I-9 Custom Report: Identifying I-9s Impacted by the DHS Rule Change that Increase the EAD Auto-Extension Period to 540 Days
Effective May 4, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a temporary rule change that extends the automatic extension period for certain Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) Cards from up to 180 calendar days to up to 540 days, provided the individual timely files an EAD renewal application.
The Additional Information text box for existing I-9s originally completed using the 180-day auto-extension workflow needs to be updated to reflect the more generous 540-day date.
To identify existing I-9s that are impacted by this rule change, create a custom report following the instructions below. Alternatively, you can reach out to the Mitratech I-9 Support team and request a list of I-9 IDs.
Once you identify the I-9s that need updating, change the date in the Additional Information text box to match the Reverification Due Date and complete the Section 2 Electronic Amendment process.
Custom Report Instructions:
Customers will want to keep track of impacted I-9s and ensure follow-up tasks are managed. To do this, build a Custom Report by taking the following steps:
Step 1: Navigate to the I-9 Custom Report page
Select the filter criteria that best fits your reporting needs. We suggest the following:
- Select all Worksites you wish to include in the report.
- Select the Next Action checkbox “Reverification Due”, leaving all other checkboxes unchecked.
Next, select the Report Fields to include in the report by drag-dropping a field from the list of available fields to the right-hand Selected Fields column. We suggest the following:
- Employee Profile Name
- Next Action
- Next Action Due Date
- List A Doc Title (maps to the Section 2 List A Document Title)
- List A Doc Expiration Date (maps to the Section 2 List A Document Expiration Date)
- Additional Information (maps to the Section 2 “Additional Information” text box)
- Section 3 Document Title
- Section 3 Document Expiration Date
- Optionally, any additional Fields that will help you with your process
Notice that the Report Fields include information for Section 3. This is needed since it’s possible that an Auto-Extended EAD was recorded in Section 3.
Step 2: Once you have the criteria and fields defined, click “Run Report” to generate the results.
Export the results to Excel and manipulate the data as necessary. I-9s with an Auto-Extended EAD card in Section 2 that impacted by the DHS rule change should have the following text in the Additional Information field.
- Section 2 EAD EXT [DATE] EAD Card Number [Card #]
I-9s with an Auto-Extended EAD card in Section 3 that impacted by the DHS rule change should have the following text in the Notes field of Section 3.
- Section 3 EAD EXT [DATE] EAD Card Number [Card #]
A couple of important things to remember:
- The text in the Additional Information text box is editable, so it’s possible that the text may be different than the examples provided above.
- If needed, consider filtering the report results to only include EAD cards as the List A document in Section 2 or Section 3.
- Once you’ve identified an I-9 that may be impacted, navigate to Section 2 (or Section 3) and verify that the EAD Auto-Extended option is selected as the Additional Document drop-down value before making any changes.
TIP: You can also click Edit Report to change the criteria or fields.
Step 3: Once you are happy with the report’s output, save the report to My Reports (or Shared Reports) for later use, by clicking the “Save As New Report” button and filling out the saved report fields.
To run the saved report, simply select the Report’s Name from the saved report drop-down on the main Custom Report page.