HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 31-32
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 31
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
peo_baseinfo_birthdate |
The date of birth for a person. |
People/Base Info/Birth Date |
Person/BirthDate |
peo_baseinfo_birthdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) of birth for a person. |
People/Base Info/Birth Date |
Person/BirthDate |
peo_baseinfo_birthplace |
The place of birth for a person. |
People/Base Info/Birth Place |
Person/BirthPlace |
peo_baseinfo_comments |
Any comments entered concerning a person. |
People/Base Info/Comments |
Person/Comments_ID |
peo_baseinfo_deathdate |
The date a person died. |
People/Base Info/Death Date |
Person/DeathDate |
peo_baseinfo_deathdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a person died. |
People/Base Info/Death Date |
Person/DeathDate |
peo_baseinfo_driverslicense |
The identifier for a person’s driver’s license. |
People/Base Info/DL Number |
Person/DriversLicense |
peo_baseinfo_firstname |
The first name of a person. |
People/Base Info/First Name |
Person/FirstName |
peo_baseinfo_fullname |
The concatenated name of the person. |
People/People List/Name |
Entity/Name |
peo_baseinfo_gender |
The gender (“M” for Male, “F” for Female, or “U” for Unknown) of a person. |
People/Base Info/Gender |
Person/Gender |
peo_baseinfo_internal |
An indication of whether the entity is internal to the client company. |
Entity/Base Info/Internal |
Entity/Internal |
peo_baseinfo_juriscjname |
If the person record is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the jurisdiction selected for citizenship for a person. |
N/A |
Person/CitizenJurisdiction_ID |
peo_baseinfo_jurisdlname |
If the person record is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the jurisdiction entered for the driver’s license of a person. |
N/A |
Person/DriversLicenseJurisdiction_ID |
peo_baseinfo_lastname |
The surname of a person. |
People/Base Info/Last Name |
Person/LastName |
peo_baseinfo_middle |
The middle name of a person. |
People/Base Info/Middle Name |
Person/Middle |
peo_baseinfo_nickname |
The nickname of a person. |
People/Base Info/Nickname |
Person/Nickname |
peo_baseinfo_race |
The classification for a person’s ethnicity. |
People/Base Info/Race Ethnicity |
Person/EthnicClassification_CD |
peo_baseinfo_salutation |
A greeting form to be used for a person. |
People/Base Info/Prefix |
Person/Salutation |
peo_baseinfo_secretary |
The name of the person’s secretary. |
People/Base Info/Secretary |
Person/Secretary |
peo_baseinfo_spouse |
The name of a person’s spouse. |
People/Base Info/Spouse |
Person/Spouse |
peo_baseinfo_spousessn |
If the person record is shared by Secretariat and eCounsel, the Social Security Number of a person’s spouse. |
People/Base Info/Spouse SSN |
Person/SpouseSSN |
peo_baseinfo_ssn |
The Social Security Number for a person. |
People/Base Info/SSN |
Entity/FederalNumber |
peo_baseinfo_status |
The status (Active or Inactive) of a person. |
People/Base Info/Active |
Entity/Status_CD |
peo_baseinfo_suffix |
A suffix (such as Jr.) for a person. |
People/Base Info/Suffix |
Person/Suffix |
peo_baseinfo_timekeeper |
An indication of whether the person tracks time for billing. |
People/Base Info/Timekeeper |
Person/Timekeeper |
peo_contactinfo_address1 |
The address information from the first line of an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Address |
Address/Address1 |
peo_contactinfo_address2 |
The address information from the second line of an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Address |
Address/Address2 |
peo_contactinfo_address3 |
The address information from the third line of an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Address |
Address/Address3 |
peo_contactinfo_address4 |
The address information from the fourth line of an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Address |
Address/Address4 |
peo_contactinfo_city |
The city for an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/City |
Address/City |
peo_contactinfo_commisprimary |
An indication (T or F) if the communication record is the primary record for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Is Primary |
Communication/IsPrimary |
peo_contactinfo_commtype |
The type (such as Business Phone) of communication record. |
People/Contact Info/Type |
Communication/CommunicationType_CD |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 32
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
peo_contactinfo_commvalue |
The value (such as a phone number or e-mail address) for the communication type. |
People/Contact Info/Number |
Communication/CommNumber |
peo_contactinfo_country |
The country for an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Country |
Address/Country |
peo_contactinfo_county |
The county for an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/County |
Address/County |
peo_contactinfo_description |
The description for an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Description |
Address/Description |
peo_contactinfo_isprimary |
An indication (T or F) if the address is the primary address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Is Primary |
Entity_Address/IsPrimary |
peo_contactinfo_region |
The region selected for a person’s address. |
People/Contact Info/Region |
Address/Region |
peo_contactinfo_state |
The state for an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/State Province |
Address/StateProvince |
peo_contactinfo_type |
The type of address (such as Home) for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Type |
Entity_Address/AddressType_CD |
peo_contactinfo_zip |
The postal code for an address for a person. |
People/Contact Info/Zip Code |
Address/Zip |
peo_document_comments |
Any comments entered concerning the document for a person. |
People/Documents/Comments |
Document/Comments_ID |
peo_document_date |
The date selected for a document for an person. |
People/Documents/Document Date |
Document/DocumentDate |
peo_document_date_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) selected for a document for an person. |
People/Documents/Document Date |
Document/DocumentDate |
peo_document_description |
The description of a document for an person. |
People/Documents/Description |
Document/Description |
peo_document_type |
Type type of document record for an person. |
People/Documents/Document Type |
Document/DocumentType_CD |
peo_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
peo_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field in the People module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
peo_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
peo_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
peo_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
peo_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
peo_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the tab in the People module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
peo_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field in the People module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
peo_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field in the People module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
peo_emp_approvalamount |
The amount a person can approve for an invoice. |
People/Employment/Amount (Approval) |
Company_Person/ApprovalAmount |
peo_emp_approvalamountforeign |
The amount, expressed in a currency other than the base currency, a person can approve for an invoice. |
People/Employment/Approval Amount Foreign |
Company_Person/ApprovalAmountForeign |
peo_emp_approvalauthority |
An indication of whether a person has invoice approval authority. |
People/Employment/Approval |
Company_Person/ApprovalAuthority |
peo_emp_begindate |
The date an employee began work at an entity. |
People/Employment/Begin Date |
Company_Person/BeginDate |
peo_emp_begindate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an employee began work at an entity. |
People/Employment/Begin Date |
Company_Person/BeginDate |
peo_emp_billingmethod |
The method (such as Hourly Rate) by which a person submits invoices for a matter. |
People/Employment/Billing Method |
Company_Person/BillingMethod_CD |
peo_emp_billingrate |
The amount of currency for the type of billing method for a person. |
People/Employment/Primary Rate |
Company_Person/BillingRate |
peo_emp_billingrateforeign |
The amount, expressed in a currency other than the base currency, for the type of billing method for a person. |
People/Employment/Primary Rate Foreign |
Company_Person/BillingRateForeign |
peo_emp_budgetamount |
The amount a person can approve for a budget for a matter. |
People/Employment/Amount (Budget) |
Company_Person/BudgetAmount |