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End User Guide for TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0


TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0 is a newly developed product utilizing Microsoft’s latest Add-in technology.  Its purpose is to empower attorneys and users by allowing them to conveniently access commonly used TeamConnect features through Outlook 365, rather than TeamConnect.


This document serves as a comprehensive guide, providing essential information for users to fully utilize TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0. This manual provides detailed insights into the system's functions and features, along with precise, step-by-step instructions for accessing and effectively using the product.

Important Notes

Below are some important notes about the TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0. 

  1. The Add-in is compatible exclusively with TeamConnect Enterprise version 7.1 or higher.
  2. To prevent unnecessary complications, we do not support the use of the Office Suite Plug-in (for Outlook) and the TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0 simultaneously. It is highly recommended to uninstall the previous Plug-in before proceeding with the installation of the Add-in.
  3. The TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0 seamlessly integrates with cloud-based versions of Outlook. Supported browsers include Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
  4. As Safari is not supported, we suggest you utilize an alternative web browser on your Mac.
  5. The Add-in is compatible with desktop environments on both Windows and Mac operating systems, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of users.
  6. The Add-in is more accessible and user-friendly for people in different regions as it supports Localization.

Upgrade Consideration

Unlike the Office Suite plugin, which requires installation on each user’s local machine, the new Add-in is automatically deployed through the Microsoft 365 admin center.  To get started, the Add-in must be deployed to your Outlook interface. If you are unable to find the Add-in in your Outlook, Please contact your IT administrator for assistance.

Logging In 

You must log in and authenticate successfully to use the TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0. Login procedures may vary based on the authentication process used by your organization. 

  1. Click on any email in the Outlook inbox and you can find a TeamConnect symbol .
  2. Click on the TeamConnect Symbol.

Note: You may encounter multiple domains depending on your company’s setup. Select the desired domain. 

  1. Enter your TeamConnect username and password. Click Log In.
  2. If Single Sign-On (SSO) is enabled, logging into Outlook 365 will automatically grant access to the TeamConnect Add-in.
  3. You are now ready to experience the TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0.

User interface

User Interface

The all-new TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0 has an updated user interface that offers an intuitive experience for document management, matter creation, and appointment synchronization directly from the Outlook interface.                             

  • If your organization has customized the ribbon with the TeamConnect icon, the TeamConnect task pane will be displayed upon clicking the icon.

Icon           Home screen

  • Else, click on SettingsCustomize Actions → Select the TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0 check box to view the Add-in on the ribbon.​​
  • If the login details are asked for, enter your TeamConnect login credentials. 


Note: User’s first name is displayed on the Add-in

User's first name

Ease of Access 

You can pin the task pane to the mail view by clicking the pin icon above the task pane. So, whenever an Outlook mail is opened, the task pane for the Add-in will be visible by default. The user interface can be further customized by navigating to Settings Customize Actions.  

Ease of Access 

Note: If the TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0 is already configured, you will not be able to unselect it.

Add-in Localization

In the present version, the Add-in offers localization. To switch the language in the Add-in, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the TeamConnect interface.
  2. Click on the user icon and choose Preferences.


  1. In the General tab, locate the Locale drop-down menu.
  2. Select the language you wish to use from the available languages in the drop-down menu. If the desired language is not visible, please contact your administrator for assistance.


  1. Click Update. The Add-in will then switch to the language you've selected.

Matter-based Document Management

The Matter tab allows you to organize, compile, and manage the details of an incident or event from the beginning to its conclusion. Matter records encompass any type of litigation or dispute, including administrative issues, people involved in the incident, all relevant dates, tasks that must be completed, users and specialists assigned to the matter, and all related documents. 

When the Matters tab is clicked, there is a search bar that helps you to search for the matters you are looking for.

Matters can also be searched using date filters and search results can be sorted based on a few categories.

Detailed elucidation is provided in the subsequent topics.

Search by Matter Name and/or Number

To view documents associated with the matter in TeamConnect through the Outlook Add-in, you can perform a search by typing the matter name or number in the search field which is located at the top of the Add-in.

