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Appointment Scenarios


Appointments are activities that you schedule in your calendar that do not involve inviting other people or reserving resources. You can turn an appointment into a meeting by adding attendees. 

Based on their roles and responsibilities in an event or appointment, we have the following classifications: 


The organizer of a meeting or appointment is the person who schedules the event and sends out invitations to other participants. The organizer typically has control over the meeting details, such as setting the agenda, date, time, and location, and adding or removing attendees. 

Note: You are discouraged from replacing an Organizer and designating a different individual as the new organizer. We do not support reassignment as yet and it will disrupt appointment syncing. 

External Organizer

An "external organizer" typically refers to an individual who is not an internal member of your organization but is involved in organizing or scheduling events, meetings, or appointments within TeamConnect. Appointments created by an external organizer are synced to TeamConnect by a TeamConnect user, and the External Organizer flag is enabled for this user. When the External Organizer flag is active, any edits to these appointments will only affect TeamConnect and won't sync to Outlook. 


An invitee for an appointment, also commonly referred to as an attendee, is an individual who is invited to participate in a scheduled event or appointment. Invitees are people expected to attend the event, and they are typically invited by the event organizer. 

Non-TeamConnect User/External User

A non-TeamConnect user refers to an individual who does not have an account or active involvement in TeamConnect. Non-TeamConnect users are external to TeamConnect and do not have the same level of access or permissions as TeamConnect users within the organization. They may still interact with TeamConnect data or appointments but often in a more limited or read-only capacity. These users are shown in the notes in TeamConnect.

Appointments Based on User Permissions

Permission to create appointments in TeamConnect





Create in TeamConnect

Created in TeamConnect & Synced to Outlook if the "Sync to Outlook" button located within the More Actions tab of an appointment is clicked.

Selected from Attendees list (only TC Users). If this step is skipped, the user who created the appointment will be automatically set as the default Organizer. The 'organizer' designation cannot be modified after appoitnment creation. Added on TeamConnect (cannot contain other emails from TC side )
Adding a group or an address book as attendees on appointment creation. Created in TeamConnect & Synced to Outlook if the "Sync to Outlook" button located within the More Actions tab of an appointment is clicked. The user who created the appointment. These entities cannot be assigned as Organizers.  Group or address book added on TeamConnect. 
Create appointment without the attendee's primary email address Created in TeamConnect but not synced to Outlook. To sync the appointment, click the "Sync to Outlook" button located within the More Actions tab of an appointment.  The user who created the appointment.

Added on TeamConnect.


Create in Outlook Created in Outlook & Synced to TeamConnect. The user who created the appointment on Outlook. Organizer's email address must match their default primary email in TeamConnect. TC users are added to the attendees list and non-TC users are added to the Notes section. 
Sync Externally created Appointment to TC using Outlook (Create) Created from any calendar tool (Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, Zoho) & synced to Outlook by a TC users.  The user who syncs the appointment to TeamConnect using the Add-in. TC users are added to the attendees list and non-TC users are added to the Notes section. 
Appointment is sent without including any other invitees. Created in Outlook & Synced to TeamConnect. The user who created the appointment on Outlook.  Organizer will be the sole attendee. 
Permission to edit appointments in TeamConnect
Edit in TeamConnect Edited in TeamConnect and Synced to Outlook. All modifications performed will be mirrored in Outlook. Cannot be updated, same as on creation (Only TC Users). 'TeamConnect' category tag is showcased within Outlook for the meeting organizer.  Can be added or removed. 
Changing the attendance status of an invitee to "Will not attend" within TeamConnect. Removal of the appointment from the invitee's Outlook calendar. The user who created the appointment. Added on TeamConnect.
Reverting the status back to "Will attend" in TeamConnect Appointment will be visible on the invitee's Outlook calendar.  The user who created the appointment. Added on TeamConnect.

Edit in Outlook (No Add-in update)

No specific permission is needed. 

Edited in Outlook and Synced to TeamConnect. The user who created the appointment on Outlook. TC users are added to/removed from the attendees list and non-TC users are added to/removed from the Notes section. 
Edit in Outlook (update w/o Add-in) Edited in Outlook Add-in and Synced to TeamConnect. The user who created the appointment on Outlook. TC users are added to/removed from the attendees list and non-TC users are added to/removed from the Notes section. 
Edit in Add-in and Sync externally created Appointment to TC using Outlook (Edit). Created from any calendar tool (Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, Zoho) but has been synced to TeamConnect through Outlook Add-in by a TC user, now updating the Add-in.  The user who had originally created the appointment in the Add-in and synced to TeamConnect. TC users are added to/removed from the attendees list and non-TC users are added to/removed from the Notes section (can only be updated by the appointment's creator and is only synced on edit). 
Permission to delete in TeamConnect
Delete in TeamConnect Deleted in TeamConnect and Synced to Outlook. Cannot be updated, same as on creation (Only TC Users). Appointment is canceled on behalf of the original organizer.  Doesn't change in the event of deletion. The meeting is deleted on TeamConnect and canceled for the attendees on the Outlook Add-in. 

Cancel (Delete) in Outlook

No specific permission is needed. 

