HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 17-18
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 17
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_invdet_adjustmentamount |
The dollar amount that will be added to or subtracted from the original amount due to manually entered adjustments on an invoice line item. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Adjustment Amount |
InvoiceDetail/AdjustmentAmount |
mat_invdet_adjustmentdate |
The date an adjustment was applied to a line item on an invoice. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Adjustment Date |
InvoiceDetail/AdjustmentDate |
mat_invdet_adjustmentdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an adjustment was applied to a line item on an invoice. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Adjustment Date |
InvoiceDetail/AdjustmentDate |
mat_invdet_billingentity |
The full name of the entity for which the invoice has been created. |
Invoices/Base Info/Vendor |
Invoice/BillingEntity_EID |
mat_invdet_comments |
Any comment concerning an invoice line item. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Comments |
InvoiceDetail/Comments_ID |
mat_invdet_costtype |
A category to indicate the type of work being performed that is being invoiced for a matter. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Cost Type |
InvoiceDetail/CostType_CD |
mat_invdet_expense |
A code to designate the type of expense that is being invoiced. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Expense Type |
InvoiceDetail/Expense_CD |
mat_invdet_hoursorunits |
The number of hours or units that are being billed on an invoice. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Hours Units |
InvoiceDetail/HoursOrUnits |
mat_invdet_invoiceamount |
The amount that the vendor is billing to the company after any adjustments and discounts have been applied. |
Invoices/Base Info/Invoice Amount |
Invoice/InvoiceAmount |
mat_invdet_invoicedate |
The date an invoice was submitted. |
Invoices/Base Info/Date |
Invoice/InvoiceDate |
mat_invdet_invoicedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an invoice was submitted. |
Invoices/Base Info/Date |
Invoice/InvoiceDate |
mat_invdet_invoicenumber |
An identifier for an invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Invoice # |
Invoice/BillingEntityInvoiceNumber |
mat_invdet_invoicestatus |
The status (such as In Process) of an invoice. |
Invoices/Base Info/Status |
Invoice/InvoiceStatus_CD |
mat_invdet_lineitemamount |
The amount that the vendor is billing to the company after any adjustments/discounts have been applied to an invoice line item. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Adjusted Amount |
InvoiceDetail/LineItemAmount |
mat_invdet_lineitemdate |
The date the work that is being invoiced was performed for a matter. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Line Item Date |
InvoiceDetail/LineItemDate |
mat_invdet_lineitemdate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the work that is being invoiced was performed for a matter. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Line Item Date |
InvoiceDetail/LineItemDate |
mat_invdet_lineitemnumber |
An internal identifier for a line item on an invoice. |
N/A (Internal field) |
InvoiceDetail/LineItemNumber |
mat_invdet_originalamount |
The dollar amount that the vendor is billing to the company for a line item on an invoice. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Original Amount |
InvoiceDetail/OriginalAmount |
mat_invdet_phase |
An Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) category for a legal code for work being performed that is being invoiced. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Phase |
InvoiceDetail/Phase_ID |
mat_invdet_professional |
The name of the person performing the work that is being invoiced for a matter. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/ Professional |
InvoiceDetail/Professional_EID |
mat_invdet_professionalvendor |
The full name of the entity for which the professional is billing for a line item on an invoice. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Vendor |
InvoiceDetail/ProfessionalVendor_EID |
mat_invdet_rate |
The amount per hour or unit that is being billed on an invoice. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Rate |
InvoiceDetail/Rate |
mat_invdet_task |
The type of work performed within the phase that is being invoiced. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Task |
InvoiceDetail/Task_ID |
mat_lawarea |
The area of law associated with a matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Law Area |
Matter/Law_CD |
mat_lawsubarea |
A sub-classification within the area of law for a matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Law Subarea |
Matter/SubLaw_CD |
mat_legalsection |
The legal section (such as Litigation) for a matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Legal Section |
Matter/LegalSection_CD |
