HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 33-34
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 33
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
peo_emp_budgetamountforeign |
The amount, expressed in a currency other than the base currency, a person can approve for a budget for a matter. |
People/Employment/Approval Amount Foreign (Budget) |
Company_Person/BudgetAmountForeign |
peo_emp_budgetauthority |
An indication of whether a person has budget approval authority. |
People/Employment/Budget |
Company_Person/BudgetAuthority |
peo_emp_comments |
Any comment concerning a person’s employment. |
People/Employment/Comments |
Company_Person/Comments_ID |
peo_emp_company |
The name of the entity employing a person. |
People/Employment/Employer |
Company_Person/Company_ID |
peo_emp_conversionrate |
The rate by which a foreign currency amount is converted to the base currency in terms of a person’’s billing rate. |
People/Employment/Conversion Rate |
Company_Person/ConversionRate |
peo_emp_currency |
The type of currency in which billing for a matter is expressed. |
People/Employment/Currency |
Company_Person/Currency_CD |
peo_emp_department |
The department for which a person works. |
People/Employment/Department |
Company_Person/PrimaryDept_CD |
peo_emp_enddate |
The date employment ended for a person. |
People/Employment/End Date |
Company_Person/EndDate |
peo_emp_enddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that employment ended for a person. |
People/Employment/End Date |
Company_Person/EndDate |
peo_emp_initials |
The intials of the person being employed. |
People/Employment/Initials |
Company_Person/Initials |
peo_emp_jobclassification |
The type of job done by an employee. |
People/Employment/Job Classification |
Company_Person/JobClassification_CD |
peo_emp_primary |
An indication of whether the employee is the primary contact for the entity. |
People/Employment/Primary Position |
Company_Person/IsPrimary |
peo_emp_reserveamount |
The amount a person can approve for reserves for a matter. |
People/Employment/Amount (Reserve) |
Company_Person/ReserveAmount |
peo_emp_reserveamountforeign |
The amount, expressed in a currency other than the base currency, a person can approve for reserves for a matter. |
People/Employment/Approval Amount Foreign (Reserve) |
Company_Person/ReserveAmountForeign |
peo_emp_reserveauthority |
An indication of whether a person has reserve approval authority |
People/Employment/Reserve |
Company_Person/ResrveAuthority |
peo_emp_settlementauthority |
An indication of whether a person has settlement approval authority. |
People/Employment/Settlement |
Company_Person/SettlementAuthority |
peo_emp_settlementlimit |
The amount a person can approve for a settlement for a matter. |
People/Employment/Amount (Selttlement) |
Company_Person/SettlementLimit |
peo_emp_settlementlimitforeign |
The amount, expressed in a currency other than the base currency, a person can approve for a settlement for a matter. |
People/Employment/Approval Amount Foreign (Settlement) |
Company_Person/SettlementLimitForeign |
peo_emp_status |
An indication of the status of the employee (either active or inactive). |
People/Employment/Active |
Company_Person/Status |
peo_emp_title |
The job title of the employee. |
People/Employment/Title |
Company_Person/Title |
peo_evaluation_comments |
Any comments concerning the evaluation of a person’s performance at his/her job. |
People/Evaluations/Evaluation Comments |
Evaluation/EvaluationComment_ID |
peo_evaluation_date |
The date a person's performance was evaluated. |
People/Evaluations/Evaluation Date |
Evaluation/EvaluationDate |
peo_evaluation_date_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a person's performance was evaluated. |
People/Evaluations/Evaluation Date |
Evaluation/EvaluationDate |
peo_evaluation_enterdby |
The user login ID of the person entering the evaluation. |
People/Evaluations/Entered By |
Evaluation/EnteredBy |
peo_evaluation_enterddate |
The date the evaluation was entered. |
People/Evaluations/Entered Date |
Evaluation/EnteredDate |
peo_evaluation_enterddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the evaluation was entered. |
People/Evaluations/Entered Date |
Evaluation/EnteredDate |
peo_evaluation_evaluator |
The name of the person evaluating the performance. |
People/Evaluations/Evaluator |
Evaluation/Evaluator |
peo_evaluation_mattername |
The matter for which the person's job performance is being evaluated. |
People/Evaluations/Matter Name |
Evaluation/RelatedMatter_ID |
peo_evaluation_rating |
An indication of a person's performance on a job. |
People/Evaluations/Evaluation Rating |
Evaluation/EvaluationRating_CD |
peo_expertise_areaorg |
The area or association with which a person is affiliated or in which a person has expertise. |
People/Expertise-Affiliation/Area- Organization |
ExpertiseAffiliation/ExpertiseAffiliation_CD |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 34
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
peo_expertise_begindate |
The date an affiliation began or expertise was noted. |
People/Expertise-Affiliation/Begin Date |
ExpertiseAffiliation/BeginDate |
peo_expertise_begindate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an affiliation began or expertise was noted. |
People/Expertise-Affiliation/Begin Date |
ExpertiseAffiliation/BeginDate |
peo_expertise_enddate |
The date an affiliation ended or expertise was no longer used by the person. |
People/Expertise-Affiliation/End Date |
ExpertiseAffiliation/EndDate |
peo_expertise_enddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an affiliation ended or expertise was no longer used by the person. |
People/Expertise-Affiliation/End Date |
ExpertiseAffiliation/EndDate |
peo_expertise_type |
Either Affiliation or Expertise for a person. |
People/Expertise-Affiliation/Type |
ExpertiseAffiliation/Type_CD |
selectentity |
A variable used to return information about a selected entity. |
N/A |
N/A |
selectinvoice |
A variable used to return information about a selected invoice. |
N/A |
N/A |
selectmatter |
A variable used to return information about a selected matter. |
N/A |
N/A |
selectpeople |
A variable used to return information about a selected person. |
N/A |
N/A |