The purpose of the Patent/Trademark hyperlink in the Modules Navigation Bar is to record information submitted to government agencies. This page stores details of key areas involved with a company's patents, trademarks and filings, including pertinent dates and country details.
Lawtrac users can access patents, trademarks, and government filings that are associated to the matter, and also add new patents.
Click country name to view the details.
—Delete the record.
—Edit the record. The patent/trademark/government filings information opens on the right side of the page, and you are able to adjust all data fields that were set up when it was first added. Click Update Tracking to confirm changes made to the text boxes, or click the
icon at the top to close the edit page.
Select a law firm or vendor to associate to the patent or trademark by selecting an option from the "Outside Counsel" drop-down list.