Quick Find and Log Out
Quick Find is one of several ways to locate matter records, invoices, or budgets. Often, it's the fastest way to search and you'll find this feature on all but a few screens in Lawtrac.
The Quick Find search tool does not have a minimum character limit; however, the screen load time may increase depending on how broad in scope the search is. Type any portion of a matter name or number in the Quick Find box and click Go, or press Enter on your keyboard. Results are displayed on your screen with a link to each matter record.
The results include both open and closed matters (closed matter numbers are noted in red).
- Quick Find queries the "Matter Name", "Short Matter Name" and "Matter Number" field, making no distinction as to which field is searched.
- Enter a unique string of characters (i.e. CON-; Jones; 012).
- The default listing is in matter number order, but you can click on the Matter Name column heading to re-sort the list by matter name.
Quick Find Settings are discussed in depth in My Lawtrac. These settings determine what field(s) Quick Find searches, whether the search includes matters to which you are not assigned, and the number of results returned.
Logging Out of Lawtrac
Always exit the application by using the Log Out link when leaving the application, rather than simply clicking the browser’s Close button or navigating to a new Website. Logging out best preserves the security of your site.
There is a Log Out link on the far right of the Top Navigation Bar.