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Step 3: Map RTF Merge Fields to TeamConnect Data

Once you upload your RTF with merge fields into TeamConnect, it becomes available to be mapped in the Data Mapping tool. See Locating the Data Mapping Tool for more information.

Important: In order to successfully map merge fields, you must be familiar with the Object Navigator. See Using Object Navigator.

Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool

To open an RTF in the Data Mapping tool

  1. Navigate to the Document Templates folder or sub-folder where you uploaded the RTF. See Opening the Document Templates Folder for more information.
  2. Click Launch Data Mapping Tool image.
    The Data Mapping screen opens, with a list of all RTFs in the current Document Templates folder that contain unmapped merge fields.
  3. If you do not see the button, make sure that you are in the HTML version of the Documents screen. Also, make sure that you have the right to the tool assigned to you, as listed in Required TeamConnect User Group Rights.
  4. Click the name of the RTF that you want to map.

    The mapping screen of the Data Mapping tool opens, as shown in the following image.

    If you configured any merge fields to be automatically mapped to system fields, as described in Automatically Mapped System Fields, then the successfully mapped fields are already listed on the lower part of the Data Mapping screen.
    Data Mapping screen

System Field Mapping

There are two ways to map a merge field to a system field.

  • If you correctly name the merge field as described in Automatically Mapped System Fields, then the mapping is done automatically when you open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool.
  • If you created the merge field using your own name for it, you must perform the mapping in the Data Mapping tool.

See Locating the Data Mapping Tool for more information.

To map a basic merge field to a system field

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the merge field that you want to map to a system field from the Merge Field drop- down list.
    The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Navigate to the system field value that you want to retrieve in the document using traverse.

    For commonly-used system field mapping, see the Navigation to Commonly-used System Fields table.

    Important: Do not traverse through any attributes whose names end with List->. To get values from related objects or sub-objects, you must use filter@ or loop@ merge fields.
  5. Click ok when you reach the system field value. The object attribute cannot end with (->).
  6. If necessary, select the formatting options provided in the Data Mapping tool for your selection.
    For example, if you are mapping the merge field to a field that stores a number, then the tool provides formatting options for numeric values.
  7. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
  8. Click Save Mapping to save the mapping.

    Or, click Save Mapping and Generate XML Template to test the fields that you mapped. For details, see Step 5: Test Your Template.

The following table provides examples of how to navigate to certain commonly-used system field values for Document Generator templates if your starting object is a custom object (project), such as Matter.

Navigation to Commonly-used System Fields

System field

Navigation steps

Resulting path

Note: These examples are for a document template that is based on a custom object.

Project Name

  1. name (ok)


Project Number

  1. numberString (ok)


Project's Default Category

  1. defaultCategory-> (traverse)
  2. name (ok)

Contact-centric contact's last name

  1. contact-> (traverse)
  2. name (ok)

Contact-centric contact's first name

  1. contact-> (traverse)
  2. firstName (ok)


Contact-centric contact's default address

Must have a separate merge field for each field in the address. Example navigation:

  1. contact-> (traverse)
  2. defaultAddress-> (traverse)
  3. street (ok)




contact.defaultAddress.postal Code

Main assignee's last name

  1. mainAssignee-> (traverse)
  2. user-> (traverse)
  3. contact-> (traverse)
  4. name (ok)

Main assignee's first name

  1. mainAssignee-> (traverse)
  2. user-> (traverse)
  3. contact-> (traverse)
  4. firstName (ok) tName

Main assignee's role

  1. mainAssignee-> (traverse)
  2. type-> (traverse)
  3. name (ok)

Current Phase

  1. currentPhaseType- > (traverse)
  2. name (ok)

A system field from the parent record of the project

  1. parent-> (traverse)
  2. Then, navigate as described for the needed parent system field.




Name of an assignee with a certain role

Map a loop@ merge field to assigneeList->, as described in loop@ Merge Field Mapping.

Or, map a filter@ merge field to assigneeList-> if you want the user to select the assignee. See filter@ Merge Field Mapping.

A system or custom field from a child record of the project (or from an embedded object record)

Map a filter@ merge field to childList->, as described in filter@ Merge Field Mapping.

Custom Field Mapping

You can use this procedure to retrieve custom field values.