Search by matter name or number

The search field is always visible at the top of the Add-in and does not disappear during different transitions of content at the bottom of the Add-in. Enter a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 250 characters of strings or numbers to commence a search. To clear the search results, click ‘x’. 

Note: You can search by matter number only if the display for “number-name“ is enabled in TeamConnect. 


Date Filters for Matter Search

1. Once you search for the matters, a date picker will be visible to the right of the search box. 

2. Click on it and the search box area expands down into the search results portion of the Add-in to display a series of date filter options. 

3. Select between the two date parameters - Created Date and Modified Date or use them independently. 

Date filters for matter search 1

4. View all the matters that were created/modified in a particular date range. 

5. Once one of these is selected, you can either enter a single value for the date type or specify a range.

6. If a single value is entered, click Done and the results that match the exact create date (or modified date) of a matter will be displayed. 

7. If you enter two values and click Done, the search results will match all matter records whose date range is included in the difference between the two dates, both inclusive.

Date filters for matter search 2

Sort Results of a Matter Search

Sometimes the search for a matter by its title and date filters may result in large result set numbers.

To find a particular matter, you can sort and categorize the search results based on Modified on Date, Opened on Date, Matter Name, Matter Type, and Status options using the Sort-By drop-down options provided. The displayed results are sorted and not the entire result set.

Sort results of a matter search

Document Tab

At the upper panel of the Add-in, you'll find a Document tab. This tab enables you to search for all documents related to the TeamConnect matter without requiring a login to TeamConnect. By simply clicking on the Document tab, you can utilize the search feature to find documents by name. 

Search by Document Name

  1. When you intend to view TeamConnect documents inside the Outlook Add-in, perform a search by typing the document name in the search field which is located at the top of the Add-in.
  2. The search field is always visible at the top of the Add-in and does not disappear during different transitions of content at the bottom of the Add-in. 
  3. Enter a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 250 characters of strings or numbers to commence a search. 
  4. To clear the search results, click ‘x’.

Date Filters for Document Search

This function is similar to the date filters for matter search. Click here to know how it works for matters and the same can be applied to documents. 

Sort Results of a Document Search

This function is similar to the sort results of a matter search. Click here to know how it works for matters and the same can be applied to documents.

Sort documents within a Matter Search

This option allows you to sort documents within a folder of a matter record. Select a document within a matter. The Sort By option is displayed above the list of all the documents. The sorting options are dynamic based on the TeamConnect settings. The default sorting option is ‘modified by’.

sorting options

Quick Navigation

An option to quickly navigate to options within the selected matter and its document directory is added. 

The quick navigation   is found at the bottom of the TeamConnect task pane. 

  1. Click the quick navigation icon to display the tree structure of the documents within the selected matter. 
  2. Each folder and the sub-folders within it will be displayed.
  3. Click on a folder name to navigate to the folder.
  4. Select X or click the area outside to close the quick navigation.

Quick Navigation

Note: If the folder is empty, the expand arrow will be disabled.

Upload a Document

  1. Select a mail or a matter to which the document is to be uploaded. 
  2. Click on the floating ‘+’ icon that appears. You get an option to upload a file, select it and you will be directed to files from your local storage. You can select one or multiple files by clicking the Upload button. All the file uploads are displayed in a single modal. The selected files will be uploaded successfully. 

Upload a document

Modify multiple documents with ease 

  1. When the + button is clicked, there is an option to select toggle mode. 
  2. Select the Toggle Select Mode checkbox. 
  3. Select any number of files from the list to cut or copy.
  4. Choose any option from Cut or Copy. A message will appear saying how many documents have been selected.
  5. Go to the folder where you want to paste the files and select Paste.
  6. The files will be saved successfully if there are no duplicates in the folder.

Note: If there are duplicates, an error message is displayed and the selected files remain in the original folder.

Toggle select mode

If the Toggle Select Mode is off, all the files selected will be unselected.

  • Under the Document tab, right-click on a document to delete, upload a new version, or view it in TeamConnect.

Document tab 

If you do not have permission to add a file, an error message, “You do not have the necessary permissions to add documents. Kindly contact your System Administrator.” is displayed.

