Manually Add New Users
Users vs. People
A user is defined as anyone who logs into the LegalHold system to manage a hold, which includes Hold Administrator, Collector, and Interviewers. People can be viewed as outside counsel attorneys that are added to a hold as a point of contact.
"People" added to the LegalHold system are not necessarily going to log in and use the application, but might be listed on a hold.
Note: If your system administrator has disabled the ability to manually create people in lieu of an integrated Human Resources (HR) system, the ability to create new people records will be unavailable for your site. People records will be synchronized from the HR system only.
Add a New User
Prerequisite: A person record must exist before a new user can be added — see Add New People to the System for detailed instructions on creating a new person record. Log in as an administrator, click the Manage Users button on the home page. You will be redirected to the User List.
- Select the
Add User button in the top-right of the screen.
- Add an email for the user. This email will be the address to which hold information is sent.
- Enter an Associated Person. This person corresponds with the information entered in the People Module.
- Create a password for the user.
- Assign one or more roles to the user.
- Select Save when finished.
Note: Password criteria will appear differently for each client. Administrators can set password criteria (see Set the Password Criteria for User Login).