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TAP 1.17 Release Notes

Feature Enhancements

Update Dataset to Ensure Correct Field Designations

When custom data fields are added and the Elasticube is updated from TAP, date field data will now be recognized and added as date field types. Text fields that undergo numerical validation will be categorized as number types. All other field types will default to text data supporting Unicode characters. Additionally, currency-validated text fields will be stored as number types within the eCube.

Impacted Areas: 
Datasets in TAP

Tested Areas: 

Provisional Flag Enabled Testing (Old Behavior)

  1. Existing dataset and VIEW with multiple dynamic columns.

Provisional Flag Disabled Testing (New Behavior)

  1. Existing dataset and VIEW with multiple dynamic columns.
  2. New dataset (VIEW) with and without dynamic columns.

For more information on Analytics 2.0, refer to the Client Success Center.

Tracking Code: TAP-29374

Advanced Export Workflow Details:

The Advanced Export feature enables users to export a zipped folder containing essential files like the 'tapw' file, attachments, CSS files, data sources, and eSign documents. This feature requires new user permission and is accessible for all templates and revisions within a tenant. Below is a summary of these enhancements and the UI changes:

  1. Selection of 'Advanced Export':
    1. Upon selecting 'Advanced Export', the following actions take place:
      1. The extracted .tapw file is named "(Workflow Template Name).tapw" instead of "template.tapw".
      2. A zipped folder (.tapz) is downloaded, titled '(Workflow Template Name) - (Date Downloaded)'. Please use an extractor tool to access those files.
      3. The folder includes:
        • .tapw file of the workflow template.
        • Attachments folder containing labeled attachments linked to any stage of the workflow.
        • CSS folder containing labeled CSS templates linked to stages or thank you pages.
        • Data Sources folder containing named TAP Stored data sources.
        • eSign Documents folder containing named eSignature uploaded templates.

For more information on Advanced Export, go to the Client Success Center.

  1. Data Sources Folder Criteria:
    1. Data sources will use names from the TAP tenant data sources section.
    2. Conditional data sources will retrieve parent, child, and mapping files.
    3. Data sources from multi-select fields will be exported and visible in the JSON file.
    4. Each data source will be pulled only once, even if used across multiple fields.
    5. A JSON file will be downloaded alongside the .tapw file, containing all information, even if all checkboxes are deselected.
  2. New Permission: 'Advanced Export Privilege': Introduced to the Admin Application Permissions, enabling access to the 'Advanced Export' option in workflows and revisions. For more information on Advanced Export Privilege, got to the Client Success Center.
  3. Additional Option in 'Advanced Export': A new option is available in the revisions grid rows, allowing users to select any workflow template, choose 'revisions', and then 'Advanced Export'.
  4. Organization of Files:
    1. The zip file and extracted folder will contain files and the .tapw file.
    2. eSignature files will be exported to a single folder, organized within subfolders corresponding to the relationship they were uploaded on.
  5. CSS and Attachments Handling:
    1. Duplicate CSS files used across multiple stages and Thank You Pages are removed.
    2. Attachments are organized into subfolders based on the stage they are uploaded to and labeled similarly to their counterparts in the workflow.
    3. CSS files are named similarly to their counterparts in the workflow.

New API Endpoint for Roles and Departments Created
  1. Introduced a new API endpoint for retrieving all roles and their corresponding role IDs.
  2. Introduced a new API endpoint for retrieving all departments along with their department IDs.

Access Permissions: Users must have administration page access to generate a valid token for authentication when making this call.

Impacted Areas: 

  1. Roles API List
  2. Verification of Departments API List
  3. User Permissions for User Administration Scenarios

Tested Areas: 

Tracking Code: TAP-32984

New API Endpoint for User Profile Creation and Update: 

To facilitate integration with TeamConnect, the TAP Team has introduced an endpoint that enables the creation or updating of user profiles within TAP. 

  • Creation and updating of user profiles in TAP using designated endpoint(s).
  • When creating a user, mandatory fields include Login, First Name, Last Name, Role, Department, and Password, with additional fields being optional and dynamically added to the user profile upon creation.
  • When updating a user, only the specified fields are modified, ensuring the integrity of existing data. Additionally, users can also be locked out using the updated user API.
  • The endpoint supports bulk operations, allowing for the simultaneous creation or updating of multiple user profiles.
  • A comprehensive error handling mechanism provides detailed feedback in case of failed calls, including specific error messages and reasons for failure, when applicable.
  • ‘Create User’ or ‘Update User’ endpoints utilize role IDs and department IDs, which can be obtained from the new Roles and Department endpoints.
  • ‘Create User’ or ‘Update User’ endpoints adhere to standard API naming conventions, removing verbs from the endpoint names.

Access Permissions: Authentication requires a user account with administration page access to generate valid tokens for API calls.

Impacted Areas: 

Tested Areas: 

Tracking Code: TAP-4472; TAP-32684

New API Endpoint for Deleting User: 

A new API endpoint is introduced in TAP to enable users to delete user accounts. Within the user table, there is a "isDeleted" flag that can be updated accordingly. Presently, user deletion in TAP is performed as a soft delete.