Limitations to Uploading a File

  • The file or document you upload must not exceed the upload size limit (MB). Else, an error message, “File size exceeds maximum allowed limit in TC admin settings(MB). This file will be skipped during upload. Please contact your system admin for further information.” is displayed.
  • When you try to upload a duplicate file, an error message, “Document with the name <file name> already exists in the same folder.”  

You now have two options:- 

1. Create a Copy or 2. Create a Version

1. Create a Copy
2. Create a Version

If the file you upload already exists in the same TeamConnect folder, you can rename it by creating a copy of the file.

1. Select Create a Copy.

2. Rename the file in the Name field and click the Confirm button.

3. When renaming a file, remove the file extension from the text field. 

4. Your file is uploaded and a separate copy with a different name is added.

If the file you upload already exists in the same TeamConnect folder, you can create a version of the same file.

1. Select Create a Version.

2. Enter the version comments in the Comments text box and click the Confirm button.

3. Your file is uploaded and a newer version of the document is uploaded.

Note: When a new document version is uploaded, it exclusively updates the content while incorrectly populating the metadata with the "Wrong Version" and modified name. 

Create a copy Create a version

Upload Attachments from Emails

You have the option to upload attachments from emails directly without downloading them. 

  1. To upload documents from emails to a particular matter/document, select any email with attachments. 
  2. The email is opened in the panel and all the attachments are shown at the bottom of the Matters/Documents tab.
  3. Select the attachment(s) to be uploaded and click the Upload button. The number of attachments selected is shown beside the Upload button.

Upload Attachments from Emails

  1. The attachments will be uploaded to the pre-selected matter/document folder.

Upload Attachments from Emails 2

Upload Email to Matter

This option allows you to upload an entire email directly to the matter without downloading the attachments in the email. The email is uploaded in .eml format.

Note: We DO NOT recommend clients to use .eml files uploaded from the Add-in as sources for legal holds.

  1. Select the matter in the TeamConnect panel to which the email must be attached.
  2. Select the email to be attached. It is opened in the display panel.

Upload Email to Matter

  1. At the bottom of the TeamConnect panel, you can find the Upload Email to Matter button. Click on it.

Upload Email to Matter button

  1. The email is uploaded in .eml format to the matter selected
  2. If a duplicate email already exists, you get a warning message. Then modify the subject line and upload the email as a copy.

Right-click options - Matters/Documents

You get the following options when you right-click or click the ellipsis icon () on any Matter/Document. 

Right-click options



Click on this to remove the selected matter and temporarily place it on the clipboard which can be pasted elsewhere.


This is an inbuilt function that allows you to make a copy of the selected matter.


Click this option to insert the current clipboard matter, priorly cut or copied, into a new location.

Please be aware that distinct clipboards are used for individual document cut/copy and paste, as well as for multiple document cut/copy and paste actions.


This is an inbuilt function to erase the selected matter and its corresponding attributes from the application. If you do not have the security rights to delete, a system error is shown.

Attach to New Email

Selecting this will start composing a new email with the selected document attached.

  • If the document you upload is more than the size allowed by TeamConnect O365 Add-In 4.0, you will get an error message saying, “File size exceeds maximum allowed limit as per Outlook Upload Limit (<Max allowed size limit>). Please contact your system admin for further information.”

View Document Version History

View all the previous versions of the selected document chronologically, with the current version displayed on top. Right-click on a version to revert or download any version on your local.

Upload New Document

Uploads a new document.

Check Out Document 

When you click on check out, the selected document is downloaded to your local machine. You can make the necessary changes.

Note: If the document is checked out in the Add-in, it will be checked out in TeamConnect also.

Check out document

Undo Check Out 

This option is disabled if no document is checked out. You can reverse the checkout by selecting ‘Undo Check Out’ if there are no changes to the document. 

Check-In Document

The check-in option is disabled in two instances.

  1. If no document is checked out.No document checked out

  1. If a document is checked out by another user.Document checked out by other user

Modify the document with the necessary changes and check it in as a version. Enter the version comments and click ‘Confirm’. The document is checked in as a newer version.

Note: If the document is checked-in in the Add-in, it will be checked-in in TeamConnect also.