Canceled in Outlook and Synced to TeamConnect. The user who created the appointment on Outlook. TC users' statuses are updated to "will not attend", no change to non-TC users in the Notes section. The appointment is canceled for Outlook invitees. 

Delete synced External Appointment in TeamConnect using Add-in. 

User has to be the TC organizer. 

Created from any calendar tool (Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, Zoho) but has been synced to TeamConnect by a TC user, now being deleted from TeamConnect. The user who created the appointment in the Add-in and synced to TeamConnect.  TC users' statuses are updated to "will not attend", no change to non-TC users in the Notes section. The appointment is canceled for Outlook invitees.
Permission to view the appointment in TeamConnect
Force sync changes from TeamConnect. Synced to Outlook via Force Sync button. Cannot be updated, same as on creation (Only TC Users). Appointment is edited on behalf of the original organizer during creation.  Contact emails can be updated and synced (only TC users). Invitees are updated based on the changes on the TeamConnect side.

Syncing Appointments - Important Notes:



Project name is removed in Outlook. Appointment is created in Outlook and synced to TeamConnect.   The appointment will still sync to TeamConnect with no matter associated.
Appointment is older than the historical calendar sync setting value. Appointment is created in Outlook (before including the add-in) and synced to TeamConnect. Changes to the appointment in the add-in will not be synced. Such appointments will be ignored. 
Selecting the "Sync to Outlook" checkbox when an appointment is created in TeamConnect and synced to Outlook. Selecting the Organizer is mandatory. Else, the user who created the appointment will be automatically set as the default Organizer. 
Not Selecting the "Sync to Outlook" checkbox when an appointment is created in TeamConnect but it will not be synced to Outlook. The organizer selection will be automatically deselected. Additionally, no attendee can be designated as an organizer. 
Attendee lacks an email address within their contact card when the appointment is created in TeamConnect and synced to Outlook. A tooltip warning "No email found" will appear, and the email address column will remain empty. 
For an external organizer, to enable appointment synchronization for the appointments created in TeamConnect and synced to Outlook. Schedule the sync appointment action to run daily within TeamConnect.
Multiple attendees added in the same organization. Appointment is created in TeamConnect and synced to Outlook. Data is synced to all the attendees in their Add-ins. 
An appointment that is created in teamConnect fails to sync with Outlook.

Sync operations are queued and executed later at specific intervals configured for the Scheduled Action.



Two-Way Sync of Appointments

Event Action

Outcome in TC

Outcome in Outlook

Create in Outlook

Appointment is synced to TC Calendar with the title "Copy of... (Previous Appointment)"

Merged with the previous appointment in Outlook for the Organizer, not synced for Attendees.

Create in TeamConnect

Merged with the previous appointment in TC for the Organizer, not synced for Attendees

Appointment is synced to Outlook for the Organizer, not synced for Attendees

Edit in Outlook (can be done by Organizer only)

Changes made in TC are reflected on the single appointment in Outlook

Changes are not reflected in the other appointment in TC

Edit in TeamConnect (can be done by Organizer only)

Changes made in TC are reflected on the appointment in Outlook

No changes reflected on the other appointment in TC

Delete in Outlook (can be done by Organizer only) 

Deleting the copied appointment in TC removes/cancels the original appointment from the Outlook Calendar of Organizer and Attendees

Deleted on TC & canceled in Outlook

Bidirectional Synchronization of Appointments with External Organizer

Event Action

Outcome in TC

Outcome in Outlook

Create in Outlook Appointment is synced to TC Calendar with title "Copy of... (Previous Appointment)" Merged with the previous appointment in Outlook for the Organizer, not synced for Attendees
Create in TeamConnect Merged with the previous appointment in TC for the Organizer, not synced for Attendees Appointment is synced to Outlook for the Organizer, not synced for Attendees
Edit in Outlook (can be done by Organizer only)

Deleting the appointment with External Organizer flag as True in TC does not remove/cancel the original appointment from the External organizer’s Outlook Calendar Original appointment is removed from TC Calendar for TC Organizer, still remains for Attendees in Outlook
Edit in TeamConnect (can be done by Organizer only) Original appointment is removed from TC Calendar for TC Organizer No changes reflected on the other appointment in TC
Delete in Outlook (can be done by Organizer only) Changes made in TC to the appointment with External Organizer flag as True are not reflected in the External organizer’s Outlook Calendar Changes are reflected on the appointment in Outlook for TC Organizer, not reflected in the other appointment in TC

Delete in TeamConnect (can be done by Organizer only)

Changes made in TC to the appointment with External Organizer flag as True are not reflected in the External organizer’s Outlook Calendar Changes are not reflected in the Outlook calendar for Attendees, but are reflected in TC
Syncing Migrated Appointments

To sync appointments from TeamConnect to Outlook, especially those already existing in TeamConnect, we need to perform individual syncing using the "Force Sync" option. 

Change Label: To distinguish appointments between Outlook and TeamConnect, consider changing the label from "Outlook Add-in" to "TeamConnect Add-in."

Delete Appointments: Delete appointments in Outlook with the "Outlook Add-in" label to avoid duplication.

Note that there may be duplicate appointments in Outlook.