Impacted Area(s): 
Delete User API

Tested Areas: 

Tracking Code: TAP-40475

For more information on API endpoints, go to the Client Success Center

New API Endpoint for Retrieving Comments from Records: 

A new REST API Endpoint for Retrieving Comments from the Record Communications Tab is introduced. This new REST API endpoint enables users to extract data from the communications tab of a record. Users can specify which records to pull by:

  • Individual records using workflow name or ID
  • Group of records using workflow names or IDs
  • Group of records using Dashboard View ID

The JSON response will include the following details for each record and comment in the communications section of the audit log:

  • Name of the user who left the comment
  • Date of the comment
  • Comment content

Introduced comments total count for each workflow ID/name. If no comments are present, an empty CommentsFieldsList is displayed (similar to the discussion endpoint).

Added an Error property to display an error message. If no comments are present, an empty CommentsFieldsList is displayed (similar to the discussion endpoint).

Access Permissions: Only users with 'View History' access can retrieve this information from a record.

Impacted Area(s): 
APIs for Retrieval of Comments from Records

Tested Areas: 
Retrieval of Comments from Records via 3 APIs

Tracking Code: TAP-22317; TAP-32706

New API Endpoint for Retrieving Discussion Section from Records: 

Introduced a new REST API endpoint that enables users to extract data from Discussion sections within a record's collaboration stages. This endpoint provides flexibility in specifying the records to retrieve data from, including:

  • Retrieving data for a single record by workflow name or ID.
  • Extracting data for a group of records using workflow names or IDs.
  • Retrieving data for a group of records based on Dashboard View ID.

The JSON response from this endpoint includes the following details for each record and comment within a saved or completed collab stage discussion section:

  • Name of the stage
  • Name of the user who left the comment
  • Date of the comment
  • The comment itself

Access Permissions: Only users with 'View History' access can retrieve this information from a record.

Impacted Area(s): 
API for Retrieving Discussion from Records

Tested Areas: 
Retrieval of Discussion from Records via 3 APIs

Tracking Code: TAP-22476

Impact of Kendo UI Library Version Upgrade on UI and User Experience:

The transition from Kendo UI version 2017.3.1206 to 2023.2.718 in TAP has brought about changes to the user interface (UI) and enhancements to the user experience. This section provides an overview of these modifications, highlighting the subtle adjustments made to various elements for a more contemporary look and feel.

Pagination bar for all grids The pagination bar for all grids has been updated to highlight the selected page number with a faint square instead of a circle.
Filter pop-up The filter pop-up appears to the right of the filter icon. Both the filter button and the clear button show icons representing their respective actions, with the filter button displaying a filter icon and the clear button displaying a crossed filter icon.
Active filter indicator

The filter icon next to the table headings has been enhanced, and the cross icon has been removed. To clear the filter, users simply need to click on the 'filter icon'.

File Upload form field The file upload field has been modernized, with improvements made to the file extension icon. Upon successful file upload, a message stating "Files uploaded successfully" is shown. Additionally, the label 'Done' is now positioned to the right of the 'Select Files' button.
Modernized spreadsheet UI The spreadsheet has been updated to a more modern design.
Dashboard grid with adjusted browser size The dashboard grid adapts to the size of the browser.
Records info in Grid The updated UI consistently displays the item count at the bottom right of the page.

Known Issues Post Kendo Upgrade 

Here are some of the observed known issues following the Kendo upgrade:

  1. The spreadsheet appears blank in the workflow preview when using 1/2 alignment. However, it functions correctly when used alone or in a 1/3 alignment within a row.
  2. Attempting to change text color, border color, or background color in split-screen mode does not result in color changes. This issue stems from the Kendo Library. Kindly refrain from using the spreadsheet in split-screen mode.
  3. The action column name is not fully visible on iPad and MacBook devices without expanding the column.
  4. Drag and Drop Behavior for Pinned Columns: The very first non-pinned column displays a block sign when attempting to drag it into the pinned columns. However, other non-pinned columns can be dragged and dropped into pinned columns without any error.
  5. When attempting to modify a value in the Data source's Kendo grid for the first time, editing can be initiated with just one click. However, when attempting to modify another value subsequently, a single click does not activate edit mode; instead, it merely selects the value. To enter edit mode, the user must click on the value once more.
  6. In the Designer Grid, an unintended Actions dropdown is displayed (Functioning properly on Chrome). Upon accessing the Designer page, an Actions dropdown appears within the grid, which should not be visible.
  7. Inputting values manually into the data source does not activate any action when pressing the "Enter" button.
  8. When opening a popup, the spreadsheet in the designer, form, and workflow form/preview auto-scrolls to the spreadsheet within the pop-up.
  9. For the 'Active Filter Indicator', if no filter value is entered, clicking the filter icon should not cause the grid to reload.

