INSZoom:-Client Portal Setup Module
Client Portal Setup Module
We've created a new setup section to access all settings for the configuration of the Corporation Portal and Foreign National Portal.
The INSZoom client portals deliver immense value for our customers as they work with their clients to provide a more efficient case-management process. To help improve the experience of managing these client portals, we’ve completely redesigned and reorganized the setup and settings-management process for our users.
The new ‘Portal Setup’ module will greatly reduce the amount of time spent by Zoom users in ensuring that the portals are configured appropriately for their clients.
This document is meant to provide an overview of how to use the ‘Portal Setup’ manager and serve as a reference point for future questions.
To begin, let’s discuss who has access to manage the portal setup. Within the Case Manager Portal, access can be configured to allow either a ‘View Only’ ability, or ‘View and Update’ access which allows the user to go into the portal setup interface and make changes. This access can be managed by going to ‘My Settings’ > ‘Access Rights’ > ‘Portal Setup’.
As a best practice, it is suggested that only a ‘Super User’ (Admin) have the ability to change any settings for the client portals.
‘Portal Setup’ Dashboard
To access the portal setup, you first navigate to ‘Setup’ in the left-hand menu and then click ‘Portal Setup’.
This will bring you into the ‘Portal Setup’ dashboard. This is the main screen to navigate through any and all of the client portal setup.
Here’s what you can do/see on this screen:
- Enter the ‘Portal Default Settings’ page
- Search, and filter, your corporations based on:
- Those who have default portal access
- Those who have custom portal setup
- Those who currently don’t have portal access
- View which portals have been enabled for a specific corporation
- Click the link to see the ‘Portal Content’ for a specific corporation
- Click into a corporation to see its specific settings
Here’s a quick tour of those features:
- The drop-down icon through which you will access the ‘Portal Defaults’.
- ‘Setup / View Portal Defaults’ button that takes you to the default settings manager.
- Search by corporation access group.
- Corporation name - by clicking this link you will be directed to the specific page for that corporation where you can configure custom settings.
- Label showing whether or not this portal is enabled for this specific corporation.
- Link to update portal content for that specific corporation.
‘Portal Default’ Settings
Now, let’s look into setting up our ‘Portal Defaults’ settings…
First, we’ll go to our ‘Portal Defaults’ icon (via the drop-down):
This is where you’ll select all settings and content that you want any new corporation or user to have as a default when logging into the portal. This configuration will be the same for any new user who belongs to a corporation for which you have NOT set up a custom configuration.
This page is divided into three sections:
- Corporation Portal Setup
- Foreign National Portal Setup
- Portal Content
Corporation Portal Setup
The settings in this section will only apply to users logging into our Corporation Portal. Within this section, there are 3 main areas of configuration: ‘Role Management’, ‘General Settings’ and ‘Customize Reports Access’. Let’s look at how each can be set up:
Role Management
The ‘Role Management’ tab displays all of the portal items that the user will be able to see. For example, if it is not important that the corp user see family information for a specific employee/FN, then the default portal setting (‘Family’) within the role management tab can be un-selected to restrict that view.
Additionally, new corporation user roles can be created by selecting the ‘Add New Corporation Role’ button.
As you can see, each role type has an ‘Edit Role’ option and also shows if reports have been enabled for that type of user.
Any changes to the settings options are only saved if ‘Save Changes’ is clicked. If you navigate away before saving, those changes won’t be saved - same thing if ‘Cancel Changes’ is selected.
If you’re wondering what section of the portal each setting applies to, you can select the ‘Preview’ option at the header of the settings groups. This provides a generic view into what a corp user sees when in the portal. (Please note: The previews are a static image showing all features as enabled - it is not representative of your current configuration).
General Settings
The ‘General Settings’ tab allows for the management of certain functions. The ‘Preview’ button on the right hand side is available for a visual understanding of what that function provides within the portal and where it’s located.
(Please Note: The settings under the yellow banner will be removed after a few months. They are legacy settings that are either being replaced or are obsolete. They are visible only for reference.)
Customize Reports Access
The ‘Customize Reports Access’ tab allows reports to be enabled for a corp user. Here, you can search for reports (whether standard or ad-hoc) and then you can select which corp user role type will have access to that report within their portal.