To map a merge field to a custom field

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the merge field that you want to map to a custom field from the Merge Field drop- down list.
    The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Select detailList-> and click traverse.
    The list of categories for the object appears.
  5. Select the category to which the custom field belongs.
  6. Click traverse.
    The list of custom fields for the selected category appears.
  7. Select the name of the custom field.
  8. If the custom field is of type Involved or Custom Object, click traverse and select the attribute that you want to use in the document (such as the project numberString).
  9. Click ok.
    The Object Navigator closes and the selected path appears in the Object Navigator field. One or more additional fields appear, which provide formatting options for the type of the custom field (such as date or number formatting options).
  10. Select the appropriate formatting as you want it to appear in the generated document.
  11. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.

loop@ Merge Field Mapping

Before mapping loop@ merge fields, make sure that you properly set up the merge fields that are nested within your two loop@ merge fields in the RTF, as described in loop@ Merge Fields for Automatically Selecting Related or Sub-objects.

There are two steps to mapping sub-objects or related objects to be automatically retrieved:

Mapping loop@ Merge Field to Related Object or Sub-object

When you map the main loop@ merge field to a sub-object or related object, you are simply specifying the sub-object from which you want to automatically retrieve data.

To map a loop@ merge field to a sub-object or related object

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the loop@ merge field that you want to map to a sub-object from the Merge Field drop-down list.
    The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.
    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Select the sub-object or related object attribute of the main object to which you want to map the loop@ merge field.
    For assistance identifying the object attribute that represents the sub-object or related object that you need, see the Related and Sub-objects Available Through filter@ or loop@ table.
  5. Click ok.
    The Object Navigator window closes and a second Object Navigator field appears, labeled Qualifier.
  6. (Sub-objects only) If necessary, use the Qualifier field to identify a system field that you want to use to filter the list of sub-objects or related objects that are retrieved in the generated document.

    Typically, a list of sub-objects must be filtered by the sub-object type. For example, you may want to automatically list all assignees with the role Attorney.

    To select the type as the filter, use this navigation in the Object Navigator:
    1. (Any)-> (traverse)
    2. type-> (ok)
      The Object Navigator window closes and the path appears in the Qualifier field. A drop- down list of types (or roles) appears on the Data Mapping screen.
    3. Select the necessary type to use as a filter.
  7. (Related objects only) If you are mapping loop@ to involved parties (involvedList->), you would typically use the defaultCategory as the qualifier. For child projects (childList->), the qualifier should be the specific custom object records you want displayed. For more assistance, see the steps in Mapping filter@ Merge Field to a Related or Sub-object.
  8. Click add more.

    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.

    The Merge Field drop-down list now includes the merge fields that are nested within the loop@ merge fields in the RTF. They are ready to be mapped to sub-object data.

Mapping Merge Fields Nested within loop@

After you map the main loop@ merge field, the nested merge fields become available in the Data Mapping tool.

To map nested merge fields to sub-object or related object data

  1. Select one of the basic merge fields belonging to the loop@ from the Merge Field drop-down list.
    The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  2. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens, with the sub-object or related object already selected in the first table.
  3. Navigate to the attribute of the sub-object or related object that you want to retrieve in the generated document.

    The Sub-object Nested Merge Field Mapping Examples table lists examples of sub-object attributes that you may want to retrieve within loop@ and how to navigate to them.
  4. Click ok to close the Object Navigator.
    The selected path appears in the Object Navigator field.
  5. If necessary, select the formatting options provided in the Data Mapping tool for your selection.

    For example, if you are mapping the merge field to a field that stores a number, then the tool provides formatting options for numeric values.
  6. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
  7. Click Save Mapping to save the mapping.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.

Sub-object Nested Merge Field Mapping Examples


System field

Navigation steps

Resulting path


Assignee last name

  1. Select the assignee role (traverse)
  2. user-> (traverse)
  3. contact-> (traverse)
  4. name (ok)

Assignee first name

  1. Select the assignee role (traverse)
  2. user-> (traverse)
  3. contact-> (traverse)
  4. firstName (ok)

Assignee role

  1. Select the assignee role (traverse)
  2. type-> (traverse)
  3. name (ok)

Assignee's default phone number

  1. Select the assignee role (traverse)
  2. user-> (traverse)
  3. contact-> (traverse)
  4. defaultPhone-> (traverse)
  5. phoneString (ok)