Click this option to download the selected document on your local machine to save and view on your desktop.

View in TeamConnect

Click on this to view the selected document in TeamConnect. If you’re logged into TeamConnect, you will be directly taken to the document. Otherwise, you are directed to the login page, and upon successful login, you can view the document.


Edit Document Metadata

Click on this if you intend to edit an uploaded document’s metadata. You can see the three sub-tabs: 




This option allows you to edit document information here. The following information is captured in the Documents tab. This has two sections.

You can edit the Office and Outlook information here. The following information is captured in the Outlook tab.

You can select and apply one or more categories for the document. Once applied, the categories can only be removed from within the TeamConnect application.

Document Information

  • Name (editable)
  • Project Name 
  • File type
  • File size
  • Author
  • Date authored (editable)
  • Description (editable)

Access Information

  • Created by
  • Created on
  • Modified by
  • Modified on

Note: If a document is checked out, the document metadata cannot be edited.

  • Subject
  • From
  • To - Enter the email IDs separated by a ‘,’
  • CC - Enter the email IDs separated by a ‘,’
  • Date uploaded
  • Office Information (for any file uploaded from the Add-in)
    • Author name
    • Created date
    • Last modified by
    • Modified Date

All the above fields are editable.

Click the Save button to save the necessary changes made. A success message will appear. 

Edit Document Metadata - Editable

Scroll down for more options

Edit Document Metadata - Outlook

Scroll down for more options

Edit Document Metadata - Categories

Scroll down for more options


Appointments are activities that you schedule in your calendar that do not involve inviting other people or reserving resources. You can turn an appointment into a meeting by adding attendees. 

Based on their roles and responsibilities in an event or appointment, we have the following classifications: 


The organizer of a meeting or appointment is the person who schedules the event and sends out invitations to other participants. The organizer typically has control over the meeting details, such as setting the agenda, date, time, and location, and adding or removing attendees. 

Note: You are discouraged from replacing an Organizer and designating a different individual as the new organizer. We do not support reassignment as yet and it will disrupt appointment syncing. 

External Organizer

An "external organizer" typically refers to an individual who is not an internal member of your organization but is involved in organizing or scheduling events, meetings, or appointments within TeamConnect. Appointments created by an external organizer are synced to TeamConnect by a TeamConnect user, and the External Organizer flag is enabled for this user. When the External Organizer flag is active, any edits to these appointments will only affect TeamConnect and won't sync to Outlook. 


An invitee for an appointment, also commonly referred to as an attendee, is an individual who is invited to participate in a scheduled event or appointment. Invitees are people expected to attend the event, and they are typically invited by the event organizer. 

Non-TeamConnect User

A non-TeamConnect user refers to an individual who does not have an account or active involvement in TeamConnect. Non-TeamConnect users are external to TeamConnect and do not have the same level of access or permissions as TeamConnect users within the organization. They may still interact with TeamConnect data or appointments but often in a more limited or read-only capacity. These users are shown in the notes in TeamConnect. 

Create Appointments in Outlook

Initially, you must have access to the Appointment Category in order to create an appointment using the Add-in. To know how to schedule or create appointments through Outlook, go through the following steps:

1. Navigate to Home → Calendar icon on the left task pane → Select New Event.

2. Enter a title, location, start and end time, and click the Save button. 

3. Open the appointment and click the TeamConnect icon. 

4. Click on the Create New Appointment button.

5. Select Primary Category from the drop-down options. 

6. Click on the Search field to find the matter to which the appointment is being created. Click the Save button.

7. Project Name is optional.

Create Appointments
8. Click the Add button to select categories. Add categories

9. Click the Save button. (Appointment is still not created in Outlook.)

Note: A warning message is displayed and the appointment is not synced until the appointment is created in Outlook.

10. Click the Send button to create the appointment in Outlook.

Note: If you are the only attendee, you need to Save the appointment, else you need to Send the appointment.

11. A new appointment is created in the Outlook calendar.

Send Appointment

Know that

  1. Appointments require an additional field for the attendee that is designated as the organizer.
  2. Subscriptions for the organizer are the only ones that can change appointment details. 
  3. If the organizer does not have an email address, the user cannot save the appointment.
  4. Attendees can change only their own attendance status. 
  5. We do not support ‘All-Day Events’ with the Add-in.

