on descriptions in the Admin Settings - Documents Page field table below.
  5. Click Update.

Admin Settings - Documents Page Field Descriptions


Field Names and Descriptions

Document Security Default Settings

  • Replace rights on subfolders—The default setting for the Replace rights on subfolders setting on the Security page of a record. If this setting has a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, its subfolders and files also receive the same rights. Without a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, the rights of its subfolders and files do not change.
    If you add a folder or file to a folder with this setting, the folder or file does not update with the folder's rights. To receive security updates, the folder or file must be in the folder when the rights change.
  • Replace rights on existing files—The default setting for the Replace rights on existing files setting on the Security page of a record. If this setting has a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, its files also receive the same rights. Without a checkmark, if you change the rights of a folder, the rights of its files do not change.
    If you add a file to a folder with this setting, the file does not update with those rights. To receive security updates, the file must be in the folder when the rights change.

Document Settings

  • Enable Document Version Control—To enable access to previous Document versions, select the check-box.

    For more information, see Document Version Control above.
  • Enable WebDAV—To enable use of the WebDAV protocol to view the TeamConnect Documents area folders from Internet Explorer, select the check-box.

    To restrict the TeamConnect Documents area folders viewing to the TeamConnect web application, clear the check-box.

    For more information, see Network File Systems for Documents (WebDAV).
  • Maximum size of uploaded file (megabytes)—Defines the maximum size of documents that can be uploaded to TeamConnect. The default is 1050 MB and the minimum value allowed is 1 MB.

    Note: The size of the documents that users can add also depends on the amount of memory that is currently allocated to the application server. Users may have difficulty adding documents if your allocated memory is low.
DMS Connector
  • Only show DMS Search tabs that contain document search results— Select this check-box to ensure that only the DMS tabs with results display after search. If left blank, all configured DMSes and DMS tabs will display regardless of results. 
  • Enable auto-syncing of documents from external DMS— Select this check-box to allow documents to automatically sync with external DMS systems. Users can still use the Synchronize button on the documents page of a record to manually sync. Users should note that enabling auto-sync may slow performance when significant volumes of documents on a record are being synced (~900+).
  • Show document names when syncing with external DMS—Select this check-box to allow document names to display as they successfully sync to the DMS. Users may want to disable this setting as to prevent users from seeing the file names as they sync over to the DMS.
  • DMS Connector action timeout (seconds)—The timeout setting affects the time TeamConnect will wait for a DMS API action to complete before making any database transactions required to reflect these changes. The time necessary for each action to complete will vary, as every integration defines their behavior. If the timeout is reached during any DMS API action, TeamConnect does not make any changes to the database. Note: This does not disrupt any ongoing web service calls originating from the integration.


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