mat_litigated |
An indication of whether the Dispute tab should appear for the matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Litigated |
Matter/Litigated |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 18
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_litigation_caseprecedent |
An indication of whether the case sets a corporate or legal precedent. |
Matters/Dispute/Case Precedent |
MatterLiitigation/CasePrecedent |
mat_litigation_classaction |
An indication of whether the case is a class action suit. |
Matters/Dispute/Class Action |
MatterLitigation/ClassAction |
mat_litigation_comments |
Any comments entered concerning the dispute for a matter record. |
Matters/Dispute/Comments |
MatterLitigation/Comments_ID |
mat_litigation_counterclaims |
An inidcation of whether counter claims have been filed. |
Matters/Dispute/Counter Claims |
MatterLitigation/CounterClaims |
mat_litigation_court |
The name of the governmental entity in which the case is being heard. |
Matters/Dispute/Court Forum |
MatterLitigation/Court_EID |
mat_litigation_crossclaims |
An indication of whether the case has cross claim cases filed. |
Matters/Dispute/Cross Claims |
MatterLitigation/CrossClaims |
mat_litigation_directorofficer |
An indication of whether a director/officer is involved in the case. |
Matters/Dispute/Director Officer |
MatterLitigation/DirectorOfficer |
mat_litigation_disposedate |
The date the status was updated. |
Matters/Dispute/Date |
MatterLitigation/DisposeDate |
mat_litigation_disposedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the status was updated. |
Matters/Dispute/Date |
MatterLitigation/DisposeDate |
mat_litigation_disposetype |
The status (such as Arbitration) of the dispute. |
Matters/Dispute/Status Type |
MatterLitigation/DisposeType_CD |
mat_litigation_docket |
The identifier for the case. |
Matters/Dispute/Case Docket # |
MatterLitigation/Docket |
mat_litigation_filedate |
The date the case was filed. |
Matters/Dispute/Date Filed |
MatterLitigation/FileDate |
mat_litigation_filedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the case was filed. |
Matters/Dispute/Date Filed |
MatterLitigation/FileDate |
mat_litigation_incidentlocation |
The area in which the SOL is calculated. |
Matters/Dispute/Location |
MatterLitigation/IncidentDate |
mat_litigation_jurytrial |
An indication of whether the case is tried by a jury. |
Matters/Dispute/Jury Trial |
MatterLitigation/JuryTrial |
mat_litigation_litigationtype |
The classification for the case. |
Matters/Dispute/Type |
MatterLitigation/LitigationType_CD |
mat_litigation_mediacoverage |
An indication of whether the media has been involved in the case. |
Matters/Dispute/Media Coverage |
MatterLitigation/MediaCoverage |
mat_litigation_ourrole |
The role (such as Defendant) of your company in the case. |
Matters/Dispute/Our Role |
MatterLitigation/OurRole_CD |
mat_litigation_prioritycase |
An indication of whether the case is of high priority. |
Matters/Dispute/Priority Case |
MatterLitigation/PriorityCase |
mat_litigation_solcomments |
Any additional information. For example, if the parties have agreed to toll the SOL (effectively creating a longer time period in which the lawsuit can be filed), the information can be entered here. |
Matters/Dispute/SOL Comments |
MatterLitigation/SOLComments_ID |
mat_litigation_solenddate |
The last date a lawsuit can be filed. |
Matters/Dispute/SOL Expires |
MatterLitigation/SOLEndDate |
mat_litigation_solenddate_datetype |
The last date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that a lawsuit can be filed. |
Matters/Dispute/SOL Expires |
MatterLitigation/SOLEndDate |
mat_litigation_sollength |
The number of years the Statute of Limitations (SOL) is in effect. |
Matters/Dispute/Period (Years) |
MatterLitigation/SOLLength |
mat_litigation_solstartdate |
The first date on which the issue can be filed as a lawsuit. The SOL determines how long a Plaintiff can wait to file a lawsuit. The time period varies from state to state. |
Matters/Dispute/SOL Begins |
MatterLitigation/SOLStartDate |
mat_litigation_solstartdate_datetype |
The first date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) on which the issue can be filed as a lawsuit. The SOL determines how long a Plaintiff can wait to file a lawsuit. The time period varies from state to state. |
Matters/Dispute/SOL Begins |
MatterLitigation/SOLStartDate |
mat_longname |
The name of a matter in its entirety. |
Matters/Base Info/Long Matter Name |
Matter/Long_MatterName_ID |
mat_mattername |
The name of a matter as it will appear in all lists in Bridgeway Suite. |
Matters/Base Info/Matter Name |
Matter/MatterName |
mat_matternumber |
The identifier assigned to a matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Matter Number |
Matter/MatterNumber |
mat_mattertype |
The classification (such as Contracts/Agreements) of a matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Matter Type |
Matter/Matter_CD |