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TAP 1.17.4 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

Issue: Not able to paste the value in the numeric validation field in MacBook.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-4303
Case Number: 2022-0120-881186
Reported Version: 1.7.3


  1. Access to the TAP environment
  2. A text field with numeric validation
  3. The workflow must be executed on a MacBook.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log into TAP
  2. Import or Create a workflow.
  3. Add a text field with numeric validation
  4. Save and preview the workflow. 
  5. Try to copy and paste a numeric value in the text box that has numeric validation.

Expected Results of Steps
You should be able to paste numeric values into the text box with numeric validation.

Actual Results of Steps
Unable to paste numeric values into the text field with numeric validation.

Root Cause Analysis
JavaScript conditions are not being passed for numeric and decimal textbox fields in the Safari browser.

Impacted Areas
Textbox field with numeric validation in the Safari browser

Tested Areas

  1. Textbox field with numeric validation
  2. Textbox field with decimal validation
  3. Textbox field with other things like email, alphanumeric, alphabets, etc.
  4. All the above scenarios in MAC and Windows browsers like “Safari“, “Chrome“ and “Edge“.

Issue: Time zone difference for Doc builder and manually upload documents.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-7711
Case Number: 2023-1011-8016133
Reported Version:

Access to TAP environment

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Import the workflow.
  2. Preview the workflow and try to upload a test document from the upload section. Additionally, ensure that a document has been added to the document builder.
  3. After submitting the request, navigate to "View History" and examine the timestamp.
  4. Notice that the document manually uploaded displays the local time, whereas the document retrieved through the document builder shows a time different from the local time.

Expected Results of Steps
The time zone for the manually uploaded document should correspond to the document uploaded through the document builder.

Actual Results of Steps
The time zone of the manually uploaded document does not align with that of the document uploaded through the document builder.

Root Cause Analysis 
While creating the Doc builder document, it utilized local time instead of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Impacted Areas
Document Builder

Tested Areas

  1. Document Builder 
  2. Doc Builder with Esign, Autosubmit,  API call 

Issue: TAP Inaccurate Audit Trail - when request approved by an Approval Group
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-8025
Case Number: 2023-1211-8080429
Reported Version:


  1. Access to TAP environment. 
  2. A workflow with a stage assigned to a group of two approvers.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Import the workflow.
  2. Go to the ‘Notifications’. Add a ‘Quick Submit Link’
  3. Save and Preview the workflow.
  4. Enter the details and submit the workflow. 
  5. Click the ‘Quick Submit’ button in the email received. 
  6. When a stage is assigned to a group of two approvers, each approver will approve their respective request. The request can be accessed either via email or directly through TAP.

Expected Results of Steps
The request moves to the subsequent stage, and the audit trail should show the user who approved the request.

Actual Results of Steps
The audit trail shows that a different or incorrect user within the group has approved the request.

Root Cause Analysis
When users use the link to either approve or decline the request, we search within the FBToken Table using ResultSetID and StageID. However, we do not match it with the tokenID or the userID. The current query employs a simple firstOrDefault().

Impacted Areas

  1. Quick Submit Request
  2. Quick Submit Email

Tested Areas

  1. Quick Submit Request
  2. Quick Submit Email

Issue: Not able to submit the workflow.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-8247
Case Number: 2024-0228-8161593
Reported Version: 1.16.3


  1. Access to TAP environment. 
  2. Within TeamConnect in TAP, the setup should include "Company Name" as the Company Name and "Company" as the Switcher for the object type Contact.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Import the workflow.
  2. Go to the ‘TeamConnect Support’ tab.
  3. Go to the Setup or click ‘Edit’.
  4. Object type should be ‘Contact’ or enter the ‘Company Name’.
  5. Preview the workflow, and enter the details.
  6. Submit the workflow.
  7. Clients encounter an error message when attempting to submit the workflow.
  8. Clicking on "Click here for more info" redirects clients to the DocuSign page.

Expected Results of Steps

  1. When creating or updating a workflow, the submission should not be blocked even if a label is specified without selecting its type. For example, if an email address is provided but the email address type is not selected, no error should occur. This behavior also applies to physical addresses and their types. If the values are not inputted to TeamConnect, the reason should be recorded in the error logs.
  2. Entering the Company Name in TAP should not result in any errors; it should accept the input.

Actual Results of Steps

  1. When creating or updating a workflow, the submission will be blocked or fail if a label is specified but its type is not. For example, an error will occur if an email address is provided but the email address type is not selected. This behavior is consistent for both email and physical addresses, where specifying an address without selecting its type will also result in an error.
  2. Entering the ‘Company Name’ in TAP results in errors.

Root Cause Analysis
The issue occurred due to code changes in TAP-24763 and TAP-26713. Mandatory fields are not passed correctly, and unnecessary additional field validations are present.

Impacted Areas
TeamConnect Contact Object 

Tested Areas

  1. TeamConnect Company Object creation and update
  2. TeamConnect Person Object creation and update
  3. TAP-TeamConnect System Fields
  4. TeamConnect Update and Teamconnect Add for Person Switcher and Company Switcher

Issue: Issue with Record Getting Stuck
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-8278
Case Number: 2024-0313-8177794
Reported Version: 1.16.3

Access to TAP environment 

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Initiate the eSignature process by sending a document from TAP to DocuSign.
  2. Access the document within DocuSign and complete the eSignature procedure.
  3. Return to TAP and locate the record associated with the eSignature process.
  4. Notice that the status in TAP does not reflect the completion of the DocuSign process. Additionally, note the absence of an 'Edit Request' or 'Cancel and Edit eSignature' option to proceed with the workflow.

Expected Results of Steps
The TAP status should be updated once the document is fully signed in DocuSign.

Actual Results of Steps
The TAP status remains unchanged even after the document is fully signed in DocuSign.

Root Cause Analysis
If a timeout occurs during the SubmitResult process, the data is not stored in the database, resulting in inconsistent data storage.

Impacted Areas
Submit Workflow

Tested Areas

  1. Submit, Save WorkFlow and Quick submit via API, AutoSumit  delay, and Callback
  2. Collaboration Stage 
  3. Email Notification Reminder 
  4. Esign Notification Expiry 
  5. Child WorkFlow with Autosubmit delay
  6. EchoSign Splitter 

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