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Pages and Tabs

Calendar List Page

The Calendar List page allows you to list calendar appointments and tasks meeting the criteria you select. Double-click on any calendar appointment or task to display detailed information concerning the appointment or task on the Calendar dialog box .

Calendar list

The appointment or task lists a status of any error condition. Click image Options and add the Status column to the Calendar List page to easily view the status of each appointment and task.


Finder – Select the field (such as Start Date) on which you want to query, select the criteria (such as less than) by which you want to query, enter the text for matching, then click Find to retrieve all matching records. Click Clear to reset the criteria.

All Appointments – Click to list all calendar appointments.

All My Tasks and Appointments – Click to list all calendar appointments and tasks that are assigned to the current user.

All Open Tasks – Click to list all tasks that have not been completed.

All Tasks – Click to list all calendar tasks.

All Tasks and Appointments – Click to list all calendar appointments and tasks.

My Appointments from Today Forward – Click to list all future calendar appointments from the current date that are assigned to the current user.

My Appointments Today – Click to list all appointments that occur on the current date are assigned to the current user.

My Open Tasks – Click to list all tasks that have not been completed and are assigned to the current user.

My Overdue Tasks – Click to list all tasks with a due date that has been exceeded and are assigned to the current user.


Start Date – The date and time the event is scheduled to begin.

End Date – The date and time the event is scheduled to end (appointments) or is due (tasks).

Event Type – An indication of whether the event is an appointment or a task.

Event Description – A comment concerning the event.

Matter Name – The name of the matter to which the event is linked.

Matter Number – The corresponding identifier for the matter.

Optional Fields

The following fields can be added to the grid by clicking the Options button and selecting the fields (the fields also may be reordered to appear as needed on the page):

Completed % – The percentage of a task that has been completed. This field only applies to tasks, so if the calendar list is not filtered by tasks, appointments will have no value in this field. 

Completed Date – The date that a task was completed. This field only applies to tasks, so if the calendar list is not filtered by tasks, appointments will have no value in this field.

Event Category – A categorization of the event.

Private – An indication of whether the event is visible to users beyond the assigned ones.

Reminder – An indication of whether a notification will be sent to invitees before the appointment.


image New – Click to open the Calendar dialog box to create a new appointment or task.

image Copy – Click to copy the selected item.

image Delete – Click to remove the selected item.

image All records/Current records as of Today – Click to open the Date Range Prompt dialog box to filter the list of records shown using specific date parameters.

image Export – Click to export the current grid contents to Microsoft Excel.

image Print – Click to create an instant report of the current grid contents.

image Options – Click to select the number of records to display in the list of events.

Calendar Dialog Box

The Calendar dialog box allows you to create appointments or tasks.

Appointment Information Fields

Appointment information fields

Matter Name – The name of the matter to which the event is linked.

Event Description – A comment concerning the event that will display on the Calendar List page.

Event Category – A categorization of the event. Categories are defined in Suite Manager by the System Administrator.

Location – The physical location for the appointment.

Private – An indication of whether the event is visible to users beyond the assigned ones.

Start Time – The date and time the event is scheduled to begin. The start time defaults to the current time (closest 15-minute increment) for appointments.

End Time – The date and time the event is scheduled to end (appointments) or is due (tasks).

Invitees – Lists all users that may be selected to be invited to the event. Click a checkbox to select a user.

Reminder – An indication of whether a notification will be sent to invitees before the appointment.

Minutes Before – The number of minutes before the appointment that the invitees will be issued a reminder notice.

All Day Event – An indication of whether the appointment should be scheduled for the entire day.

Comments – A freeform area for any comments concerning the event. Click the btn_browse button to open a dialog box to edit the comment.

Invitee List – Lists all users that may be selected to be invited to the event. Click a checkbox to select a user.

Task Information Fields

Task information fields

Matter Name – The name of the matter to which the event is linked.

Subject – A comment concerning the event that will display on the Calendar List page.

Event Category – A categorization of the event. Categories are defined in Suite Manager by the System Administrator.

Private – An indication of whether the event is visible to users beyond the assigned ones.

Start Date – The date and time the event is scheduled to begin. The start time will default to the current time (closest 15-minute increment) for appointments.

Due Date – The date and time the event is scheduled to end (appointments) or is due (tasks).

Priority – The level of prioritization for the task.

Taken Date – The date the filing information was taken to the location designated for filing.

% Complete – The amount (between 0 and 100 percent) of work on the task that has been completed.

Completed Date – The date the task was completed in actuality (may differ from due date).

Amount Due – A monetary amount (such as a filing fee) associated with the task.

Paid – An indication of whether the amount due has been paid.

Reminder – An indication of whether a notification will be sent to invitees before the appointment.

Date and time for the reminder – The date and the time at which the invitees will be issued a reminder notice.

Comments – A freeform area for any comments concerning the event. Click the btn_browse button to open a dialog box to edit the comment.

Invitee List – Lists all users that may be selected to be notified of the task. Click a checkbox to select a user.


image Add to Calendar – Click to save the appointment to the calendar if you are integrating with Microsoft Outlook (vCalendar) and using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

image Save – Click to save any changes to the record and close the dialog box.

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