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View Client Settings

  1. Select the Clients tab.
    The Clients screen opens a list of all of your clients.
  2. Click the client's name or search for a client.
  3. Click the Settings icon located on the left side of the page for that client.

    client setting.png

Timekeeper and Rate Submission block provides the information related to client settings for each office. You can view the following information:

-    Additional Timekeeper Fields Required for Submission

-    Additional Rate Fields Required for Submission

-    New Timekeeper Submission to Include Timekeeper (TK) Rate? 


  • If the Office has both Rate Required for Authorization and Rate Required for Submission then Rate Required for Submission will take precedence.
  • This block will not be displayed if the settings Rate Required for Timekeeper Submission and Rate Required for Timekeeper Authorization are disabled for all offices and firms and no additional Timekeeper fields are required for submission.
  • The list of Client settings may vary as not all settings are available for Clients on older eBilling versions.

You can also view the following for the selected client:

Client Settings Description
Line Item Rate Precision
(Previously read as "Expense Rate Precision")
Displays the maximum digits that can be entered after the decimal point for the "price box". (Applies to both expense and fee line items)
Line Item Unit Precision Displays the maximum digits that can be entered after the decimal point for the "unit box". (Applies to both expense and fee line items)
Payment Sharing Your client may want to share invoice payments with your firm. If this is the case, you can track invoice payment information, and receive notification about invoice payments. Yes indicates that the client will update invoice status and details when your invoices are paid.
Timekeepers ignored on Invoice Expense Line Items

Based on your client's settings as follows:

No indicates that when users create invoices in Collaborati or upload invoices, the expense type line item Timekeeper values are saved and sent to the client.

Yes indicates that when users create invoices in Collaborati or upload invoices, the expense type line item Timekeeper values are not used or are removed.
If Yes displays, the following apply:

  • When you create expense line items in Collaborati invoices, the Timekeeper (TK) drop-down list does not display.
  • If you upload LEDES invoices, for expense line item rows, you do not need to enter a Timekeeper value.

    (For more information, refer to How do I create an invoice in Collaborati? )
Apply Timekeeper Rates

Based on your client's settings for default rates for invoice validation as follows:

  • Per Task Code indicates that Timekeeper rates are based on task codes defined in the Invoice Line Items Object Definition.
  • Per Timekeeper Category indicates that rates are based on authorized timekeeper classification categories.
    The client sets this value from CSM.
Appeals Invoicing Whether the ability to appeal invoices is available. Options are On or Off.
Matter Level Rates (NEW Lawtrac clients and TC 6 or higher) Allows a Rate Request to include a matter-specific rate if it is ON.
Requires Invoice Period (Lawtrac clients only) Requires the Invoice Period to be entered.
10 Decimal limit on Tax Rate If it is On, it allows invoices with a tax rate upto 10 decimals. 
Expanded Timekeeper Classifications Enabled Users can have access to the Timekeeper Classifications that are available in CSM by enabling this Collaborati setting.
Timekeeper Rate Currency Selection Supported (Read-only) On indicates that default Rate currency field for timekeeper rates can be updated in Collaborati. Off indicates that default Rate currency field for timekeeper rates cannot be updates in Collaborati.
Budget Collaboration If budget collaboration is On, Collaborati can receive budget requests for matters and send estimated budget amounts to clients.
Budget Sharing If budget sharing is On, Collaborati receives information about actual and remaining amounts for budgets on the Matters page.
Alternative Fee Arrangements Whether alternative fee arrangement information is displayed for a matter connected with a budget. Options are On or Off.
Rate Collaboration

Whether or not rate collaboration is enabled for the selected Client. Options are On or Off.

  • If On, rate collaboration is enabled and Clients can approve or reject suggested rates, use accepted rates for invoice validations, or approve other changes to office information.
  • If Off, the following apply:
    • Pending Client Retrieval and Pending Client Approval rate requests for the selected Client are changed to Canceled (pending client synchronization).
    • The office can view existing rate requests for the selected client, but cannot submit the requests that are created and in the Not Submitted phase.
    • Other requests are unchanged.
    • This value is set during synchronization with CSM.
Rate Sharing If rate sharing is On, rates that the client specifies for the office appear on the Rates page of the Clients tab.
International Line Item Tax Details If this setting is On - Allows the office to specify taxes for each line item, which is commonly used for international e-billing.  *This setting does not prevent offices from using Invoice Level Tax if their client configures Non-US Tax Codes in TeamConnect/ELM.
Tender Collaboration Allows clients to submit requests for bids or "tender requests" to Collaborati so that offices can submit their estimates back to their client if it is ON.
LEDES File Archiving Allows TeamConnect to store a read-only copy of the LEDES file that was uploaded and submitted in Collaborati by an Admin or User associated with a particular invoice. These files are unable to be edited by either the client or the office, and thus meet compliance regulations regarding the non-repudiation of LEDES invoices.
Allow Rate Requests for Timekeeper Invoice Task Rates Default setting to ON. Allows clients to restrict the types of Rate Requests that can be submitted by their offices. When the feature is Disabled (turned Off), offices can only submit Type: Timekeeper Rates. (Does not restrict the Office Rate.)
Enable LEDES Invoices with Charge Type = F Default setting to OFF. When turned ON, Firms can submit Invoices with charge_type = F which allows for line items with a fixed fee.
Require Matter ID for all line items on LEDES file including IE/IF Should be required for all eCounsel clients
PDF Invoice Upload Default setting to OFF. When turned ON users can be able to access the Upload PDF Invoices tab under the Invoices section on Collaborati Homepage.
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