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How do I use Global Search to find information?

This page details how to best utilize the Global Search feature in TeamConnect Essentials.



What is Global Search?

The Global Search feature is a Google-like search engine within your environment that provides dynamic, object-specific, or cross-object results. This means searches can be executed on a single area as well as multiple areas across the entire system. The areas that can be searched are Appointments, Contacts, Documents, Invoices, Matter, and Tasks.

Global Search results can be filtered after the original search, but the queries cannot be saved.

Global Search Best Practices

  • Be as specific as you can when searching. Ensure spellings are correct and add as many details as possible.
  • General searches across all projects or records might take a while and will return the maximum results allowed by the system.
  • Always click Apply or Search when you add new filters or search parameters.


Global Search vs Power Search

Global Searches are used more for researching similar matters, cases, or documents that are saved across multiple objects in TeamConnect. 

Power Searches are used per object (or page) more for ad hoc reporting to see matters or contracts that need attention, or incomplete or upcoming tasks. Click here for information on how to use Power Search.

Global Search Uses and Benefits Custom Search Uses and Benefits
  • Feature: Searches are configurable with filtering and drill-down results, and search across multiple objects at a time (global search).
  • Benefit: Cross-object searches with drill-down filtering allow users to search across anything in their TeamConnect system with the ability to refine searches at a more granular level. 
  • Feature:  Searches are pre-defined, custom configured, and search across one object at a time (one page at a time).
  • Benefit: Single object searches allow users to find and filter specific information pertaining to the page (or object) they are currently on. Users can use the pre-defined searches or custom configure their own search criteria.
  • Feature:  Real time searches that provide full document content indexing and searching
  • Benefit: Supports full-text searches, fuzzy searches (words with spelling errors), is document oriented, and is able to achieve fast, real-time results because it searches using an index rather than searching every word in your database. 
  • Feature:  Acts as a real-time ad hoc reporting tool. 
  • Benefit: Custom search results can act as on-the-go reports for simple things like viewing all open matters, or viewing all invoices that were approved in the last 30 days. 
  • Feature: Ability to save recent ad hoc searches
  • Benefit: Global Search searches can be saved and used for later use. Typically, search criteria are more extensive in Global Search so saving complex searches could save users time.
  • Feature: Ability to Save and Export results from each search
  • Benefit: Custom and Pre-defined searches can be saved for later use and exported as PDFs or Excel documents.
  • Feature: Find and download documents that are open in edit mode
  • Benefit: Quickly access documents that are open or in edit mode by another user. 
  • Feature:  Custom Search is found on each page
  • Benefit: While Custom Search does not search across multiple objects, it is found on almost every page so you are still capable of searching for information across each page in TeamConnect.


Maximize Your Search Results

The Global Search feature allows the following search modifiers to improve results. When using Global Search, 


Searching Tips:

  • Use the dropdown menu to select a specific area to search in.
  • Boolean operators (ANDORNOT) must be written in all caps.
  • Use quotation marks around separate words or phrases for best results. Multiple words without the quotation marks present will default to the OR operator described below.
  • Modifiers are able to be grouped for more precise search results. Use parentheses to separate phrases with different modifiers. For example:
    (Johnson OR Roger) AND YonderCorp
  • This feature does not search on the following common words: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with


The table below defines various modifiers and provides examples of the search results that are returned.

Modifier Description Search Example
AND or && The AND operator matches search items where both terms exist anywhere within the object: Name, memo text, or company name. "Baker AND Gump" or "Baker && Gump"
OR or || The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching record if either of the terms exist. "Johnson" OR "LegalCopr" or "Johnson" || "LegalCorp"
~# (Proximity) The Proximity operator allows users to find words within a given range of each other. After entering a phrase, enter a number to find words within that specific distance. "Baker Firm" ~100
(Fuzzy) Fuzzy searches provide users with the ability to find words similar in spelling to a given term. For example, use this search if you are unsure if a name was Johnson or Johnston. Johnson~
? (Wildcard) Wildcard searches using the ? symbol look for words that match the search input with a single letter variance. For example, use this search if you are unsure if a name was Will or Jill. ?ill
* (Wildcard) Wildcard searches using the * symbol look for words that match the search input with a multiple letter variance. For example, use this search if you know matter information started with a B and ended with K. B*k (search will return Block, Bank, Brinks)
- (Remove) To remove a term from the results, append -"Word" to the end of an existing search. Maximize the value of this modifier by using it after the original search, similar to using a filter to narrow down results. B*k -Court



Documents and Global Search

Users with Global Search enabled are able to search on both indexed documents, their metadata, and the contents of their attachments.


When using Global Search, supported attachments that have matching metadata keywords or matching content will be returned. The following attachment extensions are supported:

  • XML
  • Email files (.eml, .msg)
  • Microsoft Office File Formats (.xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .pptx, .one, .pub, .mdb)
  • PDF
  • RTF, TXT
  • ODF
  • EPUB
  • JAR