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TAP 1.11 and Release Notes

TAP 1.11.0 and Release Notes

New Features

User Search Field Updates: Users can now be searched by their Role or Department. Two new options, Roles and Departments, are added under the User Search field. 

Dashboard Update: On the TAP dashboard, the sort and filter options will now be retained when the user navigates to other pages and comes back to the dashboard again. The sort and filters clear on successful logout and login.

Bug Fixes

Issue: Issue with TAP PDF conversion to Word doc
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5633
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1913-983089
Expected Result: Space formatting will be maintained throughout the document when pdf is converted to doc.  

Issue: Resend Notification feature works incorrectly
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5405
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0729-964160
Expected Result: In the resend notification setup, notification will be sent through ‘From Email’.

Issue: Document Field issue-The editable boxes created within the table cell are displaced in the form
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5449
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0805-967170
Expected Result: The editable fields will be placed the same as they are in the original document field in the designer.

Issue: Form Mapping to SFDC Lookup field does not trigger pre-population
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-3804
Salesforce Case Number: 2021-0910-829517
Expected Result: When SFDC lookup field is populated with a value through form mapping, prepop rules will be triggered automatically.

Issue: Edit notification in expiration tab doesn't work
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5499
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0822-973449
Expected Result: For a workflow, in the e-Signature support tab → Expiration, added notification will now be editable and new notification can be added without any hassle. 

Issue: Expose Dashboard search box
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-4780
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0520-932429
Expected Result: The search box will now be visible when a user exports the dashboard and dynamic columns are added in the grid. 

Issue: External grid datasource not loading results when viewed
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5216
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0708-955935
Expected Result: In the Edit Data Source page,the data source results will be populated in a table.

Issue: Document merge Issue- Documents from document field not merged with documents from document builder
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5474
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0812-970184
Expected Result: The document emailed to the user will contain all the pages from all the documents added in E-signature support.

Issue: Inactive user name is not showing in Audit summary completed stages
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5637
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0914-983402
Expected Result: In the Admin tab, when a user is deleted, the user’s name is visible in the history of the audit trial.

Issue: Error message is displaying when the Button is not configured to that form field when using Save As Templates
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-4076
Salesforce Case Number: N/A
Expected Result: When a new workflow is created and published, no error message is displayed on clicking any buttons.

Issue: Wrong Account Name is saving in SFDC Support
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5701
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0922-987067
Expected Result: When saving configuration from the saved templates, label names will not repeat in the drop-downs. 

Issue: Dashboard Filter Expand/Collapse Does not Work
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5907
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1012-994985
Expected Result: On the left side of the dashboard, expand and collapse filters will work as the name suggests. 

Issue: ~and~ connector no longer works in API in lowercase
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5816
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0929-990026
Expected Result: And operator works in lower case in staging.

Issue: WebService not working in Staging
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5850
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1006-992859
Expected Result: API changes are observed. In staging --> Web Service, for Get service for workflows, no error will be reported.

Issue: Collaboration Stage - Multiple Submit buttons
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5235
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0714-958664
Expected Result: Only a single submit button will display in collab stage unless multiple buttons have been added to the form. 

Issue: Document Preview not working in Prod
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5698
Salesforce Case Number: 2021-1008-842540
Expected Result: Documents can now be previewed before submitting to signatures.

Issue: Unable to bulk export documents in audit trail
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5923
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1017-996845
Expected Result: On the audit trail, bulk export will generate an excel sheet with all the available data.

Issue: Conditions setup on data source values dont work
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5793
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0928-989004
Expected Result: File upload field is now visible when data source values are selected from the drop-down options.

Issue: Print button doesnt show up for some workflows
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5583
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0927-988800
Expected Result: When any workflow is imported, Print button is now visible along with Save and Submit buttons.

Issue: TAP Preview fails due to blank Days OffSet Value in Esignature Expiration Tab
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5513
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0823-974220
Expected Result: When a workflow is created with e-signature support feature enabled, it can be previewed. 

Issue: Department dropdown filter in Dashboard is Not working as expected
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5234
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0713-957678
Expected Result: When workflows are filtered by Department, the records pertaining to that particular department only will be displayed. 

Issue: Collaboration Stage not clearing checkbox and radio inputs when reset button clicked in the other clients
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5197
Salesforce Case Number: N/A
Expected Result: On click of Reset button, the checkbox and radio inputs in the Collaboration stage will now be cleared.

Issue: Save button behavior inconsistent
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-3655
Salesforce Case Number: 2021-0812-817864
Expected Result: The latest data saved will be displayed in the form.

Issue: Incorrect error message when used in a multirole
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-3034
Salesforce Case Number: 2021-0310-752182
Expected Result: Relevant error meassge will be displayed when a second user submits the stage in a multi role workflow.

Issue: Files with .mp4 extension not allowed
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-2763
Salesforce Case Number: 2021-0109-718951
Expected Result: When uploading a file, .mp4 format is now allowed and no error message occurs.

Issue: User generic field pre-population isn't working
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5473
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-0812-970131
Expected Result: In the summary details of the audit trail, the last added manager email address will be displayed. 

Issue: Reset Button is not working for few form fields
Tracking Code: TAP-16003
Salesforce Case Number: N/A
Expected Result: On the click of Reset button, all the filled form fields will be cleared.

Issue: Generate draft as URL option not working as intended
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-3351
Salesforce Case Number: N/A
Expected Result: Any user will receive the email on the click of Email me the Link button.

TAP Bug Fixes

Issue: Form fields not populated to document in audit trial
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5978
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1028-1002051
Expected Result: Form fields will populate document correctly and values populated into document will match values present when document was generated.

Issue: Dashboard data does not match exported data- Data from date columns appearing in the adjacent columns. Displacing data in all further columns
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-5990
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1107-1005402
Expected Result: Dashboard exports will format correctly, and according to dashboard view configuration. Columns should be in same order as dashboard view that was selected when export was triggered.

Issue: Conditions are not working on Multi Select
Tracking Code: TAPSUP-6094
Salesforce Case Number: 2022-1128-3152332
Expected Result: Conditional rules that utilize a Multi Select field will trigger properly.

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