Private Matters
The private matters feature of eCounsel allows access to a matter to be restricted to specifically designated users only, even if the matter is assigned to a logical group to which a non-designated user has access. System administrators also must be given permission to access these matters.
Marking a matter as private will have the following effects:
- The matter will not appear on the Matters List page.
- The matter cannot be located through any search function.
- Reports cannot be run for the matter.
- The matter will not display on an assigned user’s eCounsel home page on the New Matter Alert widget.
- If the private matter is related to another matter, person, entity, invoice, timekeeping record, or calendar event that you do have access to, the words “Restricted Data” will appear in place of the matter name in any related grid. Furthermore, you will be unable to jump to that matter.
Users who do not have access to a private matter may still view certain records associated with that matter, such as calendar records, related matters, invoices. The name of the private matter will not display, but the related information can still be edited or deleted.