Update my User Profile
To update your user profile, adjust your user profile settings on the User Preferences screen. Access the User Preferences screen by clicking on the Preferences link at the top right side of any screen in the application. The User Preferences screen opens to display the following preferences:
- Update your user profile in the Profile section:
- Email
Note: Your email address is also your user name in the system. Notifications are sent to the address listed here.
- Email
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Update Password information in the Password section:
- Current password
- New Password
- Confirm Password
- Update your Time zone, if necessary.
- Update your Locale, if necessary. You can choose a specific locale from the drop-down list, or you can choose Use Browser Locale to make Collaborati match your browser's locale. The locale determines the formats used for displaying date information and numeric information.
- Click Save to save your new or updated profile information.