TeamConnect Essentials Release Notes
What are Release Notes?
A Release Note is a document that is shared with clients and end users as a part of each new software version. It contains information about new feature enhancements, bug fixes, and known issues that go into each release. These notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and bug fixes, issue summaries, end-user impact, and workarounds to applicable issues.
Why are they important?
Release Notes are an engagement opportunity - they help improve communication by providing an easy-to-reference narrative for stakeholders by drawing attention to features and changes happening in our constantly evolving product. By providing a detailed list of enhancements and bug fixes, these notes keep everyone (internal Mitratech staff, clients, vendors, and end users) in the know about what's happening with the software and help outline the work our developers do in terms of the value it delivers to users.
They also keep a historical record or timeline of all the updates and bug fixes that happened throughout the lifespan of the product. Since TeamConnect Essentials is a SaaS prodcut (meaning everyone is on the same version), the release notes show a timeline of when features were added.
How to read the Release Notes
As we release newer versions of TeamConnect Essentials, this page will continue to be updated with new informaiton.
This page is broken down by sections: New Features, Feature Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Known Issues. Each section on this page is broken down in following way:
- A description of the issue
- Internal tracking code
- Salesforce case number, if applicable
- Affected Version
- Workarounds (for known issues, if applicable)
Essentials 6.3
Select a link below to view the release notes for that specific version.
Essentials 6.2
Select a link below to view the release notes for that specific version.
Essentials 6.1
Select a link below to view the release notes for that specific version.
Essentials 6.0
Select a link below to view the release notes for that specific version.
TeamConnect Essentials 6.0 SP1
TeamConnect Essentials 6.0 SP2
TeamConnect Essentials 6.0 SP3