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View-Add Lines to a Budget

Edit line items for invoices that were created either in-house or submitted by an outside counsel.

Lawtrac users who manually create invoices are able to quickly and easily edit line items for invoices that were created either in-house or submitted by an outside counsel.

Note: You are only able to modify line items on invoices that you already have permission to change. All changes made to line items are recorded for audit purposes.

Add a Budget Line

To add lines to a budget:

  1. Go to the budget's detail page.
  2. Under Add A Budget Line in the View/Add Lines tab, select a phase from the drop-down list.
    When a phase has been selected, an optional drop-down list for Task will appear.
  3. Set a budget amount for rate and hours by entering numbers into the appropriate text fields.
    "Comments/Classifications", "Paid by Aliens", and "Paid by Other" information is optional.
  4. Click Add Line to confirm and update.
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