Category name

  1. name (ok)




  1. Select the address type (traverse)
  2. street (ok)




  1. Select the address type (traverse)
  2. city (ok)




  1. Select the address type (traverse)
  2. state (ok)




  1. Select the address type (traverse)
  2. postalCode (ok)



Phone number

  1. Select the phone type (traverse)
  2. phoneString (ok)



Fax number

  1. Select the fax type (traverse)
  2. faxString (ok)


filter@ Merge Field Mapping

Every filter@ merge field will cause the letter generator to pause at runtime and prompt the user to select one or more choices from a list. The mapping determines what values that list will contain.

Before mapping filter@ merge fields, make sure that you properly set up the merge fields that are nested within your two filter@ merge fields in the RTF, as described in filter@ Merge Fields for User-selected Related or Sub-objects.

There are two steps to mapping related or sub-objects to be selected by the user:

The Merge Field drop-down list will not display the basic merge fields that are nested in your filter@ merge fields in until you map your filter@ merge field to a related object or sub-object.

Mapping filter@ Merge Field to a Related or Sub-object

When you map the main filter@ merge field to a related object or sub-object, you are simply specifying the related object (or sub-object) that you want the user to be able to select while generating a document with this template.

To map a filter@ merge field to a related or sub-object

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the filter@ merge field that you want to map to a related or sub-object from the Merge Field drop-down list.
    The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Select the related object or sub-object of the main object to which you want to map the filter@ merge field.

    For assistance identifying the object attribute that represents the related object or sub-object you need, see the Related and Sub-objects Available Through filter@ and loop@ table.
  5. Click OK.
    The Object Navigator window closes and a second Object Navigator field appears, labeled Qualifier. This field is used to identify a condition that you want to use to limit the list of related objects or sub-objects that the user can select, if needed.

    Do not specify an attribute that traverses to yet another object. You may specify simple attributes (number, text, date, boolean) or you may specify a list. If you specify a simple attribute, go to step 7.
  6. For all lists, select (Any)-> (traverse)
    Your next selection depends on what kind of list you chose. In most cases, you would select defaultCategory-> (OK). For assigneeList, you would instead select type-> (OK). For childList, you would select application-> (OK), then select the child or embedded record type that you want the user to see at runtime.

    For example, if you are retrieving involved parties through involvedList->, you may want the list to include only involved parties with a certain role.

    To select the involved role as the Qualifier, use this navigation:
    1. (Any)-> (traverse)
    2. defaultCategory-> (OK)
      Object Navigator closes and the path is displayed in the Qualifier field. A drop-down list of roles is displayed on the Data Mapping screen.
    3. Select the necessary role to use as a filter for which parties should appear.
  7. Type the Label that you want the user to see when he or she is prompted to select the related or sub-object(s) when generating the document.
  8. Select Allow multiple selection if you want the user to be able to select multiple items from the list when generating the document.
  9. Select Skip filter screen if only one record is found if you want the end user to not have to make a selection when only one related or sub-object record is found. If this option is not selected, then the end user would see a drop-down list containing only one option and would have to click next.
  10. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.

    The Merge Field drop-down list now includes the merge fields that are nested within the filter@ merge fields in the RTF. They are ready to be mapped to related object or sub-object data.

Once you generate the template, a user who generates a document with the template will be prompted to select a record before generating the document.

Mapping Merge Fields Nested within filter@

After you map the main filter@ merge field, the nested merge fields become available in the Data Mapping tool.

To map nested merge fields to related or sub-object data

  1. Select one of the basic merge fields belonging to the filter@ from the Merge Field drop-down list.
    The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  2. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens, with the sub-object or related object already selected in the first table.
  3. Navigate to the attribute of the related object or sub-object that you want to retrieve in the generated document.

    The Sub-object Nested Merge Field Mapping Examples table lists examples of sub-object attributes that you may want to retrieve within filter@ and how to navigate to them.

    The Related Object Nested Merge Field Mapping Examples table lists examples of related object attributes that you may want to retrieve within filter@ and how to navigate to them.
  4. Click ok to close the Object Navigator.
    The selected path appears in the Object Navigator field.
  5. If necessary, select the formatting options provided in the Data Mapping tool for your selection.

