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Workflow Gallery


The Workflow Gallery in TAP is designed to help you easily create and implement best practice workflows within your tenant designer. This new feature serves as a starting point for building workflows, reducing the barrier to entry, and allowing you to streamline additional business processes using TAP. This feature is directly accessible by Super Admins, while other roles require granted permissions to access it.

Watch this video to learn how the new TAP Workflow Gallery simplifies workflow creation with prebuilt templates for faster automation. 

After watching the video, please refer to the guide below for a detailed explanation and instructions on configuring the templates.

Importance of the Workflow Gallery

The Workflow Gallery provides prebuilt Templates that act as a foundation for building your workflows. By offering these templates, TAP makes it easier for you to start creating workflows and empowers you to take ownership of the workflow-building process. You can select and use a prebuilt workflow foundation directly from this gallery, with the import happening immediately upon selecting a template. Once imported, you can then refine and customize the workflow to meet your specific needs. 

Accessing the Workflow Gallery Page

To access the Workflow Gallery page, the user must have a Super Admin role:

Instructions Screenshot for Reference
  1. Navigate to the Business Automation section in TAP.
  2. Click on Workflow Gallery from the available options.

The Workflow Gallery page will be displayed.

Workflow Gallery Navigation.png

Features of the Workflow Gallery Page

  1. Search Bar: Located at the top of the page, the search bar allows you to search for specific templates.
  2. Categories Filter: On the left task pane, we have the Categories filter to filter the templates by categories. Each category is color-coded for easy identification.
  3. Sort by Option: On the left task pane, we have the Sort By option to sort the templates by 'Most popular,' 'Recently Added,' or 'Alphabetical' order.
Workflow gallery page features.png

Template Classification

Each template on the Workflow Gallery page includes the following elements: 

  • Image: A visual representation of the template.
  • Category: The category to which the template belongs, indicated by a specific color.
  • Template Name: The name of the workflow template.
  • Version Number: This number updates as new versions of the template are published.
  • Description: A brief description of the template.
  • Use Template Button: Clicking this button will take you to the designer page, where the template name appears as the title. All the relevant data from the selected template will be imported to TAP.

Here’s what happens during the process: 

  1. Data Synchronization: The system syncs various components from the template including workflows, stages, relationships between stages, current user roles, form fields, and attachments. 
  2. Automatic Data Source Creation: Data Sources such as SImple, Grid, and Conditional types will be automatically created and configured for the form fields. This ensures that the imported template data is properly structured and ready for immediate use in TAP. For a Conditional Data Source, if a target data source is configured, that target data source will become its child data source.
  3. Automatic e-Sign documents, attachments, and CSS creation: e-Sign documents, attachments, and CSS will be automatically created and configured at the stage/relationship level. This ensures that the imported template data is properly structured and ready for immediate use in TAP.
  4. Configurations like TeamConnect, Salesforce, e-Signature, sequence generator, child workflow, external datasource, and external grid datasource must be set by the user manually; they will not be configured automatically.
  • View Details Button: Clicking this button provides more in-depth information about the template.

Template View

Detailed View of a Template

The View Details page of a template contains:

  • Table of Contents: Links to various sections of the template details for easy navigation.
  • Category: The category to which the template belongs is displayed at the top.
  • Template Name: The template name is present along with the version number, template description, and an image of the form.
  • Integrations: Details of any integrations used in the template, if applicable.
  • Use Template Button: Another option to start using the template.
Template Classification
  • Challenge and Solution Section: Details potential challenges with the template and their solutions.
  • Benefits Section: Outlines the advantages of using the template.
Benefits Tab
  • Integration Configuration Section: Provides details and images related to any integrations.
Integration Configuration of Template Tab
  • How It Works Section: Describes the template's stage-by-stage setup.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): A common section that answers questions related to all templates.
How it Works and FAQs Tabs

Assigning the Workflow Gallery Permission to Other User Roles

For any user role other than Super Admin, the 'Workflow Gallery' option under Business Automation will not be visible by default. 


Additionally, the Workflow Gallery checkbox under Administration → Application Visibility will be disabled for these roles. 

Menu Items list

To grant access to the workflow gallery for a role other than Super Admin, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration → Application Visibility under Permissions.
  2. Select the desired role.
  3. Enable the Workflow Gallery checkbox and click Save.

Menu Items Visibility screen

Note: To enable the Workflow Gallery option for users who are not super admins, both the "Designer" and "Workflow Gallery" checkboxes must be selected.

The user with this role must log out and log back in for the changes to take effect. Once logged in again, the user will be able to access "Workflow Gallery" from the Business Automation tab. Detailed instructions on how to use the templates are provided above.

Configuring Templates

For guidance on template configuration, refer to the two example templates below. These templates can be customized further to align with your organization's specific requirements.

  1. Legal Services Request Template
  2. Gifts and Entertainment Template
Key Points to Remember

Build and Test in a Staging Environment
It is highly recommended that users first build and test their workflows in their Staging Environment to ensure they function as intended without affecting live operations.

Use Advanced Export
Once testing is complete and the workflow is ready for deployment, use the Advanced Export option. This ensures all CSS and related configuration details are included in the export. Saving this information is crucial for maintaining the workflow’s design and layout when it is imported into another environment, such as Production.
This recommendation applies to any workflow template to ensure consistency across environments.