Sync Existing Appointments from Outlook to TeamConnect

Upon a user's initial login to the Add-in, subscriptions are established. To ensure successful subscription creation, the email address listed on their TeamConnect contact card must match their Add-in user profile. Only after these subscriptions are in place will appointment syncing commence for users.

You can sync an existing appointment from Outlook to TeamConnect by the following steps:

  1. Select an existing appointment and right-click on it to Edit.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. A success message will appear. The appointment can now be viewed in Team Connect by clicking on the View in TeamConnect button.
  5. Sync to TeamConnect

Note: The External Organizer checkbox will be automatically selected in TeamConnect if the organizer of the appointment is not a Team Connect user. 

We recommend you check the scenarios for syncing appointments from Outlook to TeamConnect.

Edit appointments in Outlook

An appointment that is created can be further edited for any changes to it. 

  1. To edit, just right-click on the appointment to be modified and select Edit.
  2. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.
  3. The appointment with the changes made is updated in the calendar.
  4. If an appointment is edited on Outlook and the subject is left blank, an error message is displayed only if the Add-in is open. 

Edit Appointments in Outlook

Create Appointments in TeamConnect

To create an appointment in TeamConnect, click here.

  1. The new appointment created will be displayed under the matter name selected.
  2. When an appointment is created in TeamConnect, select at least one attendee as the organizer if using the Add-in. To synchronize appointments with Outlook, select the Sync to Outlook box.

Create Appointments in Outlook

Note: When creating an “All Day” appointment in TeamConnect, the date shifts to one day before in Outlook as the “All Day” in TeamConnect is different from the “All Day” term in Outlook. The Timezone used for TC is GMT+5.30 and for Outlook is UST+5.30. 

Sync Appointments from TeamConnect to Outlook 

When appointments are synced from TeamConnect to Outlook, all details like the matter name, event description, event category, etc. will be taken to Outlook. This would let you manage your matter-related appointments directly from Outlook without logging into TeamConnect.

To synchronize appointments from TeamConnect to Outlook, simply select the "Sync to Outlook" checkbox during appointment creation. Please note that this selection cannot be altered once the appointment is created. The “Sync to Outlook” checkbox is selected by default.

Sync Appointments

We recommend you check the scenarios for syncing appointments from TeamConnect to Outlook.

Edit appointments in TeamConnect

If an appointment is edited on TeamConnect and the subject is left blank, the previous appointment title is taken as the subject, and an error is shown in the logs.

Two-way Sync between Outlook and TeamConnect

For an appointment that is synced from TeamConnect to Outlook, the changes made in Outlook will automatically be updated to TeamConnect. When you edit the following details in Outlook, all the modifications will be sent back to TeamConnect. 

  • Project Name (matter)
  • Categories
  • Subject (Mandatory; Appointment cannot be saved without a subject)
  • Location
  • Start date and time
  • End date and time
  • All-day event checkbox
  • Comments
  • Attendees - If the attendees are added or removed to the appointment, same changes reflect in TeamConnect 
  • Organizer 

Delete an appointment in Outlook

You can delete or cancel an appointment that is synced to TeamConnect. We have different scenarios for deleting an appointment.

  1. If the organizer deletes/cancels an appointment from Outlook, the appointment is deleted from Outlook for all the invitees though it still remains in TeamConnect. The status of all the invitees changes to “will not attend”.
  2. If the non-organizer deletes/cancels an appointment from Outlook, the appointment is deleted from their Outlook only and it remains in TeamConnect. The status of the user changes to “will not attend”.

Undo Delete an appointment

When an appointment is deleted in Outlook, the appointment remains unsynced to TeamConnect though it is restored. Hence, we recommend you create a new appointment. 

Delete an appointment in TeamConnect

This table summarizes various scenarios related to appointment deletion, along with the scenarios and the resulting outcomes.



Organizer (Not External) Deletes Appointment in TeamConnect

Deleted from TC and Outlook for all invitees (TC & non-TC users); Warning message displayed,  “Deleting the appointment would delete the appointment for all invitees in Outlook”.

