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Litigation Starter Dashboard

This page provides an overview of the Litigation starter dashboard.

TeamConnect Business Intelligence provides a number of starter dashboards. These dashboards can be configured to meet your specific needs, as they may not work with your system without customization and you may need to remap certain fields depending on your data model.

The minimum version that supports this litigation starter dashboard is TCBI 6.2.0 and is available for both TeamConnect Essentials and TeamConnect Enterprise versions.


The litigation starter dashboard provides an overview of open litigation work by various criteria and supports decisions based on matter workload for the litigation attorneys and litigation practice lead.

Open Litigation by Sub-Type provides the breakdown list of all open litigation matters based on the sub-type.

Open Litigation by Litigation Phase provides an amount of open litigation matters in each phase.

Open Litigation by Main Assignee and Phase provides the details of open litigation matters according to the primary assignee in terms of phases. Add or remove main assignees to/from the chart using the main assignee filter.

Cost Center Amount Charged by Litigation Type

Top 10 Matters: Budget to Spend displays the list of top 10 litigation matters on which amount is spent.

Top 10 Firms: Budget to Spend displays the list of top 10 firms on which amount is spent.

Trailing 12 months (TTM) NewMatters Opened by Month and TTM Matters Closed by Month 

Average Cycle Time(days) is the average time it takes for a matter to close in each litigation sub-type.

Budget vs. Spend is the overall indicator that shows actual spend compared to the total budget for all vendors for this matter. The number on bottom shows the spend, and the number on the right of the indicator shows total budget. You can adjust the fiscal year (current year, last fiscal year or entire matter life) to view budget and spend for a specific time period for all reports on this screen.

Detailed Specifications

Widget Name Description Type Parameters Obeys dashboard filters Design
Enterprise (Legal/FM)
Open Litigation by Sub-type For Essentials (EaB):
Count of all open matters for matter sub-type as litigation

For Enterprise:
count of all open disputes for dispute category = litigation

Category: Matter Details / matter sub-type

Values: Matter / # of unique by matter number; sort descending

Widget filter: Matter / Matter current phase (TEXT containing "open")

Category: Dispute / Dispute default category full

Values: dispute / # of unique dispute number; sort descending

Widget filter: Dispute / dispute current phase (TEXT containing "open")
Yes X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
Open Litigation by Litigation Phase count of all open matters for matter sub-type = litigation broken by litigation phase Column

Category: Matter:Litigation details / Litigation Phase

Values: Matter / # of unique matter number

Widget Filters: Matter / Matter current phase (TEXT containing "open"; matter:litigation details / Litigation phase (filter out NA)

Not available for Enterprise as there isn't a field mapping to Litigation Phase in the out-of-the-box implementation.

Yes X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
Open Litigation by Main Assignee count of all open disputes for dispute category = litigation broken by main assignee Bar NA

Category: Dispute / Dispute Main assignee name

Values: Dispute / # of unique dispute number (ranked by top 10, sorted descending)

Widget Filters: Dispute / Dispute current phase (TEXT containing "open")
Yes X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
Open Matters by Main Assignee and Phase count of all open matters for matter sub-type = litigation broken by main assignee and litigation phase Bar

Category: Matter / Matter Main assignee name

Values: Matter / # of unique by matter number (ranked by top 10, sorted descending)

Break by: Matter:Litigation details / Litigation phase

Widget Filters: Matter / Matter current phase (TEXT containing "open"); matter:Litigation details / Litigation phase (filter out NA)
NA Yes

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
Cost Center Amount Charged by Litigation Type

For Essentials (EaB):
amount charged to cost centers for litigation matters broken by matter sub-type

For Enterprise:
amount charged to cost centers for litigation disputes broken by dispute category = litigation


Category: invoice cost center allocation details / Linked cost center name

Values: invoice cost center allocation details / (total) converted currency amount charged

Break by: matter details / matter sub-type

Widget filters: invoice cost center allocation details / Linked cost center name (filter out NA)

Category: matter cost centers / cost center

Values: matter cost centers / (total) amount charged

Break by: dispute / dispute default category full

Widget filters: matter cost centers / cost center (filter out NA)

Legend: Bottom
X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels

Top 10 matters: Budget to spend top 10 highest spend litigation matters Bar

Category: matter / matter name

Values: account budget and spend / account total spend, ranking top 10, sort descending, conditional fomatting - yellow: less than 90% of budget, red: greater than 110% of budget, green: between 90% to 110% of budget; account budget and spend / account total budget allocated
NA Yes

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
Top 10 disputes: Budget to spend top 10 highest spend litigation disputes Bar NA

Category: dispute / dispute name

Values: account budget and spend / account total spend, ranking top 10, sort descending, conditional formatting - yellow: less than 90% of budget, red: greater than 110% of budget, green: between 90% to 110% of budget; account budget and spend / account total budget allocated

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
Top 10 firms: Budget to spend For Essentials (EaB):
top 10 highest spend firms with litigation matters

For Enterprise:
top 10 highest spend firms with litigation disputes

Category: account budget and spend / account vendor

Values: account budget and spend / account total spend, ranking top 10, sort descending, conditional formatting - yellow: less than 90% of budget, red: greater than 110% of budget, green: between 90% to 110% of budget; account budget and spend / account total budget allocated