To search for a report, you can either enter a report name in the search bar (this will search for already added reports) or you can select ‘Add Report(s)’ in the top right:
From here, you are able to search and add reports that are available within your Zoom account. Once you’ve found the report you want to add, you select it and hit ‘Save’. From there you go back to the ‘Customize Reports Access’ page and select which roles will have access to this report and select ‘Save’. Now, whenever your corp user needs to see that report they will be able to within their portal.
You can also preview the report that you’ve given access to.
Foreign National Portal Setup
The settings in this section will only apply to users logging into our Foreign National Portal (FNP) which also can be referred to as the ‘Employee Portal’. Within this section, there are two main areas of configuration: ‘Foreign National Portal Menu’ and ‘General Settings’. Let’s look at how each can be set up:
Foreign National Portal Menu
The ‘Foreign National Portal Menu’ tab allows you to configure what any foreign national using the FNP can see/access within the portal. All of the checkbox options represent a different section within the FNP that can be enabled or disabled - meaning whether or not that section shows up to the foreign national when they are using the system. To know how that section is represented within the system, you can select the ‘Preview’ button. (Please note: The previews are a static image showing all features as enabled. It is not representative of your current configuration).
After selecting or un-selecting any check boxes, you’ll need to select ‘Save Changes’ to implement the changes you’ve made.
General Settings
The ‘General Settings’ tab allows for the management of certain functions. The ‘Preview’ button on the right hand side is available for a visual understanding of what that function provides within the portal and where it’s located.
Portal Content
‘Portal Content’ is your one-stop for any custom content that is displayed to corp users and foreign nationals. This section is made up of ‘Terms of Use’, ‘User Instructions’, ‘Policy/Guidelines’ and ‘News’. Let’s look into each one of these content options:
Terms of Use
(Please Note: Terms of Use (or e-Consent) is an add-on module, and can be requested by visiting the subscriptions section under ‘Setup’ on the left menu.)
The ‘Terms of Use’ section is where you can create consent language that will require users to accept or decline prior to granting them access to the system. Also known as e-Consent, this add-on feature provides our customers the ability to require consent of certain terms within the portals themselves.
You can select from the drop-down list within this section to choose the e-Consent you’d like to require for all users who have given access to the client portals with default settings
If the same e-Consent applied for the corporation portal needs to be used for the foreign national portal, you can select ‘Same as Corporation Portal Terms of Use’.
User Instructions
The ‘User Instructions’ tab allows you to create user-specific instructions that are available to all default users in the portal. This content will pop-up in the user portal to ensure that they’ve seen it.
Policy / Guidelines
Have any specific policies the corp users and foreign nationals need to be aware of? You can create/configure those in this tab. Multiple entries can be created and published, or drafts can be saved for future use or customization. You’re also able to attach documents to a posting.
News follows a similar structure as ‘Policy / Guidelines’ but is available for any news-related items, whether they be industry-based, corporation-specific, or general announcements.
Corporation Portal Setup
If you need to configure specific client portal setup for a certain corporate client, you are able do so by selecting the corporation in the ‘Portal Setup’ dashboard:
Most of the features available in customizing a specific corporation are similar to those of the portal defaults settings explained previously, however, there are some unique features to understand:
‘Enabled’ - The top right shows whether or not this Corporation Portal and FN Portal are enabled for this corporation along with the date. If there ever is a need to temporarily disable access, it can be done be un-selecting the checkbox. This only results in anyone with current access being prevented from logging in - it does not delete any data.
Role Management
‘Add New User’ - This is where new corp users will be added for a corporation. In addition to providing general user info, you can assign the user a role, make them a signatory for the company and choose to immediately send them a portal invitation email.
‘Add New Corporation Role’ - While this is the same functionality from the portal default’s page, it adds a couple additional abilities. First, you can select to have this role added as a generic role in the portal default options. Second, if you are editing a corp role, you can choose to duplicate the role, which will bring all the configured settings into a new role. This will save time if another role is needed with only slightly different settings.
‘Actions’ - Next to each user’s name is a ‘more’ icon (three dots in a circle) which brings up user specific-options.
General Settings
‘Add Logo’ - A corporation logo can be uploaded to show in the portals for anyone belonging to that corporation.