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TAP 1.20 Release Notes

Production Date: 02-07-2025

Release Summary

The TAP 1.20 release introduces a .Net Framework upgrade for enhanced security and performance, a new API retry feature for improved reliability, UI enhancements like a dashboard filter toggle, column size optimization, and key bug fixes.

New Feature(s)

A new API retry feature is introduced to improve reliability when calling external APIs. TAP now automatically retries outbound API calls on transient errors, enhancing performance for Relationship Ext API, Stage Ext API, External Datasource, and External Grid Datasource. Refer to the External API for more details.
Tracking Code: TAP-54854

UI Enhancements:  

Dashboard Filter Toggle for Non-Super Admins: Non-Super Admin users will now see only "In Progress" workflows by default on the dashboard, with a new toggle option to switch between "In Progress" and "All Records." The selected view will persist across sessions. Super Admins will continue to see all records by default with no changes. Refer to the Workflow Dashboard for more details.

Optimized Column Data Sizes: To improve performance, the sizes of certain columns in the results table have been reduced: Description (1024 → 256 characters), GeneratedSequence (512 → 256 characters), and WorkflowStatus (1024 → 700 characters).

Enhanced Search Experience: To improve accuracy and performance, the search feature will now trigger only after entering a minimum of three characters, with a message displaying: "Please enter 3 or more characters."

Column Limit Warning: When adding more than 30 columns to the dashboard, a warning message will appear saying, "Adding more than 30 columns to your dashboard may result in slower page load times." Users can still add more than 30 columns without restrictions, and this update applies to both Super Admins and Non-Super Admins.

Bug Fixes 

Unable to Open Signature Repository Files Due to Content Security Policy Error: Fixed an issue where users were unable to open Signature Repository files in the TAP environment due to a security restriction.

Issue: Issue when creating TeamConnect Support Update.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-9905
Case Number: 2024-0915-8369267
Reported Version: TAP 1.18.1

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Import and preview the workflow.
  2. Navigate to the second relationship and attempt to add another TC key.
  3. Choose the object type and select the desired object.
  4. Update the label in the option field with a specific name and save the key.
  5. Observe that the object update option displays the name of the first key instead of the one you selected.

Expected Results of Steps
The selected key should be consistently displayed in the TAP-TC integration as well.

Actual Results of Steps
The selected key is being displayed incorrectly.

The issue where the selected key was being displayed incorrectly in the TAP-TC integration has been resolved. The selected key now consistently appears as expected.

Impacted Areas
Import and Save the template

Tested Areas

  • Verified the impact of changes limited to the "load from template" functionality for TeamConnect support at both relationship and stage levels.
  • Relationship level actions: Import from the template and Save as template.
  • Stage-level actions: Import from the template and save it as a template.

Issue: Prepopulation on the Submit checkbox is available only for User and Grid type fields.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10203
Case Number: 2024-1007-8396641
Reported Version: TAP 1.18.1

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log into TAP.
  2. Create a basic workflow with form pre-population enabled.
  3. During the pre-population setup, attempt to use multiple record types from the available dropdown list.

Expected Results of Steps
The "Use pre-population on submit" option should be available for all record types.

Actual Results of Steps
The "Use pre-population on submit" option is available to only User and Grid data source records.

The issue where the "Use pre-population on submit" option was limited to only User and Grid data source records has been resolved. The option is now available for all record types as expected.

Impacted Areas
On-submit Pre-pop configuration

Tested Areas

  • Old On-submit Pre-pop configuration
  • New On-submit Pre-pop configuration

Issue: TAP fields integrated with Team Connect revert to different fields after Save.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10125
Case Number: 2024-1007-8397196
Reported Version: TAP 1.18.1

Access to TAP - TeamConnect Integration

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to TAP.
  2. Open the TeamConnect integration and navigate to the field mappings section.
  3. Select a dropdown field linked to a Yes/No field.
  4. Change the selection to a different Yes/No field.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Save the entire workflow.
  7. Reopen the workflow and return to the field mappings section.
  8. Notice that the field has reverted to the original Yes/No field instead of retaining the updated selection.

Expected Results of Steps
The field should save correctly and remain as selected without reverting to the previous value.

Actual Results of Steps
The field reverts to its original value after being changed and saved, instead of retaining the updated selection.

The issue where the field reverted to its original value after being changed and saved, instead of retaining the updated selection, has been resolved. The field now saves correctly.

