HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 15-16
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 15
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field on the Exposure tab is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field on the Exposure tab is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field on the Exposure tab is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the Exposure tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field on the Exposure tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_exposure_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field on the Exposure tab in the Matters module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
mat_exposure_high |
The highest estimate of risk assessment for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Exposure High |
MatterExposure/ExposureHigh |
mat_exposure_highforeign |
If a foreign currency is being used, the high exposure is converted to the base currency for the matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Exposure High Foreign |
MatterExposure/ExposureHighForeign |
mat_exposure_low |
The monetary amount of the lowest estimate of risk assessment for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Exposure Low |
MatterExposure/ExposureLow |
mat_exposure_lowforeign |
If a foreign currency is being used, the low exposure is converted to the base currency for the matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Exposure Low Foreign |
MatterExposure/ExposureLowForeign |
mat_exposure_rate |
The rate by which a foreign currency amount is converted to the base currency in terms of risks for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Conversion Rate |
MatterExposure/ConversionRate |
mat_exposure_setby |
The name of the person assessing the risk of the matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Set By |
MatterExposure/SetBy |
mat_exposure_type |
The classification for the risk exposure for a matter. |
Matters/Exposure/Type |
MatterExposure/Type_CD |
mat_filenumber |
The identifier for a file associated with a matter. |
Matters/Base Info/File Number |
Matter/FileNumber |
mat_inspolicy_agent |
The name of the insurance representative associated with the policy that is related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Agent |
InsurancePolicy/Agent |
mat_inspolicy_broker |
The name of the insurance broker associated with the policy that is related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Broker |
InsurancePolicy/Broker |
mat_inspolicy_carrieronnoticedate |
The date the insurance carrier was put on notice of a claim related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Carrier On Notice Date |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ CarrierOnNoticeDate |
mat_inspolicy_carrieronnoticedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the insurance carrier was put on notice of a claim related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Carrier On Notice Date |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ CarrierOnNoticeDate |
mat_inspolicy_comments |
Any comments entered for an insurance policy that is related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Comments |
MatterInsurancePolicy/Comments_ID |
mat_inspolicy_coveragepercent |
The amount as a percentage of insurance coverage. |
Matters/Insurance/Coverage Percent |
MatterInsurancePolicy/CoveragePercent |
mat_inspolicy_coveragetype |
The classification (such as Primary) for the insurance coverage that is related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Coverage Type |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ CoverageType_CD |
mat_inspolicy_deductible |
The amount that must be paid before the insurance carrier will pay on a claim. |
Matters/Insurance/Deductible |
InsurancePolicy/Deductible |
mat_inspolicy_deductibleforeign |
The amount, in a currency other than the base currency, that must be paid before the insurance carrier will pay on a claim. |
Entities/Insurance/Deductible Foreign |
InsurancePolicy/DeductibleForeign |
mat_inspolicy_defensetendereddate |
The date an attorney was secured to defend the claim related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/DefenseTendered Date |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ DefenseTenderedDate |
mat_inspolicy_defensetendereddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that an attorney was secured to defend the claim related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/DefenseTendered Date |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ DefenseTenderedDate |
HotDocs Variables for eCounsel Document Assembly Table 16
Variable Name |
Description |
Module/Tab/Field |
Table/Field |
mat_inspolicy_insurancecompany |
The name of the entity that is the insurance carrier that is related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Carrier |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ InsuranceCompany_ID |
mat_inspolicy_limits |
The limits of coverage on a policy related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Limits |
InsurancePolicy/Limits |
mat_inspolicy_limitsforeign |
The limits of coverage, in a currency other than the base currency, on a policy related to a matter. |
Entities/Insurance/Limits Foreign |
InsurancePolicy/LimitsForeign |
mat_inspolicy_policyeffectivedate |
The date from which the policy will be in effect. |
Matters/Insurance/Effective Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEffectiveDate |
mat_inspolicy_policyeffectivedate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) from which the policy will be in effect. |
Matters/Insurance/Effective Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEffectiveDate |
mat_inspolicy_policyenddate |
The date the policy is no longer in effect. |
Entities/Insurance/End Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEndDate |
mat_inspolicy_policyenddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the policy is no longer in effect. |
Entities/Insurance/End Date |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyEndDate |
mat_inspolicy_policynumber |
The identifier for the insurance policy that is related to a matter. |
Matters/Insurance/Policy Number |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyNumber |
mat_inspolicy_policytype |
The type of insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Policy Type |
InsurancePolicy/PolicyType_CD |
mat_inspolicy_premium |
The amount paid for the insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Premium |
InsurancePolicy/Premium |
mat_inspolicy_premiumforeign |
The amount, in a currency other than the base currency, paid for the insurance policy. |
Entities/Insurance/Premium Foreign |
InsurancePolicy/PremiumForeign |
mat_inspolicy_reservedrights |
An indication of whether reserved rights are in effect. |
Matters/Insurance/Reserved Rights |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ReservedRights |
mat_inspolicy_tenderaccepteddate |
The date the defense notice was accepted. |
Matters/Insurance/Tender Accepted Date |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ TenderAcceptedDate |
mat_inspolicy_tenderaccepteddate_datetype |
The date (formatted as YYYY/MM/DD by default) that the defense notice was accepted. |
Matters/Insurance/Tender Accepted Date |
MatterInsurancePolicy/ TenderAcceptedDate |
mat_inspolicy_underwriter |
The name of the company with which the policy is associated. |
Matters/Insruance/Underwriter |
InsurancePolicy/UnderWriter |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_comments |
The value of a user field on the Insurance tab if it is a data type of Comments. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Comments_ID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_description |
Any description (such as Comment Field or Lookup Field) entered for a user field on the Insurance tab . |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Description |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_multiselect |
If a user field on the Insurance tab is a multi-select field, the value selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_selectentity |
If a user field on the Insurance tab is a Select – Entity field, the entity selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_selectmatter |
If a user field on the Insurance tab is a Select – Matter field, the matter selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/MatterField_ID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_selectperson |
If a user field on the Insurance tab is a Select – Person field, the person selected. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/EntityField_EID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_tabid |
The identifier of the Insurance tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user fields. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/Tab_ID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_userfieldprofileid |
The identifier of the user field on the Insurance tab in the Matters module for which you want to retrieve user field values. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldProfile_ID |
mat_insurance_ecuserfields_userfieldvalue |
The value entered for a user field on the Insurance tab in the Matters module. |
Dependent on configuration |
UserField/UserFieldValue |
mat_insured |
An indication of whether the Insuarnce tab should appear for the matter. |
Matters/Base Info/Insured |
Matter/Insured |
mat_invdet_activity |
The type of work performed within the phase and task for an invoice line item. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Activity Type |
InvoiceDetail/Activity_CD |
mat_invdet_adjustment |
The type of adjustment (such as reduced fees or reduced hours) on an invoice line item. |
Invoices/Matter/Invoice Detail/Adjustment Type |
InvoiceDetail/Adjustment_CD |