The Checklists hyperlink in the Application Administration | Firms & Vendors sidebar allows site administrators and super users to modify or establish checklist questions for various types of matter records. These checklist questions are for in-house personnel, but separate checklists can be set for outside counsel in the Matter Maintenance Checklists section.
From the drop-down list, select the type of matter for which you wish to edit or create checklist questions. A list of existing questions appears along with a blank text box for entering new questions.
Note: If no questions exist for that matter type, you only see the "Add New Question" text box.
- To modify an existing question, click the
icon and enter the new text or appearance order.
- Change the order of appearance in the list by changing the number in the "Appear Order" text box.
- To add a new question, enter the question in the "Add New" text box and click Save.
- Delete a question by clicking the
icon under the RET column. Confirm by clicking OK or click Cancel if you don’t want to continue with the deletion.
Note: Retired or deleted files cannot be restored.
Add a New Question
- Enter the question in the Add New text box and click Save.
- Delete a question by clicking the
icon under the RET column.
- Confirm your decision before the question is deleted by clicking OK. You can click Cancel if you don’t want to continue with the deletion. Note: Retired or deleted files cannot be restored.