Creating a Legal Hold from a Matter
Premium feature – Requires purchase of Bridgeway Legal Hold.
When logged in to the eCounsel matter management system, all users who have access to the tab can now view information about legal holds that are associated with a specific matter. For users with a Legal Hold user account, these users can login to Legal Hold from the eCounsel matter and create new legal holds or edit the existing legal hold for a matter. Non-Legal Hold users can only view limited information concerning the legal hold and cannot access the Legal Hold application.
If a matter by the same identifier already has an active hold record associated with it in Legal Hold, you cannot create a new hold record. However, if a matter using the same identifier has a released hold record (inactive) associated with it in Legal Hold, you can create a new hold record.
To Create a Legal Hold from eCounsel:
- Open the Matters module and add a new matter or edit a matter record.
- On the tab on which the Legal Hold Integration widget appears, click New Hold.
- Login to Legal Hold.
- On the New Hold page in Legal Hold, type a hold name and hold number (can be the same as the matter name and number). When creating a hold in Legal Hold from a matter in eCounsel, the following fields will be populated automatically:
- Matter Name – The name of the matter as entered in eCounsel.
- Matter Number – The matter number as entered in eCounsel.
- Matter Type – The type of matter as entered in eCounsel.
- Hold Open Date – The date the hold was created from eCounsel.
- Click Save.
- Once the hold record exists in Legal Hold, you can edit it to add legal staff and create a preservation notice. See the Legal Hold User Guide for more information on creating and managing holds.