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Viewing or Editing General Information of a Document

Use the Document General page to view information about a document, including the author of the document, when the document was last checked out and back in, when it was created and modified, and the file type and size.

If necessary, you can change the name of the document, the author of the document, and the date the document was authored.

Custom Details

This page may also contain a Details section that displays custom fields that appear or disappear based on the selections you make on the Documents Categories page. See Adding and Removing Document Categories for more information.

To view or edit documents general information

  1. Open the Documents page with the document you want to view or edit.
  2. In the Action column, click the Properties icon.

  3. To edit the document name, author, or date, click Edit, and then make the appropriate changes. See the Document General Page Field Descriptions for specific details.

    Editing general information of document
  4. Select a save option.

Document General Page Field Descriptions

The tables below contain the default sections and fields. The information that you see may vary based on your company policies and access rights. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Document Information Section

Field Name
(* = required)



The name of the user who authored the document. The default author is the person who uploaded the document.

  • To change the name of the author, click the search contacts icon.
  • To view the contact record for this author, click the view contact icon.

Checked Out By

The name of the user who currently has the document checked out.

Checked Out On

The date that the user checked out the document.

Date Authored

The date that the document was uploaded to TeamConnect.

To change this date, click the calendar icon, or enter the date manually.

File Size

The size of the document.

File Type

The name of the application that applies to this document or the format of the document.

Folder Path

The path that leads to location where the document is stored.

If you click the link in the field, you will open the document General page for the named document.


The name of the document. The default is the current name of the document.


The name of the user that added the document to TeamConnect.

If you click the link in this field, you will open the contact General page for the named user.

Notes Section

Notes that apply to the selected document.

Access Information Section

Access information

Field Name


Created By

The name of the user who added the document to TeamConnect. To view the associated contact record, click the link in this field.

Created On

The date that the document was added to TeamConnect.

Modified By

The name of the user who last modified the document. To view the associated contact record, click the link in this field.

Modified On

The date on which the document was last modified.

Details Section (optional)

The information in this section varies depending on the selections you make on the Categories page. If there are no custom fields associated with the assigned categories, or if you do not have rights to view custom fields, this section does not appear.

See Adding and Removing Document Categories for more information.

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