External Organizer Deletes Appointment in TeamConnect

Deleted from Outlook for logged-in user; User's attendance status changed to "Will not attend" in TC.

Non-Organizer Attempts to Delete Synced Appointment (to/from Outlook)

An Appointment cannot be deleted by a non-organizer in both TC and Outlook.

Non-Organizer (with Delete Permissions) Deletes Unsynced Appointment

Deleted from TC, and not synced to Outlook.

Create a Copy of Appointment in TeamConnect

You can create a copy of appointments in TeamConnect. The following section summarizes how changes made in one system affect the other and what happens to the original and copied appointments.

Bidirectional Sync of Appointments from TC to Outlook and Outlook to TC

The synchronization of appointments occurs bidirectionally between Outlook and TeamConnect. For a detailed understanding of various scenarios and their outcomes in both TeamConnect and Outlook, please refer to the Two Way Sync of Appointments.

A similar process applies when dealing with an external organizer. For a comprehensive overview of the scenarios, please consult the document on Bidirectional Synchronization of Appointments with External Organizer.

Matter Creation

You can quickly create a matter through the Add-in without logging in to TeamConnect. This will help you save time as you can instantaneously add any document to a matter without leaving the Outlook interface.    

A button to create a new matter is present in the Add-in against all objects. Click on the Create a Matter button to create a new matter quickly.

Note: This option is visible only if matter creation is enabled in TeamConnect.

1. Click the Create a Matter button to get a list of the objects and the primary category. 

2. When creating a matter, you can assign multiple categories to it.  The primary category is the root category for the matter and is selected by default.

3. Based on the primary category, corresponding categories are populated.

4. You can change the primary category by selecting the drop-down options.

Matter Creation

5. Selecting a primary category will change the previous primary category to an additional category.

6. Click the Add button to select any additional categories that are displayed in the modal.

7. The options displayed are active elements from the lookup table. Select the required options from the multi-level list as per hierarchy.

Note: If at least one child category option is selected, the parent category of the tree structure will automatically be selected. If all the child categories are de-selected, the parent category still remains selected. As in TC, deselecting the parent category will deselect all the child category options.

Primary Category

8. The fields associated with the category selected are displayed on the user interface.

9. The setting in TeamConnect designed to hide the tree structure for categories on the create matter screen does not function as intended. As a result, the tree structures for categories will always be displayed by default on the new matter creation screen.

Select Categories

10. Enter the appropriate details in the Memo field which is mandatory. This is populated with the category selected. 

11. Select the checkbox(es), if required, that is populated with the category selected. 

12. Search for assignees using the search boxes.

13. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down options.

14. Enter the date in the date field.

Note: When a date is selected from the date picker, and random numbers are input into another date field, the current day’s date will be displayed in TeamConnect. 

15. Click the Save button and then the Submit button.

16. The matter will be created successfully.

Memo field

Customize the Calendar View 

You can select the Add-ins that should be visible on your calendar surface. Modify your calendar’s view by enabling or disabling the following settings:

  • Navigate to SettingsCalendar Customize Actions. 
  • Select all the Add-ins to be displayed on the calendar surface.

Customize calendar view

Customize the Mail View

You can select the options that should be visible on your mail page. Modify your mail view by enabling or disabling the following settings:

  • Navigate to SettingsMailCustomize Actions
  • Select all the actions to be displayed on the mail page.

Customize the Mail View

Troubleshooting Issues

Whenever you encounter a problem with the Add-in, know that there are some basic troubleshooting techniques you can use to fix issues like this.

  1. When you log in, and your subscription is expired, renew the subscription. Logging out and logging back in will restore the renewed subscription 
  2. When an organizer on an appointment quits the client’s company, any TeamConnect user in the attendees has to manually reassign all the appointments for which the user was an organizer to another user making them the organizer
  3. Failed Synchronization and Error Logs: If a user's synchronization encounters an issue due to a subscription, the error will be recorded in the error log (TC office logger).

It is recommended that you go through the Troubleshooting Guide to find a solution for any unexpected error in the application.