    For example, if you are mapping the merge field to a field that stores a number, then the tool provides formatting options for numeric values.
  6. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
  7. Click Save Mapping.

Related Object Nested Merge Field Mapping Examples

Related object

Data to retrieve

Navigation steps

Resulting path

Any related object

Custom field value

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. detailList-> (traverse)
  3. Select the category of the custom field (traverse)
  4. Select the name of the custom field (ok)


.detailList(LAWY).detail DateValueList(MyDate2).detailValue

Involved parties

Contact last name

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. contact-> (traverse)
  3. name (ok)

Contact first name

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. contact-> (traverse)
  3. firstName (ok)


Involved party's

default role

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. defaultCategory-> (traverse)
  3. name (ok)


Description (history text)

  1. text (ok)


Child projects (such as Participants) or embedded projects

Child project name

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. name (ok)



Child project number

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. numberString (ok)



Contact-centric contact's last name

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. contact-> (traverse)
  3. name (ok)


Contact-centric contact's first name

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. contact-> (traverse)
  3. firstName (ok)



Begins On date

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. startOn (ok)



Due on date

  1. (Any)-> (traverse)
  2. dueOn (ok)


if@ Merge Field Mapping

The steps for mapping an if@ merge field depend on what condition you want to check:

To use if@ to check if a category has been added to the record

Note: You can check only categories of the main record for which a document is being generated.

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the if@ merge field that you want to map from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Select detailList-> and click traverse. Click ok.
    The Object Navigator window closes and the path appears in the Object Navigator field. A drop-down list of categories appears.
  5. Select the category that you want to check for existence in the record to determine whether the content within the if@ merge fields should be generated.
  6. Select Negate if you want the content to be generated when the selected category is NOT present in the record. Otherwise, leave the check-box unchecked.
  7. Click add more.
  8. Click Save Mapping.

To use if@ to check of a system field is populated

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the if@ merge field that you want to map from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Navigate to the system field that you want to check for a value, and click ok.
    The Object Navigator window closes and the path appears in the Object Navigator field.
  5. Select Negate if you want the content to be generated when the selected system field is NOT populated in the record. Otherwise, leave the check-box unchecked.
  6. Click add more.
  7. Click Save Mapping.

To use if@ to check if a custom field has a certain value

This method is most useful for custom fields of type List, Number, or Check Box.

Note: You can check only custom fields belonging to the main record for which the document is being generated.

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the if@ merge field that you want to map from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Select detailList-> and click traverse.
  5. Select the category of the custom field, and click traverse.
  6. Select the custom field whose value you want to check and click ok.
    The Object Navigator window closes and the path appears in the Object Navigator field.
  7. Select the value that you want to check for, depending on the field type. For example, if you want to check whether a certain lookup item is selected in the field, select that lookup item.
  8. Select Negate if you want the content to be generated when the specified custom field does NOT have the specified value. Otherwise, leave the check-box unchecked.
  9. Click add more.
  10. Click Save Mapping.

To use if @ to check if a sub-object of a certain type has been added

You can use this mapping to check whether a sub-object of a certain type has been added, and thus specify whether content should be generated.

For example, if a certain type of assignee has been added, you may want to list the assignee's contact information in the generated document.

Note: You can check only sub-objects of the main record for which a document is being generated.

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the if@ merge field that you want to map from the Merge Field drop-down list. The option Map to an object field is selected automatically as the Mapping Function.
  3. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the T-table of the object on which your template is based.

    For example, if the document template is for a custom object, such as Matter, then the Matter table appears.
  4. Select the sub-object that you want to check (such as assigneeList->) and click ok. The Object Navigator window closes and the path appears in the Object Navigator field.
  5. Select the type that you want to check for.
  6. Select Negate if you want the content to be generated when the specified sub-object type is NOT added. Otherwise, leave the check-box unchecked.
  7. Click add more.
  8. Click Save Mapping.

Mapping to Current Date

A basic merge field can be set to the current date in the document when the user generates it. You can also specify the format of the date information.

Note: This mapping function corresponds to the Document Generator tag tc:date.

To map a merge field to the current date

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the basic merge field that you want to map to the current date from the Merge Field drop-down list.
  3. Select Map to today's date as the Mapping Function. Several additional fields for setting the date format appear.
  4. Select the date format from the drop-down list.
  5. Select Show Time if you want the time of the document generation to appear in the generated document, along with the date.
  6. Select Show Timezone if you want the time zone of the current user to appear in the generated document, along with the date and time.
  7. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
  8. Click Save Mapping.
    The mapping is saved for the template.

