Processing SOP Records
Once you receive or create an SOP record, you process it by changing the phase based on your company's established life cycle. Typically, a record starts in the Intake phase, and may move to the Open phase once someone begins to work on it. At the end of the process, the record may move to the Closed phase.
Additionally, you can use the Create SOP matter phase to use the information in an SOP record to create a TeamConnect matter, or use the Do not create SOP matter phase to eliminate this option.
There are several default phases, and your administrator may create additional phases.
You can perform the following tasks to process SOP records:
- Changing the Phase of an SOP Record
- Viewing the Current Phase of an SOP Record
- Creating a TeamConnect Matter
Note: You must be a member of the SOP Manager Group to perform these tasks.
Changing the Phase of an SOP Record
The Change Phase button lets you set the current position in the life cycle of an SOP record. Each time that you change the phase of a record, you move it along in the life cycle.
When an SOP record is retrieved from your RA or created manually, it is in the Intake phase. Intake is typically the first phase and Closed is usually the last phase. The phase to which you transition depends on the life cycle that is established by your business practices.
When you change the phase of an SOP record, the record is processed accordingly. For example, if you change a record from Intake to Create TeamConnect matter, the information in the selected SOP record is used to create a TeamConnect matter. If you select Do not create SOP matter, the record is available for further processing based on the available phases.
SOP Manager Default Phases
SOP Manager provides four default phases:
- Intake—Assigned to all pending SOP records.
- Create SOP matter—Create a TeamConnect matter using the information in an SOP record.
- Do not create SOP matter—Process normally based on the set phases and your organizations business practices.
- Closed—Action is resolved.
Your SOP administrator can define additional phases as necessary.
To change the phase of an SOP record
- Open the appropriate SOP record.
The record opens to the General page. - Click the Change Phase button, and then select the appropriate phase.
Changing the Phase
To return to the last viewed SOP list, click the Back to Service Of Process - <RA name> link.
Viewing the Current Phase of an SOP Record
Use the General page to view the current phase of an SOP record.
To view the current phase of an SOP record
Open the appropriate SOP record.
The record opens to the General page. The phase is listed in the Current Phase field.
Creating a TeamConnect Matter
Use the Change Phase button to use the information in an SOP record to create a TeamConnect matter record. If you have the appropriate rights, once you create a matter, you can view it in TeamConnect.
Typically, once you use an SOP record to create a matter, the only phase that you can select is Close.
Note: Close is the default option that is provided by SOP Manager. Your options may be different.
Documents that are associated with an SOP record are not automatically copied to the new matter. You must copy documents separately. See Copying SOP Documents to a Matter for more information.
To create a TeamConnect matter
- Search for an SOP record and open it.
The record opens to the General page. - Click the Change Phase button, and then select Create TeamConnect matter.
A TeamConnect matter is created. On the General page, the Current Phase field changes to TeamConnect Matter Created.
Copying SOP Documents to a Matter
When you use an SOP record to create a TeamConnect matter, the documents on the SOP Documents page are not automatically copied to the matter. You must copy these documents manually.
To copy SOP documents to a matter
- In TeamConnect, open the appropriate SOP matter.
- In the left pane, click the Documents link.
Copying Documents - Click Copy Documents.
All files are copied except the .xmlMessage file. If you want to add the .xml file, see Adding a Document to TeamConnect.
Viewing a Matter in TeamConnect
If you have the appropriate rights, you can search for and view a TeamConnect matter that was created using an SOP record.
To view a matter in TeamConnect
- Click the SOP tab.
- In the top left corner of the user interface, click the Setup link.
- On the Main menu, in the Go to drop-down list, click Matter.
- On the Current View drop-down list, click Default.
- Click the Filter tab and enter the appropriate search criteria.
- Click search.
The search results should include the matter that you want to view.