Impacted Areas
TeamConnect Lookup Field

Tested Areas

  • Legacy TeamConnect Lookup Field mapped with a dropdown.
  • TeamConnect Lookup Field for both System and Custom Objects.
  • TeamConnect Lookup Field mapped with a dropdown in the TeamConnect Support Configuration functionality.

Issue: Submit Button Is Not Changing When selecting a different Language.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10152
Case Number: 2024-0815-8338598
Reported Version: TAP 1.17.7

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to TAP.
  2. Create or import the workflow.
  3. Submit the first stage successfully.
  4. Proceed to the second stage and select the Spanish language.
  5. While the entire page switches to Spanish, the Submit button does not translate into Spanish.
  6. Enter text in the fields and notice that the button label changes to Next instead of displaying in Spanish.

Expected Results of Steps
When a different language is selected, the Submit button should also update to reflect the chosen language.

Actual Results of Steps
The Submit button does not update when the language changes and remains in English.

The issue where the Submit button did not update to reflect the selected language and remained in English has been resolved. The button now correctly changes to match the selected language.

Impacted Areas
Form Wizard

Tested Areas

  • Form Wizard (Super Admin)
  • Without Form Wizard (Super Admin)
  • Form Wizard (Non-Admin)

Issue: Unable to upload CSV data file in the data source.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10202
Case Number: 2024-1030-8419935
Reported Version: TAP 1.18.3

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Create or import the workflow.
  2. Upload the datasource manually or upload a CSV file.
  3. Click Save Data Source.

Expected Results of Steps
The data source or newly added data should be updated successfully.

Actual Results of Steps
The data source is not being saved.

The issue where the data source was not being saved has been resolved. The data source or newly added data now updates successfully as expected.

Impacted Areas
Edit functionality

Tested Areas
Edit functionality of Simple and Grid Data Source

Issue: TAP Workflow not populating documentation in the designer.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10201
Case Number: 2024-1030-8419912
Reported Version: TAP 1.18.1

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create or import the workflow.
  2. Review the documentation available in the workflow options.

Expected Results of Steps
The documentation in the options tab of the workflow should display the relevant details of the workflow.

Actual Results of Steps
The documentation functionality in the options tab of the workflow does not display the workflow details.

The issue where the documentation functionality in the options tab of the workflow did not display the workflow details has been resolved. The relevant details now appear as expected.

Impacted Areas
Documentation in the options tab of the workflow

Tested Areas

  • Attached workflow and other workflows from different environments.
  • Various form mappings, pre-population settings, child workflows, and external APIs, including TeamConnect (TC) and Salesforce (SF) integrations.
  • Ensured that all possible combinations on the stage level were covered.
  • Verified that the documentation loads correctly for all tested combinations.

Issue: Address Field Size Affecting Date Picker and Text Field Size.
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10225
Case Number: 2024-1003-8394523
Reported Version: TAP 1.17.7

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create or import a workflow.
  2. Adjust the size of the Address field.
  3. Click on the Date Picker or Text field after resizing the Address field.
  4. Observe that the size of the Date Picker or Text field also changes, but no other fields are affected. 

Expected Results of Steps
Changing the size of the Address field should not affect the size of any other fields.

Actual Results of Steps
Changing the size of the Address field is affecting the size of the Date Picker and Text fields.

The issue where changing the size of the Address field was affecting the size of the Date Picker and Text fields has been resolved. The size of the Address field now adjusts without impacting other fields.

Impacted Areas
Address field

Tested Areas

  • Text Field
  • Area Field
  • Date Picker
  • Address Field
  • Updating the size of the Address field and then selecting the Textbox field causes the Textbox size to change, similar to the Address field, and vice versa.
  • Changing the size of either the Textbox or Address field causes the Date Picker size to update from its original value of 20 to 35.

Issue: Security vulnerability identified for TAP 1.15
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-10405
Case Number: 2024-1204-8450634
Reported Version: TAP 1.15.3

Access to TAP

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Run Security Scan

Expected Results of Steps
No security vulnerabilities should be detected.

Actual Results of Steps
High vulnerability detected.

pdf.js was upgraded to the latest version.

Impacted Areas

Tested Areas

  • TAP e-sign with multiple sources
  • Document builder, Document field, file upload, Data source.
  • Multiple signers
  • With all kinds of styles and margins
  • A quick validation over other eSign options with a document preview


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