Suite 8.11.0 SP5
Date Released: 04/24/2018
- Summary Tools
Users with the appropriate security rights can now view user, group, view profile, and type profile summaries from the Tools page in eCounsel or Secretariat. These summaries feature the same information that is available through Suite Manager.
Quick Reference to Enable this Feature: See Working with Summary Tools (eCounsel) or Working with Summary Tools (Secretariat) for more information.
Issue Resolutions
This service pack includes the following issue resolutions:
- The Stock Ticker widget option has now been removed from the Home page.
Tracking code: UPD-4941 - If the database was set to enforce password policies and Active Directory was configured for a limited number of failed log in attempts, users would be locked out of the database when they ran a Business Objects report from the Reports module.
Tracking code: UPD-5566 - When Suite is deployed on Apache Tomcat and has a backslash character (\) in the dataroot URL, users received the following error when running i-net reports: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986."
Tracking code: UPD-5867 - Custom rules would not execute.
Tracking code: UPD-6410 - If a user unsuccessfully tries to login to Suite Manager twice, Suite Manager closes on the third attempt, regardless if the credentials were correct or not.
Tracking code: UPD-6358
- The Comments field was not appearing on the Invoice Summary page.
Tracking code: UPD-5563 - When a large number of matters was added or updated in eCounsel, the Collaborati Vendors/Timekeepers/Codes/Matters task would return a timeout exception.
Tracking code: UPD-5695
- When the user tried to run the Corporate Data Sheet report in Secretariat, the Report Parameter Selection dialog box featured an empty text field with no description. The system would prompt the user to provide values for this field, preventing the user from running the report. The text field has now been removed.
Tracking code: UPD-5564 - When the user tried to run the People Profile report in Secretariat, the Report Parameter Selection dialog box featured two empty text fields with no description. The system would prompt the user to provide values for these fields, preventing the user from running the report. The text fields have now been removed.
Tracking code: UPD-5565 - The Directors/Officers report in Secretariat does not return the correct data.
Tracking code: UPD-5803, UPD-5578 - In the Secretariat Subsidiary Hierarchy Report, when the option to include Primary Address for the entities is selected, the report only displayed the first line of the address. Now the field expands to include the additional information. Note: When using Oracle and i-net Clear Reports, the report requires the owner schema in order to run. In other words, the database alias must have the schema configured as a user so that it has permissions to display the data.
Tracking code: UPD-5843 - In hosted environments, when a user created a new CorpChart and clicked Draw Chart, the .VDX file would not download.
Tracking code: UPD-6327
Mitratech Office Link
- When a user clicked the View in Suite option in the Mitratech Office Link plugin to open a Matter and Entity and Invoice summary in the same browser window, the system returned user session errors. Now users can open a Matter and Entity and Invoice summary in the same window without error.
Tracking code: UPD-5846
This service pack requires the previous installation of the following:
- suite8.11.0.sp4.1
- boxir4-suite8.11.0.sp2.1 if using Business Objects
This service pack includes an update to the following:
- Suite (suite8.11.0.sp5.1)
- Suite Manager (SuiteManager.exe)
- boxir4 if using Business Objects (boxir4-suite8.11.0.sp5.1)
The following scripts need to be run against the database:
- suite8.11.0.sp5.1-Scripts-Oracle
- suite8.11.0.sp5.1-Scripts-SQL Server
This service pack requires the re-import of the following reports, if used:
- Corporate Data Sheet Report
- Subsidiary Hierarchy Report
- Directors/Officers report, if using i-net Clear Reports
Click on a link below to download a compressed file that can be used to access the necessary files used in the installation process.