Important Notice: Changes in Custom CSS with the Latest Kendo Update

With the latest Kendo upgrade, certain classes and elements have been modified, necessitating a review of custom CSS. For instance, white text color is applied to button text, resulting in rendering the text invisible. Additionally, headers have also been affected by the custom CSS and UI update.

Please ensure to review and update your CSS customization for form fields including the following:

  • Grid
  • Date Picker
  • File Upload
  • Spreadsheet
  • Table
  • Heading
  • Text field with validations
  • Custom HTML
  • Collaboration Settings Popup

Pay close attention to any CSS explicitly pointing to these form elements by IDs (such as #btn_Submit), class names, or HTML tags (such as div, span, button) as some references may have changed due to a UI library upgrade. It's highly recommended to preview workflows to ensure the forms display correctly.

Migration of Filter Data from SQL to Mongo DB

On the Business Automation page, within the List of Configurations section, the dropdown menu should include all the options corresponding to the features for which pinned filters have been created, such as Workflow Dashboard, Document Library, Archive Library, and Signature Repository.

If no pinned filter is created for a particular feature, then the corresponding label will not appear in the dropdown menu. For instance, if there are no pinned filters for the "Archive Library," then "Archive Library" will not be listed in the dropdown menu.

Bug Fixes

Issue: After submitting the first stage, we cannot view the record ID created in the TAP dashboard, although the record numbers are visible in the database. 
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-7381
Case Number: 2023-0914-7984732 
Reported Version:

Access to TAP environment.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Submit the workflow.
  2. After the first stage, the matter is created in TeamConnect.
  3. However, the record created in TAP is not visible on the dashboard.
  4. We can see the list of records on the dashboard.

Expected Results of Steps
After submitting the first stage, we should be able to view the record ID.

Actual Results of Steps
After submitting the first stage, the record ID created in the TAP dashboard is not visible, but it can be seen in the database.

Root Cause Analysis
File validation for 0KB files is currently unavailable. TeamConnect does not permit 0KB files to be uploaded.

Impacted Areas
Submitting the record with TeamConnectSupport Area for addition or updating.

Tested Areas
Submitting the record with TeamConnectSupport Area for addition or updating.

Issue: Assigning a Business Owner to a request updates the value for various in-flight requests on the workflows. 
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-8164
Case Number: 2024-0214-8146488 
Reported Version: 1.16.3

Access to TAP environment.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Submit a request with the populated values.
  2. Re-assign the request to the new business user in the second stage.
  3. Instead of submitting, enter a user email and then click save.
  4. Re-submit with another user's email in the supplier contact email address.

Expected Results of Steps
The workflow should be taken in the updated email when it's submitted.

Actual Results of Steps
The workflow updates the business user details on the current request and some other requests based on the customer's request. This doesn't happen every time, and we're currently uncertain what triggers it.

Root Cause Analysis
Our system uses a cache mechanism to store workflow data used for processing formulas, prepopulating fields, managing data sources, etc. This caching feature has been integrated into TAP since at least 2018. However, it has been discovered that the system sometimes relies on cached data from the previous record, resulting in inaccuracies or outdated information within the current workflow.

Impacted Areas

  1. Initiate and submit workflow
  2. Preview and process pre-population rules(Use Pre-population On Submit and Without)
  3. Formulas
  4. Form mapping
  5. Sequence generator
  6. Document preview with seq generator
  7. Document builder -> document generator
  8. User roles
  9. Collaboration user comments permissions
  10.  eSplitter
  11. Conditional data source
  12. Record forms
  13.  Auto submit
  14. Dashboard Quick Submit functionality
  15. APIs

Tested Areas

  1. Initiate and submit workflows
  2. Preview and process pre-population rules (with and without Pre-population On Submit)
  3. Formulas
  4. Form mapping
  5. Sequence generator
  6. Document preview with sequence generator
  7. Document builder to document generator
  8. User roles
  9. Collaboration user comments permissions
  10. eSplitter
  11. Conditional data sources
  12. Record forms
  13. Auto-submit
  14. Loading complex workflows
  15. User roles with current assignee
  16. Dashboard current assignee
  17. Notifications for the current assignee
  18. Dashboard quick submit functionality
  19. Same functionalities with APIs

Issue: Issue with Sequence Generators 
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-8075
Case Number: 2024-0103-8099428 
Reported Version:

Access to TAP environment.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log into TAP
  2. Import the workflow
  3. Submit the workflow.

Expected Results of Steps
In the client's environment, when a request is generated, the sequence generator for the workflow name should be in the correct order.

Actual Results of Steps
In the client's environment, when a request is generated, the sequence generator for the workflow name often advances by 2 or 3 numbers.

Root Cause Analysis
The occurrence of this issue was attributed to an incorrect implementation of the sequence generator in the document preview section.

Impacted Areas

  • Workflow submission with the sequence generator
  • Workflow submission with eSign enabled
  • Document preview

Tested Areas

  • Workflow submission with the sequence generator
  • Workflow submission with eSign enabled
  • Document preview