Creating Accrual Notification Schedules
Once the e-mail template has been configured, schedules can be created so that the notifications will be sent on a specified date. You can create schedules on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. A single schedule will generate e-mails to all primary vendor contacts for each matter for which accruals are enabled. Schedules can be modified any time prior to the date the notification e-mail will be sent.
Only users who have been granted permission to create notification schedules (by the System Administrator) can access this functionality.
To Create a New Notification Schedule:
- On the eCounsel console, click Tools on the menu bar.
- On the Tools page, select Accrual Notification.
- In the Schedule area, click the
New button.
- On the Schedule Information dialog box, type the date on which the accounting period closes or click the
Calendar button to select a date.
- Type the date on which all accruals are due or click the
Calendar button to select a date.
- Type the date on which you want the accrual notification to be sent or click the
Calendar button to select a date.
- Click the
Save button to save your changes.
To Send Notifications Manually:
- In the Schedule area, click on a schedule for which notifications have not been sent.
- Click the
E-mail Now button.
- Click OK on the confirmation message box.
- Click OK.
To Modify a Notification Schedule:
- In the Schedule area, double-click on a schedule for which notifications have not been sent.
- Make changes as needed.
- Click the
Save button to save your changes.