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Creating a Hyperlink Field

Hyperlink user fields are active links that point to a location outside of the program. This hyperlink can be a World Wide Web site, Intranet page, network file, etc. These links can be corporate-wide or type-specific.

To Create a User-defined Hyperlink Field:

  1. After creating a user-defined hyperlink field, launch the appropriate Suite application, and open the tab that contains the hyperlink field.
  2. Click the Add Hyperlink link.
  3. On the Add/Edit Hyperlink dialog box, type the label for the hyperlink in the Description text box.
  4. Type the URL in the Hyperlink text box using the full access protocol. For example:
  5. Click Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

To Modify a Hyperlink Field:

If the field is made read-only, the [Edit] link will not display. Remember, this process can only be done in Suite Manager; no customizations can be done in eCounsel or Secretariat.

  1. Click the [Edit] link next to the hyperlink in the Suite application.
  2. On the Add/Edit Hyperlink dialog box, make changes as needed.
  3. Click Save.

To Delete a Hyperlink Field:

  1. Click the [Edit] link next to the hyperlink in the Suite application.
  2. On the Add/Edit Hyperlink dialog box, click Delete.
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