Mapping to Current User

If you want to retrieve information about the current user who is generating the document, such as his or her name, you can do this by mapping a basic merge field to the current user.

Note: This mapping function corresponds to the Document Generator tag tc:user.

To map a merge field to the current user's first name

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the basic merge field that you want to map to the current user from the Merge Field drop-down list.
  3. Select Map to current user as the Mapping Function.
  4. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the YUser table.
  5. Select contact-> and click traverse.
  6. Select firstName and click ok. The Object Navigator closes.
  7. Click add more to add the mapping.

To map a merge field to the current user's last name

  1. Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the basic merge field that you want to map to the current user from the Merge Field drop-down list.
  3. Select Map to current user as the Mapping Function.
  4. Click the Object Navigator icon Object Navigator icon.
    The Object Navigator opens to the YUser table.
  5. Select contact-> and click traverse.
  6. Select name and click ok. The Object Navigator closes.
  7. Click add more to add the mapping.

Mapping to a File

You can map a merge field to a file, so that the content of that file is imported into the generated document in place of the merge field. This is useful when the content is shared among multiple document templates.

If necessary, you can include merge fields that need to be mapped to TeamConnect data. In many cases, however, the external file contains only static text.

Mapping to a file requires two steps:

  1. Converting RTF File to XML File—Any merge fields in the file must be mapped, and the file must be converted from RTF to XML.
  2. Mapping to XML File

Converting RTF File to XML File

To convert an RTF file to an XML file in TeamConnect

  1. Create a sub-folder in the Document Templates folder where the main RTF of your template is stored.

    Important: You cannot map to a file unless it is stored in a sub-folder of the Document Templates folder of the template.
  2. In the sub-folder you created, upload the RTF file that you want to import into your template.
  3. Click Launch Data Mapping Tool Data Mapping Tool.
    The Data Mapping tool screen opens, where you can convert the RTF to XML.
  4. Click the name of the RTF that you want to convert.
  5. The mapping screen of the Data Mapping tool opens.
    If the file contains no merge fields, the text (No Item Selected) appears. If the file does contain merge fields that need to be mapped, they are listed in the Merge Field drop-down list.
  6. If necessary, map all of the merge fields.
  7. Click Save Mapping and Generate XML Template.
    A message appears that the generation is complete. The XML file is stored in the same folder as its RTF. You can now map a merge field in the main template to this file.

Mapping to XML File

If you already uploaded and converted the RTF to XML, you can map a merge field to it.

Note: This mapping function corresponds to the Document Generator tag tc:file.

To map a merge field to an external XML file

  1. Open the main RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the Merge Field that you want to map to a file.
  3. Select Map to a file from the Mapping Function drop-down list.
  4. Select the file to which you want to map the merge field.
  5. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
  6. Click Save Mapping.

Defining a User Input Screen

When you map a merge field to user input, the Document Generator automatically creates a user input screen, so that the user generating the document can enter text to be included in place of the merge field.

Note: This mapping function corresponds to the Document Generator tag tc:input.

To define a user input screen

  1. Open the main RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool.
  2. Select the Merge Field that you want to map to a file.
  3. Select Define an input screen for user input from the Mapping Function drop-down list. Additional fields appear for you to define the appearance of the input screen.
  4. Enter the appropriate information to define the input screen:
    • Screen Label—Instructions to the user about what input to provide in the text box.
    • Max Size—Set the maximum number of characters for the input field, if you want the field to be only one line with no scrolling. This setting sets the length of the field, in characters, and also limits the text input to that number of characters.
    • Show Scroll Bar—Select this option if you want the user to enter text in a scrolling text box instead of a one-line text box.
    • Rows—When Show Scroll Bar is checked, this field sets the number of text rows of the text box that will be displayed. It does not limit the number of characters.
    • Columns—When Show Scroll Bar is checked, this field sets the width of the text box in the display, in characters. It does not limit the number of characters.
  5. Click add more.
    The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
  6. Click Save Mapping.

Now, once you generate the template, a user who generates a document with the template will be prompted to enter text first before generating the document.