Matter Management Basics
Matter Profile- Getting Started
Matters are created or fed to Acuity by the Client. Acuity Support does not add matters, but is happy to help answer questions on navigating Matter Management. If you are a Firm User with an inquiry on a missing matter, please reach out to your Client contact.
If you are a Client User who observes a missing matter expected to post via the data feed, reach out to your Acuity System Administrator.
Note: This instruction uses the label “Matter”. Some client sites may use the label “Claim” or “Subject.”
Finding Matters
Select the MATTERS link at the top of the page.
Use any of the SEARCH MATTERS filters to narrow your search results.
For searches you will need to use again, save your search parameters using the “Save Search” button.
Sort your search results by clicking the column headers.
Matter Profile
The Matter Profile displays the primary attributes of each matter.
Every matter is further organized by section, labeled by tabs and in some cases sub-tabs. If a tab contains a chevron, click on the tab to view the subtabs housed within it.
Note: This instruction shows all tab possibilities. Your display may vary.
The Financial tab may contain the following sub-tabs: Invoices, Budgets, Allocations.
The Collaboration tab may contain the following sub-tabs: Calendar, Documents, Notes, Related Parties.
Matter/Claim Settings
The Matter Settings tab may contain the following sub-tabs: Firm Settings, Billing Rules, Matter Workflow.
The first tab of every matter contains its details, including Key Information, Assigned Firms, and a Status History.
To edit the information, click the Edit button.
Note: Not all users have permission to edit matter information. If you do not see the edit button and think you should, please contact your system administrator.
The invoices tab displays all invoices posted to the matter. Click the invoice number in green to navigate to the invoice.
Expand the Invoices Filter to narrow the displayed results.
Download the results for reporting.
Note: See the Budget Quick Tip for more detailed instructions.
The Budgets sub-tab displays firm budgets for each matter.
To view the budget details, or to begin or revise a budget, click the edit icon next to the budget.
If budgets are being enforced, the budget must be marked as approved before the firm can bill. Firm users will select
to submit a draft budget for approval, and client users can use the same button to mark a budget as approved. Budgets can be sent back to the firm for editing by changing the status back to “Draft”.
Users with appropriate permissions may edit a budget in “For Approval” or “Draft” status.
Click edit to revise budget totals and/or milestones.
Track budget amount/status history, and audit changes.
Select the Allocations tab to view the allocation percentages applied to the matter.
Download a summary of the allocations.
Click the Allocation Name to view the Allocation Unit Profile. Note: Not all users have permission to edit matter allocations. If you do not see the edit button and think you should, please contact your system administrator.
The Calendar tab allows you to create and share events related to your matter.
You may invite others to the event.
Toggle between monthly, weekly, daily, or list views.
Drag and drop, or search, to upload and share all documents related to a matter.
Search for documents by selecting specific criteria in the Documents Filter
Download documents.
View document profiles.
Search for related documents.
Add notes to matters. Add documents to notes (this will also add the same document to your document database).
Client users may mark a note as private.
Search for specific notes by selecting desired criteria in the Notes Filter
Flag notes. Flags are generic; they are not unique to your user ID, so anyone will see when a note has been flagged.
Download notes.
Involved Parties
Link Related Parties to a matter using the “Link Party” button. If the party does not yet exist under “Collaboration”, you can create a new Related Party Profile after performing a search.
Search for parties by selecting specific criteria in the Related Parties Filter.
View Related Party Profiles.
Firm Settings
Toggle easily between firms assigned to a matter.
Set default fee types and rule for authorizing timekeepers on the specific matter.
Link to each timekeeper’s details by clicking on their name.
Establish start and end dates for rates at the matter level.
Override default approved rates with matter specific rates.
Billing Rules
1. Select the Billing Rules tab to review all rules applicable to the matter.
2. Download rules for quick reference.
3. Click rule names to view and edit rule parameters.
Most clients have corporate controls over their billing rules. Please see your system administrator to make edits to this process.
Matter/Claim Workflows
Matter workflows tab allows certain users to view and change the hierarchy for invoice approval. Most clients have corporate controls over their review hierarchies. Please see your system administrator to make edits to this process.