Suite 8.11.0 SP4
Date Released: 02/09/2018
Issue Resolutions
This service pack includes the following issue resolutions:
Mitratech Office Link
- In Microsoft Outlook, a user can now share an appointment or task during the creation of the appointment or task and can share previously existing appointments or tasks. Tracking code: STE-16708
- If a task has a dash in the subject line, the dash and all characters are no longer removed from the subject line when Mitratech Office Link is refreshed.
Tracking code: STE-16658 - When a user consecutively uploads files through Mitratech Office Link in Microsoft Outlook, Outlook no longer returns an out of memory error.
Tracking code: STE-16662 - If a system error occurred while files are being uploaded, the system no longer deletes the files that were being transferred.
Tracking code: STE-16660 - When a user uploads a large file through Mitratech Office Link, the system no longer returns a memory exception.
Tracking code: STE-16661 - When a user deletes an appointment or task using the Mitratech Office Link Outlook add-in, the system no longer generates a new entryid when the appointment or task is synced with Suite, so if the appointment or task is then deleted in Suite, it will be removed from Outlook.
Tracking code: STE-16908 - When creating an appointment or task, if a user has selected a matter or entity but has not yet saved the appointment or task before Mitratech Office Link refreshes, all appointments for that user are no longer updated to be associated with the selected matter or entity.
Tracking code: STE-16659 - In the Mitratech Office Link Outlook add-in, users are now able to open Suite to view a matter, entity, or invoice by right-clicking the item in selecting "View in Suite."
Tracking code: STE-16916
This service pack requires the previous installation of the following:
- suite8.11.0.sp3.1
This service pack includes an update to the following:
- Suite (suite8.11.0.sp4.1)
- Mitratech Office Link add-ins ( and
Click on a link below to download a compressed file that can be used to access the necessary files used in the installation process.
Installation Instructions
Suite Installation Instructions
- Stop the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
- Use Update Manager to install the suite8.11.0.sp4.1 update. Update Manager will back up the following files:
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet$ShowEnvironment.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet$ApplyAppParams.class
- Restart the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
Mitratech Office Link Installation Instructions
- Uninstall the existing add-ins using the “Add and Remove” feature in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel or by double-clicking the original installation files and selecting the Remove Mitratech Office Link Add-in option.
- Extract the contents of
- Click the setup.exe file to run the installer and follow the instructions on the installation wizard.
- When prompted, enter the appropriate information:
- In the Login URL field, type the login URL for your instance of Suite. Include http:// at the beginning or the URL and a trailing slash (/) at the end of the URL.
- If left empty, the Login URL field will be populated from the default information in OfficeSetting.ini when the add-in is installed. The user will be prompted for the correct URL when Microsoft Outlook or Office application is opened.
- For situations in which eCounsel and Secretariat are installed but the user only has access to Secretariat and not to eCounsel, the URL must include -2 at the end of the URL before the trailing slash (/). For example:
- In the Login URL Editable field, type TRUE or FALSE:
- TRUE enables the user to change the login URL after the add-in is installed.
- FALSE ensures that the user cannot edit the login URL and is only applicable if a login URL is designated.
- If left empty, this field defaults to TRUE.
- In the Login URL field, type the login URL for your instance of Suite. Include http:// at the beginning or the URL and a trailing slash (/) at the end of the URL.
- To make an add-in available for other accounts on the same machine, run the installer for each user account and select the Repair option. The Repair installation must be run for each add-in. If the OfficeSettings.ini from the default directory path contains a valid login URL, the add-ins will be available without any error. If it does not have the login URL information, ignore the exceptions until the system requests the credentials and saves the valid login URL in OfficeSettings.ini from User directory path.
- Repeat these steps for the
- Repeat these steps on each machine that uses Mitratech Office Link.
For more information, see the installation instructions in the Mitratech Office Link Administrator’s Guide or Mitratech Office Link User’s Guide.