Category: account budget and spend / account vendor

Values: account budget and spend / account total spend, ranking top 10, sort descending, conditional formatting - yellow: less than 90% of budget, red: greater than 110% of budget, green: between 90% to 110% of budget; account budget and spend / account total budget allocated

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
TTM New Matters Opened by Month month wise trend for new matters Line

X-axis: matter details / (months in) opened on

Values: matter / (count of) matter number

Widget filters: matter / matter current phase (TEXT equals "open"); matter details / opened on = last 360 days
NA Yes

Line: straight

Line width: bold

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
TTM New Disputes Opened by Month month wise trend for new disputes Line NA

X-axis: dispute / (months in) dispute opened on

Values: dispute / (count of) dispute number

Widget filters: dispute / dispute current phase (TEXT equals "open"); dispute / dispute opened on = last 360 days

Line: straight

Line width: bold

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
TTM Matters Closed by Month month wise trend for matter closure Line

X-axis: matter / (months in) matter closed on

Values: matter / (count of) matter number

Widget filters: matter / matter current phase (TEXT equals "closed"); matter / matter closed on = last 360 days
NA Yes

Line: straight

Line width: bold

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis: grid lines, labels
TTM Disputes Closed by Month month wise trend for dispute closure Line NA

X-axis: dispute / (months in) dispute closed on

Values: dispute / (count of) dispute number

Widget filters: dispute / dispute current phase (TEXT equals "closed"); dispute / dispute closed on = last 360 days

Line: straight

Line width: bold

Legend: bottom

X-axis & Y-axis” grid lines, labels
Average Cycle Time (Days) For Essentials (EaB):
average days to close a litigation matter for each sub-type

For Enterprise:
average days to close a litigation dispute for each litigation dispute category

Category: Matter Details / matter sub-type

Values: AVG(DDIFF(matter / (days in) matter closed on (minus) - matter details / (days in) opened on))

Widget filter: Matter phase history / Matter phase name (TEXT equals "closed")

Category: Dispute / dispute default category full

Values: AVG(DDIFF(dispute / (days in) dispute closed on (minus) - dispute / (days in) dispute opened on))

Widget filter: Matter phase history / Matter phase name (TEXT equals "closed")

Type: classic

Labels: categories, values, percent
This Fiscal Year: Budget to Spend Spend value vs. budget for current financial year Indicator

Values: account budget and spend / SUM(account total spend)

min: 0

max: account budget and spend / (total) total budget allocated

Widget filter: account budget and spend / account period start on = (time frame) this year

Values: account budget and spend / SUM(account total spend)

min: 0

max: account budget and spend / (total) total budget allocated

Widget filter: account budget and spend / account period start on = (time frame) this year
except Matter details / (years in) opened on Components: ticks, labels, title
Last Fiscal Year: Budget to Spend Spend value vs. budget for last financial year Indicator

Values: account budget and spend / SUM(account total spend)

min: 0

max: account budget and spend / (total) total budget allocated

Widget filter: account budget and spend / account period start on = (time frame) last year

Values: account budget and spend / SUM(account total spend)

min: 0

max: account budget and spend / (total) total budget allocated

Widget filter: account budget and spend / account period start on = (time frame) last year
except Matter details / (years in) opened on Components: ticks, labels, title
Life of Matter: Budget to Spend Spend value vs. budget irrespective of fiscal year Indicator

Values: account budget and spend / SUM(account total spend)

min: 0

max: account budget and spend / (total) total budget allocated
NA Yes Components: ticks, labels, title
Life of Dispute: Budget to Spend Spend value vs. budget irrespective of fiscal year Indicator NA

Values: account budget and spend / SUM(account total spend)

min: 0

max: account budget and spend / (total) total budget allocated
Yes Components: ticks, labels, title
Litigation Summary For Essentials (EaB):
List of litigation matters including their primary matter type/subtype, opened date, current phase (open or reopened), and primary assignee.

For Enterprise:
List of litigation disputes including their dispute category, opened date, current phase (open or reopened), and primary assignee.

Columns: Matter #, Matter Name, Matter Type, Matter Subtype, Litigation Phase, Matter phase, Open Date, Main Assignee Name, Primary OC

Widget Filters: matter / matter current phase (TEXT containing "open")

Columns: Dispute #, Dispute Name, Dispute default category full, Dispute current phase, Dispute Opened on, Involved Party contact full name, Dispute Main Assignee Name, Primary key

Widget Filters: matter / matter current phase (TEXT containing "open")
Yes borders, manual column width, alt. colors, word wrap, 25 items per page


Implementation Notes

For TeamConnect Enterprise, Litigation phase field does not exist in the out-of-the-box environment with Legal+FM, it’s advised to be added to the dashboard if you are tracking litigation phases as a custom field.  


As a quick summary, this dashboard addresses some of the following activities:

  • How are we tracking Spend vs. Budget?
  • What are we working on?
  • Am I using my resources optimally?
  • Are my vendors submitting accurate budgets?
  • What matters should I pay attention to or escalate?
  • Was this article helpful?