HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 29-30
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 29
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_trademark_color |
The color(s) to be used for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Color |
Trademark/Color_ID |
mat_trademark_comments |
Any comments concerning a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Comments |
Trademark/Comments_ID |
mat_trademark_condition |
The text of any conditions to be placed on the use of a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Condition |
Trademark/Condition_ID |
mat_trademark_disclaimer |
The text of any disclaimer used for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Discalaimer |
Trademark/Disclaimer_ID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field on the Trademark tab if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field on the Trademark tab . |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field on the Trademark tab is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field on the Trademark tab is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field on the Trademark tab is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field on the Trademark tab is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the Trademark tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field on the Trademark tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_trademark_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field on the Trademark tab in the Matters module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
mat_trademark_expirationdate |
The date the exclusivity on a trademark ends. |
Matters/Trademark/Expiration Date |
Trademark/ExpirationDate |
mat_trademark_expirationdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the exclusivity on a trademark ends. |
Matters/Trademark/Expiration Date |
Trademark/ExpirationDate |
mat_trademark_filingdate |
The date the application was filed for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Filing Date |
Trademark/FilingDate |
mat_trademark_filingdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the application was filed for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Filing Date |
Trademark/FilingDate |
mat_trademark_firstusedate |
The date a trademark was first used. |
Matters/Trademark/First Use Date |
Trademark/FirstUseDate |
mat_trademark_firstusedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a trademark was first used. |
Matters/Trademark/First Use Date |
Trademark/FirstUseDate |
mat_trademark_intenttouse |
An indication of whether a trademark will be used. |
Matters/Trademark/Intent to Use |
Trademark/IntentToUse |
mat_trademark_lastrenewaldate |
The date a trademark was last renewed. |
Matters/Trademark/Last Renewal Date |
Trademark/LastRenewalDate |
mat_trademark_lastrenewaldate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a trademark was last renewed. |
Matters/Trademark/Last Renewal Date |
Trademark/LastRenewalDate |
mat_trademark_lastusedate |
The date a trademark can be used before the expiration. |
Matters/Trademark/Last Use Date |
Trademark/LastUseDate |
mat_trademark_lastusedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a trademark can be used before the expiration. |
Matters/Trademark/Last Use Date |
Trademark/LastUseDate |
mat_trademark_nextrenewaldate |
The date a trademark needs to be renewed. |
Matters/Trademark/Next Renewal Date |
Trademark/NextRenewalDate |
mat_trademark_nextrenewaldate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a trademark needs to be renewed. |
Matters/Trademark/Next Renewal Date |
Trademark/NextRenewalDate |
mat_trademark_prioritydate |
The date a priority application was filed for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Priority Date |
Trademark/PriorityDate |
mat_trademark_prioritydate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a priority application was filed for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Priority Date |
Trademark/PriorityDate |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 30
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_trademark_prioritynumber |
The identifier for the priority filing for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Priority Number |
Trademark/PriorityNumber |
mat_trademark_publicationdate |
The date a trademark was published. |
Matters/Trademark/Publication Date |
Trademark/PublicationDate |
mat_trademark_publicationdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a trademark was published. |
Matters/Trademark/Publication Date |
Trademark/PublicationDate |
mat_trademark_publicnumber |
The Part A and Part B of a trademark under the former trademark application rules. |
Matters/Trademark/Part A/B |
Trademark/PublicationNumber |
mat_trademark_reelframenumber |
The reel frame number for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Reel Frame Number |
Trademark/ReelFrameNumber |
mat_trademark_registrationdate |
The date a trademark was registered. |
Matters/Trademark/Registration Date |
Trademark/RegistrationDate |
mat_trademark_registrationdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a trademark was registered. |
Matters/Trademark/Registration Date |
Trademark/RegistrationDate |
mat_trademark_registrationnumber |
The identifier for the registration of a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Registration Number |
Trademark/RegistrationNumber |
mat_trademark_souaccepteddate |
The date a Statement of Use (SOU) for a trademark was accepted. |
Matters/Trademark/SOU Accepted Date |
Trademark/SOUAcceptedDate |
mat_trademark_souaccepteddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a Statement of Use (SOU) for a trademark was accepted. |
Matters/Trademark/SOU Accepted Date |
Trademark/SOUAcceptedDate |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_classclaimed |
The class of goods/services for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/Cross Claimed |
GoodService/ClassClaimed |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_classificationtype |
The classification (such as Class Type 1) of goods/services for a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/Classification Type |
GoodService/ClassificationType_CD |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_comments |
Any comment concerning the goods/services on a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/Comments |
GoodService/Comments_ID |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_enddate |
The date that goods/services for a trademark ends. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/End Date |
GoodService/EndDate |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_enddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that goods/services for a trademark ends. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/End Date |
GoodService/EndDate |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_ goodservicecomments |
Any comment concerning the goods/services on a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/Good Service Comment |
GoodService/GoodServiceComments_ID |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_startdate |
The date that goods/services for a trademark begins. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/Start Date |
GoodService/StartDate |
mat_trademarkgoodservice_startdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that goods/services for a trademark begins. |
Matters/Trademark/Goods Services/Start Date |
GoodService/StartDate |
mat_trademarkopposition_comments |
Any comment concerning the opposition of a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Comments |
Opposition/Comments_ID |
mat_trademarkopposition_direction |
The paty opposing the trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Direction |
Opposition/Direction_CD |
mat_trademarkopposition_oppositionnumber |
An identifier for opposition to a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Opposition Number |
Opposition/OppositionNumber |
mat_trademarkopposition_otherparty |
The opposing party for opposition to a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Other Party |
Opposition/OtherParty |
mat_trademarkopposition_otherpartymark |
The pending or registered mark of the other party that is opposing a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Other Party Mark |
Opposition/OtherPartyMark |
mat_trademarkopposition_status |
The status (such as Not Opposed) of opposition to a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Status |
Opposition/Status_CD |
mat_trademarkopposition_statusdate |
The date a status change occurred for opposition to a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Status Date |
Opposition/StatusDate |
mat_trademarkopposition_statusdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a status change occurred for opposition to a trademark. |
Matters/Trademark/Opposition/Status Date |
Opposition/StatusDate |
peo_baseinfo_adminnumber |
An identifier internal to the eCounsel client for a person. |
People/Base Info/Admin Number |
Person/AdministrationNumber |