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The Timekeeper Upload File Explained


A guide to walk you step by step through the upload file and its fields. The Timekeeper upload file CollaboratiTimekeepers-5.0 is a Comma Separated Values (CSV) formatted file.  Includes field selections where available.

The Timekeeper upload file is a Comma Separated Values (CSV) formatted file. CSV files can be opened and edited easily with Excel.  (See also Upload Multiple Timekeepers.)


For a list of the options available for these fields: Classification, State-Province, Country, Gender, Disability, Veteran, Practice Area, Primary Expertise, Secondary Expertise, License to Practice Law In, Languages Spoken, Race, LGBTQ, click here.


The first line of the file should be the header. It should read CollaboratiTimekeepers-5.0 (as seen below)


There are 35 fields in the Timekeeper upload file. Only 6 are required by all of our clients. These six are Email, First Name, Last Name, Display Code, Timekeeper ID, and Classification. Please see your client’s billing guidelines to determine if any other fields are required for that specific Client.


The displayCode is a unique identifier for the timekeeper. In Collaborati this field is used and displayed whenever there is a drop down list of the timekeepers. This value should be unique to the timekeeper and easily associated with the timekeeper as to quickly choose from a drop down menu. The displayCode can be the same as your Timekeeper ID.  This field has a character limit of 8 characters.


The classification of the timekeeper can be one of the following (use the 2 letter Code):

PT - Partner

AS - Associate

OC - Of Counsel

LA - Legal Assistant

OT - Other Timekeeper

PL - Paralegal

LP - Legal Professional

CS - Clerk/Secretary

LI - Legal Intern


This is text field user can added the information related to classification details.



Collaborati requires that each timekeeper have a unique email address assigned to them. No emails are ever sent to the timekeeper, this field is used just as an identifier in the database for the timekeeper. This means that if your timekeepers do not have unique emails you can use fake emails for each timekeeper as long as they are unique. Example,, and so on.

firstName, middleName, lastName

These are text fields and only First and Last name are required.


Assigning a Home Office to a Timekeeper allows attorneys and billing analysts to consolidate and standardize billing rates for Timekeepers on matters. Learn more about adding and managing Home Offices hereTroubleshooting Note: If the home office name in the csv file does not match any of the selected offices or if it’s not populated then the timekeeper row will display the status as an error in the Status column.


Also a text field as to allow multiple formats for telephone numbers.


The Timekeeper ID should match your Timekeeper ID in your own billing software. This code is matched with the Timekeeper ID field in any LEDES formatted invoices you submit. This is also unique to each timekeeper.  This field has a character limit of 8 characters.


These are text fields and neither is required.


This field is optional and should be in the YYYY format.


Field is not required. However if used, the field must match exactly one of the following selections:

These selections were added in Collaborati 4.4:

Broker Dealer
Capital Markets
Charitable Giving
Venture Capital


This field is a text field and has a character limit of 40 characters.


Optional fields, city is a text field, State should be two-letter code for state, and postal/zip code is a text field.


Not required but if used, you must use the 2-letter country code. You can find a list of all 2-letter country codes at the end of this document. You can also find an updated list of 2-letter country code by searching for “2 letter country codes” in your favorite internet search engine.


Not required also allows multiple phone formats for international numbers.


Not required needs to be the name of the state spelled out, multiple selections can be selected using a comma to separate. Can be one of the 50 US states, 13 Canadian Provinces, or the full country name except US and Canada.


Not required, needs to be one of the following selections. You can also have multiple selections, separated by commas.


Not required field. Utilizes the YYYY format.


Would match the Client Code (Internal Client Code) for the client ; only used when there is a need for a client specific timekeeper, otherwise, leave this field blank (click here for more information about Client Specific Timekeepers).


Not required,  needs to be one of the following selections.


Not required field.  Text field to enter a different selection than the Practice Area selections above.


Not required field.  Text field.  Utilizes the YYYY format.


Needs to be one of the following selections: Male, Female, Other/Non-Binary, Prefer not to disclose.


Needs to be one of the following selections.


Text field to enter a different selection than the Race selections above.


Needs to be one of the following selections: No, Yes, Prefer not to disclose.


Needs to be one of the following selections: No, Yes, Prefer not to disclose.


Needs to be one of the following selections: No, Yes, Prefer not to disclose.


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