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Timekeeper Import Functionality

Timekeepers can be uploaded to eCounsel using a Timekeeper.csv template and the Timekeeper Import Wizard. There are two versions of the timekeeper template, one for Corridor and another for Collaborati. See Exporting Timekeeper Information to download the Corridor or Collaborati CSV template. The Smart Invoice Guide contains information about "Importing Timekeepers" beginning on page 43.

Note:  The timekeeper CSV template version might be different between Collaborati and eCounsel due to software releases for both products not necessarily occurring at the same time. Therefore, always use the Collaborati timekeeper CSV template downloaded from eCounsel to upload timekeepers to eCounsel.


The Timekeeper.csv template needs to be provided to, and must be completed by, the vendors and returned to Client for importing into eCounsel using the Timekeeper Import Wizard. It is very important that the format of the file not be changed (e.g., don’t rename or remove any columns or move them around; don't add any columns; don't add extraneous data, etc.). If the file format is changed, the Timekeeper Import Wizard will fail and the information cannot be imported. The file must be saved as a .csv file format and NOT as an .xls or .xlsx file format.

If there are leading zeroes in the file and the file must be edited after being saved with data, then the instructions in the “Resolution for Opening .csv File with Excel Where Leading Zeros are Removed” document here , should be used to properly open the file so that Excel does not remove the leading zeroes. This file should be shared with the vendors as well.

The Timekeeper Import Wizard will create new records for any Timekeepers in the file that do not already exist in eCounsel. If the Timekeeper exists in eCounsel, it will update the existing record by entering an End Date in the existing Timekeeper Employment record and inserting a new record with the new rate.

The only required fields in the Timekeeper Import file are the following:

Vendor Tax ID (Only used if the vendor will be billing from multiple locations using the same Tax ID. Client will provide this number, if used (Entity Number field in the Entity Base Info)
Timekeeper ID (Admin Number field in the Entity Base Info)
Last Name

First Name
Billed Rate
Billing Method (Usually ‘Hourly Rate’)
Currency (Must use the Code instead of the description – i.e., USD instead of US Dollars; CAD instead of Canadian Dollars, etc.)

Please keep in mind that a maximum of 500 records from the import file can be imported at one time. If the vendor is submitting more than 500 records, they must use multiple import files.



* Will the older rates be overwritten when the newer rates are uploaded? 

The Timekeeper Import Wizard will look in eCounsel for the Timekeeper ID listed in the .csv file.  If it finds an existing Employment record in eCounsel for the Timekeeper, it will insert an End Date in the existing record that is one day prior to the Begin Date listed in the .csv file.  It will then create a new record using the Begin Date listed in the file.

* What will happen when an invoice is submitted that needs the older rate? 

The standard Rate Validation Rule is designed to compare the Fee line item dates to the dates in the Timekeeper's Employment record(s) and will compare the rates based on those date ranges.

* Will eCounsel recognize the old rates and the new rates based on the Invoice Date? 

No.  The dates are compared based on the Invoice's Fee Line Item Dates.

*  Is the Timekeeper Rate updated in the Matter Player record when uploaded by the Timekeeper Import Wizard? 

No.  Unless a custom rule has been designed by the client to do so, the Matter Player rates are never automatically updated.  Therefore, when the rate is updated in the People Employment record, either manually or by the Timekeeper Import Wizard, that change does NOT occur automatically in the Matter Player record.  This is because clients sometimes negotiate special rates on specific Matters and don't want those rates overwritten when the general rates are updated.  Therefore, the Matter Player rate will always have to be manually updated, where applicable.

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