- Suite Manager (SuiteManager.exe)
- Database scripts for Microsoft SQL Server databases or Oracle databases
The following reports need to be re-imported:
- Corporate Data Sheet Report (BO Oracle, BO SQL Server, i-net Oracle, i-net SQL Server)
- Subsidiary Hierarchy Report (BO Oracle, BO SQL Server, i-net Oracle, i-net SQL Server)
- Directors/Officers Report (i-net Oracle, i-net SQL Server)
Installation Instructions
Suite Installation Instructions
- Stop the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
- Use Update Manager to install the suite8.11.0.sp5.1 update. Update Manager will back up the following files:
- css\home.css
- javascript\listpagemanager.js
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\BaseCommand$Emailer.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\BaseCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\ExtServletResponse.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\ListCommandViewProfile.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\AdminRedirectInitContent.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\AppAboutCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\GetDatabasesCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\GroupListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\GroupSummaryCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\GroupSummaryCommandPrint.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\RuleProfileListSuiteCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\RuleProfileSummaryAndAssociationsCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ToolsCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ToolsCommandOptions.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ToolsUserNodeIterator.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ToolsUserSummaryCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\UserListCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ViewProfileSummaryAllToolsCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\admin\ViewProfileSummaryAndAssociationsCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\report\CrystalReportPromptForViewerCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\control\report\RunReportCommand.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\bsicommon\GroupHelper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\bsicommon\RuleProfileHelper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\bsicommon\UsersHelper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataclasses\bsicommon\ViewProfileHelper.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\admin\GroupList.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\admin\RuleProfileList.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\datalogic\admin\ViewProfileList.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataserver\ServerSessionGrabber.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\dataserver\ServerSessionHolder.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\report\CrystalReportPrompter$InvalidPromptException.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\report\CrystalReportPrompter$PromptProcessor.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\report\CrystalReportPrompter.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\repository\admin\RuleProfileDataset.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\repository\admin\ViewProfileDataset.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\scheduler\task\CollaboratiVendorCodesTask.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet$ApplyAppParams.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet$ShowEnvironment.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\servlets\AppLaunchServlet.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil$1.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil$DateTimeType.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil$RetryConnectionException.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DarUtil.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\DatabaseFileParser.class
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bsi\util\bsicommon\GenConstants.class
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-dom.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-dom4j.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-jdom.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-s9api.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-sql.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-xom.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-xpath.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9-xqj.jar
- WEB-INF\lib\saxon9.jar
- xsl\bsicommon\adminsummarytemplatestools.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\grouplist.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\groupsummary.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\groupsummarydetail.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\listtemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\ruleprofilesummaryassociations.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\ruleprofilesummaryassociationsmultiple.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\toolstemplates.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\tools_users.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\tools_userslist.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\tools_usersummary.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\typeprofilelist.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\viewprofileiterator.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\viewprofilesummaryassociations.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\viewprofilesummarylist.xsl
- xsl\bsicommon\viewprofilesummaryTools.xsl
- xsl\invoice\invoicesummary_templates.xsl
- Use Update Manager to install the boxir4-suite8.11.0.sp5.1 update. Update Manager will back up the following files:
- WEB-INF\classes\com\bridgeway\suite\report\boxir4\servlet\BOCrystalReportServlet.class
- Restart the Bridgeway Suite application on the Java application server.
Suite Manager Installation Instructions
- Uninstall the current instance of Suite Manager.
- Extract the files from the Suite file.
- Start the installation program for Suite Manager located in the directory in which the Suite Manager.EXE file was extracted.
- Click Next on the Welcome screen.
- On the License Key screen, type the license key in the text box and click Next.
- On the Choose Destination Location screen, confirm that the Destination Folder is the desired directory location for the program files.
- On the Start Installation screen, click Next to begin the installation process.
- A progress screen will display. You can abort the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.
- On the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.
Database Function Installation Instructions
- Using your preferred database tool (SQL Server Management Studio, Oracle's RMAN utility, Oracle's export data pump utility, etc.), make a backup of your Suite database.
- Login to your query tool as an administrative user.
- Open the appropriate scripts .ZIP file for your database:
- for Oracle databases
- for SQL databases
- Open and run the SQL script.
Report Template Installation Instructions
- Unzip the appropriate report packages for your configuration, depending on which reports, database, and report server are being used. You will need to reimport each report individually.
- SQL Server or Oracle for your database (the zip files are labeled accordingly)
- i-net Crystal Reports or SAP BusinessObjects for your report server (the zip files for BusinessObjects are labeled BOE)
- Open eCounsel and click the Reports module.
- On the Reports List page, click the report to be updated and then click the Reimport button.
- On the Reports dialog box, browse to the location for the corresponding .RPT file included with this update release and click the Upload button.
- Click OK on the message box.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each report.