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Managing SOP Record Retrieval

This article provides the information about how manage and retrieve the Service of Process records.

Use the Retrieval Logs to view SOP record retrieval results, including the reason a retrieval failed and the type of conversion or retrieval errors that occurred.

You can also perform a checksum to ensure that the number of SOP records provided by your RA matches the number of SOP records in TeamConnect, and if necessary, retrieve records manually.


You can perform the following retrieval-related tasks:

Viewing the Retrieval Logs

Each time SOP Manager retrieves SOP records from an RA or a record is retrieved manually, a Retrieval Log is created.

When there are minor errors, SOP records are still created; when a retrieval fails, SOP records are not created. The details for both cases are recorded in the Retrieval Log. The Retrieval Log also contains the ID numbers that you use to perform a manual retrieval.

There are two types of Retrieval Logs:

  • System—Displays details about records retrieved from the RA based on a synchronization schedule.
  • Manual—Displays details about records that are retrieved manually using an ID number.

To view the retrieval log

You can access retrieval logs in the following ways:

  • Click the All tab, and then click Retrieval Logs.
  • Click the SOP tab, and then click the appropriate log link in the <RA name> Retrieval Logs portal pane.

Retrieval Log-Related Pages

The Retrieval Log has a General page link in the left pane. The format of the information in the error log depends on the RA that you select.

General Page

Click the General link to view the following:

  • The retrieval time
  • The type of retrieval
  • The number of SOP records created without errors
  • The number of SOP records created with errors
  • The number of failures
  • Additional operations that occurred during the retrieval
    • Errors indicating that there is an XML version mismatch between SOP and the RA.
    • A possible error connecting to the RA
    • An error returned by the RA
    • ID numbers (Sequence IDs or Log Ids)

General Page

XML Page

Click the XML link (if available) to view the source XML for the records retrieved during the selected retrieval period. If a retrieval fails, no XML file is created.

Retrieving SOP Records Manually

If you want to retrieve a record before the set synchronization time, or if a retrieval failed, you can retrieve an SOP record manually.

To manually retrieve an SOP record, locate its Sequence ID or Log ID number in the Retrieval Log. If the ID number that you need is not in the Retrieval Log, contact your RA.

Once the records are manually retrieved, they are in Pending status, Intake phase, and can be processed normally. See Processing SOP Records for more information.

To retrieve SOP records manually

  1. Click the All tab, and then click SOP Settings.
  2. Select the appropriate RA.
  3. In the left pane, click the Connection link and enter the appropriate number:
    • For CSC, enter the Sequence Number.
    • For CT, enter the Log ID.
  4. Click Retrieve.
    To view the manually retrieved record(s), click the SOP tab, and then click its link in the Pending SOPs pane.

Performing a Checksum

Use the Connection page to perform a checksum to verify that the number of SOP records retrieved from the RA during the previous 30 days matches the number of unique SOP records found in TeamConnect during the same time period.

Checksum confirms information for records received from your RA only. The results do not include manually created SOP records.

It is recommended that you routinely perform a checksum to ensure that you retrieved all of the necessary SOP records from your RA.

Note: To ensure accuracy, it is recommended that you perform a checksum when the synchronization status is Running. You can confirm the synchronization status in the Synchronization Status field on the main page.

Manual Deletion Affects Checksum Results

If you manually delete an SOP record that was retrieved from your RA, your checksum results will be inaccurate. For example:

During a specified time period, you successfully retrieve 30 records from your RA service. After you receive the records, you manually delete two of the retrieved records.

When you receive an invoice from your RA, you run a checksum to reconcile the figures. The checksum results show that the number of SOP records sent by the RA is 30, but the number of retrieved SOP records in TeamConnect is 28. This discrepancy occurs because the deleted records are no longer in the system and TeamConnect does not include them in the count. In this case, the RA count is correct because you actually received 30 records from your RA.

To keep an accurate checksum record, it is recommended that you change the phase of an SOP record to Closed instead of deleting it.

To perform a checksum

  1. Click the All tab, and then click SOP Settings.
  2. Click the appropriate RA.
    The SOP Connection page opens.
  3. In the Checksum section, click Perform Checksum.

Checksum results display the following information:

  • For CSC
    • The date and time the checksum was performed
    • The number of records reported served by the RA in the last 30 days
    • The number of SOP records created in TeamConnect in the last 30 days
  • For CT
    • The start date and end date of the checksum
    • The number of records reported by CT for this period
    • The number of records found in TeamConnect with a Created Date within the same period. The Created Date information is available on the Details tab of an SOP record

If the number reported by your RA and the number found in TeamConnect are different, check the Retrieval Logs, and then contact your RA to resolve the discrepancy.

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